# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Guess the natural language of a text
#   © 2012 spirit <hiddenspirit@gmail.com>
#   https://bitbucket.org/spirit/guess_language
#   Original Python package:
#   Copyright (c) 2008, Kent S Johnson
#   http://code.google.com/p/guess-language/
#   Original C++ version for KDE:
#   Copyright (c) 2006 Jacob R Rideout <kde@jacobrideout.net>
#   http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/sonnet-refactoring/common/nlp/guesslanguage.cpp?view=markup
#   Original Language::Guess Perl module:
#   Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Maciej Ceglowski
#   http://web.archive.org/web/20090228163219/http://languid.cantbedone.org/
#   Note: Language::Guess is GPL-licensed. KDE developers received permission
#   from the author to distribute their port under LGPL:
#   http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-sonnet&m=116910092228811&w=2
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
#   or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
#   See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import functools
import re
import warnings

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict

from .data import BLOCKS, BLOCK_RSHIFT

__all__ = [
    "guess_language", "use_enchant",

WORD_RE = re.compile(r"(?:[^\W\d_]|['’])+", re.U)
MODEL_ROOT = __name__ + ".data.models."

    "ceb", "en", "eu", "ha", "haw", "id", "la", "nr", "nso", "so", "ss", "st",
    "sw", "tlh", "tn", "ts", "xh", "zu"
    "af", "az", "ca", "cs", "cy", "da", "de", "eo", "es", "et", "fi", "fr",
    "hr", "hu", "is", "it", "lt", "lv", "nb", "nl", "pl", "pt", "ro", "sk",
    "sl", "sq", "sv", "tl", "tr", "ve", "vi"
CYRILLIC = {"bg", "kk", "ky", "mk", "mn", "ru", "sr", "uk", "uz"}
ARABIC = {"ar", "fa", "ps", "ur"}
DEVANAGARI = {"hi", "ne"}
PT = {"pt_BR", "pt_PT"}

# NOTE mn appears twice, once for mongolian script and once for CYRILLIC
    ("Armenian", "hy"),
    ("Hebrew", "he"),
    ("Bengali", "bn"),
    ("Gurmukhi", "pa"),
    ("Greek", "el"),
    ("Gujarati", "gu"),
    ("Oriya", "or"),
    ("Tamil", "ta"),
    ("Telugu", "te"),
    ("Kannada", "kn"),
    ("Malayalam", "ml"),
    ("Sinhala", "si"),
    ("Thai", "th"),
    ("Lao", "lo"),
    ("Tibetan", "bo"),
    ("Burmese", "my"),
    ("Georgian", "ka"),
    ("Mongolian", "mn-Mong"),
    ("Khmer", "km"),

    "ab": "Abkhazian",
    "af": "Afrikaans",
    "ar": "Arabic",
    "az": "Azeri",
    "be": "Byelorussian",
    "bg": "Bulgarian",
    "bn": "Bengali",
    "bo": "Tibetan",
    "br": "Breton",
    "ca": "Catalan",
    "ceb": "Cebuano",
    "cs": "Czech",
    "cy": "Welsh",
    "da": "Danish",
    "de": "German",
    "el": "Greek",
    "en": "English",
    "eo": "Esperanto",
    "es": "Spanish",
    "et": "Estonian",
    "eu": "Basque",
    "fa": "Farsi",
    "fi": "Finnish",
    "fo": "Faroese",
    "fr": "French",
    "fy": "Frisian",
    "gd": "Scots Gaelic",
    "gl": "Galician",
    "gu": "Gujarati",
    "ha": "Hausa",
    "haw": "Hawaiian",
    "he": "Hebrew",
    "hi": "Hindi",
    "hr": "Croatian",
    "hu": "Hungarian",
    "hy": "Armenian",
    "id": "Indonesian",
    "is": "Icelandic",
    "it": "Italian",
    "ja": "Japanese",
    "ka": "Georgian",
    "kk": "Kazakh",
    "km": "Cambodian",
    "ko": "Korean",
    "ku": "Kurdish",
    "ky": "Kyrgyz",
    "la": "Latin",
    "lt": "Lithuanian",
    "lv": "Latvian",
    "mg": "Malagasy",
    "mk": "Macedonian",
    "ml": "Malayalam",
    "mn": "Mongolian",
    "mr": "Marathi",
    "ms": "Malay",
    "nd": "Ndebele",
    "ne": "Nepali",
    "nl": "Dutch",
    "nn": "Nynorsk",
    "no": "Norwegian",
    "nso": "Sepedi",
    "pa": "Punjabi",
    "pl": "Polish",
    "ps": "Pashto",
    "pt": "Portuguese",
    "pt_PT": "Portuguese (Portugal)",
    "pt_BR": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
    "ro": "Romanian",
    "ru": "Russian",
    "sa": "Sanskrit",
    "sh": "Serbo-Croatian",
    "sk": "Slovak",
    "sl": "Slovene",
    "so": "Somali",
    "sq": "Albanian",
    "sr": "Serbian",
    "sv": "Swedish",
    "sw": "Swahili",
    "ta": "Tamil",
    "te": "Telugu",
    "th": "Thai",
    "tl": "Tagalog",
    "tlh": "Klingon",
    "tn": "Setswana",
    "tr": "Turkish",
    "ts": "Tsonga",
    "tw": "Twi",
    "uk": "Ukrainian",
    "ur": "Urdu",
    "uz": "Uzbek",
    "ve": "Venda",
    "vi": "Vietnamese",
    "xh": "Xhosa",
    "zh": "Chinese",
    "zh_TW": "Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)",
    "zu": "Zulu",

    "ab": 12026,
    "af": 40,
    "ar": 26020,
    "az": 26030,
    "be": 11890,
    "bg": 26050,
    "bn": 26040,
    "bo": 26601,
    "br": 1361,
    "ca": 3,
    "ceb": 26060,
    "cs": 26080,
    "cy": 26560,
    "da": 26090,
    "de": 26160,
    "el": 26165,
    "en": 26110,
    "eo": 11933,
    "es": 26460,
    "et": 26120,
    "eu": 1232,
    "fa": 26130,
    "fi": 26140,
    "fo": 11817,
    "fr": 26150,
    "fy": 1353,
    "gd": 65555,
    "gl": 1252,
    "gu": 26599,
    "ha": 26170,
    "haw": 26180,
    "he": 26592,
    "hi": 26190,
    "hr": 26070,
    "hu": 26200,
    "hy": 26597,
    "id": 26220,
    "is": 26210,
    "it": 26230,
    "ja": 26235,
    "ka": 26600,
    "kk": 26240,
    "km": 1222,
    "ko": 26255,
    "ku": 11815,
    "ky": 26260,
    "la": 26280,
    "lt": 26300,
    "lv": 26290,
    "mg": 1362,
    "mk": 26310,
    "ml": 26598,
    "mn": 26320,
    "mr": 1201,
    "ms": 1147,
    "ne": 26330,
    "nl": 26100,
    "nn": 172,
    "no": 26340,
    "pa": 65550,
    "pl": 26380,
    "ps": 26350,
    "pt": 26390,
    "ro": 26400,
    "ru": 26410,
    "sa": 1500,
    "sh": 1399,
    "sk": 26430,
    "sl": 26440,
    "so": 26450,
    "sq": 26010,
    "sr": 26420,
    "sv": 26480,
    "sw": 26470,
    "ta": 26595,
    "te": 26596,
    "th": 26594,
    "tl": 26490,
    "tlh": 26250,
    "tn": 65578,
    "tr": 26500,
    "tw": 1499,
    "uk": 26520,
    "ur": 26530,
    "uz": 26540,
    "vi": 26550,
    "zh": 26065,
    "zh_TW": 22,

models = {}

    from importlib import import_module
except ImportError:
    import sys

    def import_module(name):
        """Import a module.
        return sys.modules[name]

    from collections import namedtuple

    LanguageInfo = namedtuple("LanguageInfo", ["tag", "id", "name"])
except ImportError:
    class LanguageInfo(tuple):
        def __new__(cls, tag, id, name): #@ReservedAssignment
            return tuple.__new__(cls, (tag, id, name))

        def __init__(self, tag, id, name): #@ReservedAssignment
            self.tag = tag
            self.id = id
            self.name = name

class UNKNOWN(str):
    """Unknown language
    def __bool__(self):
        return False

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return False


def guess_language(text, hints=None):
    """Return the ISO 639-1 language code.
    words = WORD_RE.findall(text[:MAX_LENGTH].replace("’", "'"))
    return identify(words, find_runs(words), hints)

def guess_language_info(text, hints=None):
    """Return LanguageInfo(tag, id, name).
    tag = guess_language(text, hints)

    if tag is UNKNOWN:
        return LanguageInfo(UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN)

    return LanguageInfo(tag, _get_id(tag), _get_name(tag))

# An alias for guess_language
guess_language_tag = guess_language

def guess_language_id(text, hints=None):
    """Return the language ID.
    return _get_id(guess_language(text, hints))

def guess_language_name(text, hints=None):
    """Return the language name (in English).
    return _get_name(guess_language(text, hints))

def _get_id(tag):
    return IANA_MAP.get(tag, UNKNOWN)

def _get_name(tag):
    return NAME_MAP.get(tag, UNKNOWN)

def find_runs(words):
    """Count the number of characters in each character block.
    run_types = defaultdict(int)

    total_count = 0

    for word in words:
        for char in word:
            block = BLOCKS[ord(char) >> BLOCK_RSHIFT]
            run_types[block] += 1
            total_count += 1


    # return run types that used for 40% or more of the string
    # return Basic Latin if found more than 15%
    ## and extended additional latin if over 10% (for Vietnamese)
    relevant_runs = []
    for key, value in run_types.items():
        pct = value * 100 // total_count
        if pct >= 40 or pct >= 15 and key == "Basic Latin":
        #elif pct >= 10 and key == "Latin Extended Additional":

    return relevant_runs

def identify(words, scripts, hints=None):
    """Identify the language.
    if ("Hangul Syllables" in scripts or "Hangul Jamo" in scripts or
            "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" in scripts or "Hangul" in scripts):
        return "ko"

    if "Greek and Coptic" in scripts:
        return "el"

    if "Kana" in scripts:
        return "ja"

    if ("CJK Unified Ideographs" in scripts or "Bopomofo" in scripts or
            "Bopomofo Extended" in scripts or "KangXi Radicals" in scripts):
# This is in both Ceglowski and Rideout
# I can't imagine why...
#            or "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" in scripts
        return "zh"

    if "Cyrillic" in scripts:
        return check(words, filter_languages(CYRILLIC, hints))

    if ("Arabic" in scripts or "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" in scripts or
            "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" in scripts):
        return check(words, filter_languages(ARABIC, hints))

    if "Devanagari" in scripts:
        return check(words, filter_languages(DEVANAGARI, hints))

    # Try languages with unique scripts
    for block_name, lang_name in SINGLETONS:
        if block_name in scripts:
            return lang_name

    #if "Latin Extended Additional" in scripts:
        #return "vi"

    if "Extended Latin" in scripts:
        latin_lang = check(words, filter_languages(EXTENDED_LATIN, hints))
        if latin_lang == "pt":
            return check(words, filter_languages(PT))
            return latin_lang

    if "Basic Latin" in scripts:
        return check(words, filter_languages(ALL_LATIN, hints))

    return UNKNOWN

def filter_languages(languages, hints=None):
    """Filter languages.
    return languages.intersection(hints) if hints else languages

def check_with_all(words, languages):
    """Check what the best match is.
    return (check_with_enchant(words, languages) or
            check_with_models(words, languages))

check = check_with_all

def use_enchant(use_enchant=True):
    """Enable or disable checking with PyEnchant.
    global check
    check = check_with_all if use_enchant else check_with_models

def check_with_models(words, languages):
    """Check against known models.
    sample = " ".join(words)

    if len(sample) < MIN_LENGTH:
        return UNKNOWN

    scores = []
    model = create_ordered_model(sample)  # QMap<int,QString>

    for key in languages:
        lkey = key.lower()

            known_model = models[lkey]
        except KeyError:
                known_model = import_module(MODEL_ROOT + lkey).model
            except ImportError:
                known_model = None
            models[lkey] = known_model

        if known_model:
            scores.append((distance(model, known_model), key))

    if not scores:
        return UNKNOWN

    # we want the lowest score, less distance = greater chance of match
    return min(scores)[1]

def create_ordered_model(content):
    """Create a list of trigrams in content sorted by frequency.
    trigrams = defaultdict(int)  # QHash<QString,int>
    content = content.lower()

    for i in range(len(content) - 2):
        trigrams[content[i:i+3]] += 1

    return sorted(trigrams.keys(), key=lambda k: (-trigrams[k], k))

def distance(model, known_model):
    """Calculate the distance to the known model.
    dist = 0

    for i, value in enumerate(model[:MAX_GRAMS]):
        if value in known_model:
            dist += abs(i - known_model[value])
            dist += MAX_GRAMS

    return dist

    import enchant
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("PyEnchant is unavailable", ImportWarning)
    enchant = None

    def check_with_enchant(*args, **kwargs):
        return UNKNOWN
    import locale

    enchant_base_languages_dict = None

    def check_with_enchant(words, languages,
                           threshold=0.7, min_words=1, dictionaries={}):
        """Check against installed spelling dictionaries.
        if len(words) < min_words:
            return UNKNOWN

        best_score = 0
        best_tag = UNKNOWN

        for tag, enchant_tag in get_enchant_base_languages_dict().items():
            if tag not in languages:
                d = dictionaries[tag]
            except KeyError:
                d = dictionaries[tag] = enchant.Dict(enchant_tag)
            score = sum([1 for word in words if d.check(word)])
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                best_tag = tag

        if float(best_score) / len(words) < threshold:
            return UNKNOWN

        return best_tag

    def get_enchant_base_languages_dict():
        """Get ordered dictionary of enchant base languages.

        locale_language, then "en", then the rest.
        global enchant_base_languages_dict
        if enchant_base_languages_dict is None:
            def get_language_sub_tag(tag):
                return tag.split("_")[0]
            enchant_base_languages_dict = OrderedDict()
            enchant_languages = sorted(enchant.list_languages())
            for full_tag in [get_locale_language(), FALLBACK_LANGUAGE]:
                sub_tag = get_language_sub_tag(full_tag)
                if sub_tag not in enchant_base_languages_dict:
                    for tag in [full_tag, sub_tag]:
                            index = enchant_languages.index(tag)
                        except ValueError:
                            enchant_base_languages_dict[sub_tag] = tag
                            del enchant_languages[index]
            for tag in enchant_languages:
                sub_tag = get_language_sub_tag(tag)
                if sub_tag not in enchant_base_languages_dict:
                    enchant_base_languages_dict[sub_tag] = tag
        return enchant_base_languages_dict

    def get_locale_language():
        """Get the language code for the current locale setting.
        return (locale.getlocale()[0] or locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] or

def deprecated(func):
    """This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
    as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted
    when the function is used.
    def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
            "call to deprecated function %s()" % func.__name__,
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return new_func

def guessLanguage(text):
    """Deprecated function - use guess_language() instead.
    return guess_language(decode_text(text))

def guessLanguageTag(text):
    """Deprecated function - use guess_language_tag() instead.
    return guess_language_tag(decode_text(text))

def guessLanguageId(text):
    """Deprecated function - use guess_language_id() instead.
    return guess_language_id(decode_text(text))

def guessLanguageName(text):
    """Deprecated function - use guess_language_name() instead.
    return guess_language_name(decode_text(text))

def guessLanguageInfo(text):
    """Deprecated function - use guess_language_info() instead.
    return guess_language_info(decode_text(text))

def decode_text(text, encoding="utf-8"):
    """Decode text if needed (for deprecated functions).
    if not isinstance(text, str):
        warnings.warn("passing an encoded string is deprecated",
                      DeprecationWarning, 4)
        text = text.decode(encoding)
    return text