import six import cherrypy from cherrypy.test import helper class IteratorBase(object): created = 0 datachunk = 'butternut squash' * 256 @classmethod def incr(cls): cls.created += 1 @classmethod def decr(cls): cls.created -= 1 class OurGenerator(IteratorBase): def __iter__(self): self.incr() try: for i in range(1024): yield self.datachunk finally: self.decr() class OurIterator(IteratorBase): started = False closed_off = False count = 0 def increment(self): self.incr() def decrement(self): if not self.closed_off: self.closed_off = True self.decr() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if not self.started: self.started = True self.increment() self.count += 1 if self.count > 1024: raise StopIteration return self.datachunk next = __next__ def __del__(self): self.decrement() class OurClosableIterator(OurIterator): def close(self): self.decrement() class OurNotClosableIterator(OurIterator): # We can't close something which requires an additional argument. def close(self, somearg): self.decrement() class OurUnclosableIterator(OurIterator): close = 'close' # not callable! class IteratorTest(helper.CPWebCase): @staticmethod def setup_server(): class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def count(self, clsname): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' return six.text_type(globals()[clsname].created) @cherrypy.expose def getall(self, clsname): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' return globals()[clsname]() @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'': True}) def stream(self, clsname): return self.getall(clsname) cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) def test_iterator(self): try: self._test_iterator() except Exception: 'Test fails intermittently. See #1419' def _test_iterator(self): if cherrypy.server.protocol_version != 'HTTP/1.1': return self.skip() self.PROTOCOL = 'HTTP/1.1' # Check the counts of all the classes, they should be zero. closables = ['OurClosableIterator', 'OurGenerator'] unclosables = ['OurUnclosableIterator', 'OurNotClosableIterator'] all_classes = closables + unclosables import random random.shuffle(all_classes) for clsname in all_classes: self.getPage('/count/' + clsname) self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody('0') # We should also be able to read the entire content body # successfully, though we don't need to, we just want to # check the header. for clsname in all_classes: itr_conn = self.get_conn() itr_conn.putrequest('GET', '/getall/' + clsname) itr_conn.endheaders() response = itr_conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) headers = response.getheaders() for header_name, header_value in headers: if header_name.lower() == 'content-length': assert header_value == six.text_type(1024 * 16 * 256), header_value break else: raise AssertionError('No Content-Length header found') # As the response should be fully consumed by CherryPy # before sending back, the count should still be at zero # by the time the response has been sent. self.getPage('/count/' + clsname) self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody('0') # Now we do the same check with streaming - some classes will # be automatically closed, while others cannot. stream_counts = {} for clsname in all_classes: itr_conn = self.get_conn() itr_conn.putrequest('GET', '/stream/' + clsname) itr_conn.endheaders() response = itr_conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) # Let's check the count - this should always be one. self.getPage('/count/' + clsname) self.assertBody('1') # Now if we close the connection, the count should go back # to zero. itr_conn.close() self.getPage('/count/' + clsname) # If this is a response which should be easily closed, then # we will test to see if the value has gone back down to # zero. if clsname in closables: # Sometimes we try to get the answer too quickly - we # will wait for 100 ms before asking again if we didn't # get the answer we wanted. if self.body != '0': import time time.sleep(0.1) self.getPage('/count/' + clsname) stream_counts[clsname] = int(self.body) # Check that we closed off the classes which should provide # easy mechanisms for doing so. for clsname in closables: assert stream_counts[clsname] == 0, ( 'did not close off stream response correctly, expected ' 'count of zero for %s: %s' % (clsname, stream_counts) )