/* eslint-disable no-console */ /// import { readFile } from "fs/promises"; import { get } from "lodash"; import { parse } from "yaml"; class ConfigReader { config: object; constructor() { this.config = {}; } async open(path: string) { try { const rawConfig = await readFile(path, "utf8"); this.config = parse(rawConfig); } catch (err) { // We don't want to catch the error here, handle it on getValue method } } getValue(sectionName: string, fieldName: string) { const path = `${sectionName}.${fieldName}`; const result = get(this.config, path); if (result === undefined) { throw new Error(`Failed to find ${path} in the local config file`); } return result; } } export default async function overrideEnv(env: Record) { const configPath = env["VITE_BAZARR_CONFIG_FILE"]; if (configPath === undefined) { return; } const reader = new ConfigReader(); await reader.open(configPath); if (env["VITE_API_KEY"] === undefined) { try { const apiKey = reader.getValue("auth", "apikey"); console.log(`Using API key: ${apiKey}`); env["VITE_API_KEY"] = apiKey; process.env["VITE_API_KEY"] = apiKey; } catch (err) { throw new Error( `No API key found, please run the backend first, (error: ${err.message})`, ); } } if (env["VITE_PROXY_URL"] === undefined) { try { const port = reader.getValue("general", "port"); const baseUrl = reader.getValue("general", "base_url"); const url = `${port}${baseUrl}`; console.log(`Using backend url: ${url}`); env["VITE_PROXY_URL"] = url; process.env["VITE_PROXY_URL"] = url; } catch (err) { throw new Error( `No proxy url found, please run the backend first, (error: ${err.message})`, ); } } }