# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sqlite3 import requests from get_sonarr_settings import * def update_series(): # Open database connection db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db')) c = db.cursor() if apikey_sonarr == None: pass else: # Get shows data from Sonarr url_sonarr_api_series = url_sonarr + "/api/series?apikey=" + apikey_sonarr r = requests.get(url_sonarr_api_series) shows_list = [] # Get current shows in DB current_shows_db = c.execute('SELECT tvdbId FROM table_shows').fetchall() current_shows_db_list = [x[0] for x in current_shows_db] current_shows_sonarr = [] # Parsing data returned from Sonarr for show in r.json(): try: overview = unicode(show['overview']) except: overview = "" try: poster_big = show['images'][2]['url'].split('?')[0] poster = os.path.splitext(poster_big)[0] + '-250' + os.path.splitext(poster_big)[1] except: poster = "" try: fanart = show['images'][0]['url'].split('?')[0] except: fanart = "" # Add shows in Sonarr to current shows list current_shows_sonarr.append(show['tvdbId']) # Update or insert shows list in database table result = c.execute('''UPDATE table_shows SET title = ?, path = ?, tvdbId = ?, sonarrSeriesId = ?, overview = ?, poster = ?, fanart = ? WHERE tvdbid = ?''', (show["title"],show["path"],show["tvdbId"],show["id"],overview,poster,fanart,show["tvdbId"])) if result.rowcount == 0: c.execute('''INSERT INTO table_shows(title, path, tvdbId, languages,`hearing_impaired`, sonarrSeriesId, overview, poster, fanart) VALUES (?,?,?,(SELECT languages FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?),(SELECT `hearing_impaired` FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?), ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (show["title"],show["path"],show["tvdbId"],show["tvdbId"],show["tvdbId"],show["id"],overview,poster,fanart)) # Delete shows not in Sonarr anymore deleted_items = [] for item in current_shows_db_list: if item not in current_shows_sonarr: deleted_items.append(tuple([item])) c.executemany('DELETE FROM table_shows WHERE tvdbId = ?',deleted_items) # Commit changes to database table db.commit() # Close database connection db.close()