# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # IFTTT (If-This-Then-That) # # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Chris Caron # # This file is part of apprise. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # For this plugin to work, you need to add the Maker applet to your profile # Simply visit https://ifttt.com/search and search for 'Webhooks' # Or if you're signed in, click here: https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks # and click 'Connect' # # You'll want to visit the settings of this Applet and pay attention to the # URL. For example, it might look like this: # https://maker.ifttt.com/use/a3nHB7gA9TfBQSqJAHklod # # In the above example a3nHB7gA9TfBQSqJAHklod becomes your {apikey} # You will need this to make this notification work correctly # # For each event you create you will assign it a name (this will be known as # the {event} when building your URL. import requests from json import dumps from .NotifyBase import NotifyBase from .NotifyBase import HTTP_ERROR_MAP class NotifyIFTTT(NotifyBase): """ A wrapper for IFTTT Notifications """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'IFTTT' # The services URL service_url = 'https://ifttt.com/' # The default protocol protocol = 'ifttt' # A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol setup_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_ifttt' # Even though you'll add 'Ingredients' as {{ Value1 }} to your Applets, # you must use their lowercase value in the HTTP POST. ifttt_default_key_prefix = 'value' # The default IFTTT Key to use when mapping the title text to the IFTTT # event. The idea here is if someone wants to over-ride the default and # change it to another Ingredient Name (in 2018, you were limited to have # value1, value2, and value3). ifttt_default_title_key = 'value1' # The default IFTTT Key to use when mapping the body text to the IFTTT # event. The idea here is if someone wants to over-ride the default and # change it to another Ingredient Name (in 2018, you were limited to have # value1, value2, and value3). ifttt_default_body_key = 'value2' # The default IFTTT Key to use when mapping the body text to the IFTTT # event. The idea here is if someone wants to over-ride the default and # change it to another Ingredient Name (in 2018, you were limited to have # value1, value2, and value3). ifttt_default_type_key = 'value3' # IFTTT uses the http protocol with JSON requests notify_url = 'https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{event}/with/key/{apikey}' def __init__(self, apikey, event, event_args=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize IFTTT Object """ super(NotifyIFTTT, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not apikey: raise TypeError('You must specify the Webhooks apikey.') if not event: raise TypeError('You must specify the Event you wish to trigger.') # Store our APIKey self.apikey = apikey # Store our Event we wish to trigger self.event = event if isinstance(event_args, dict): # Make a copy of the arguments so that they can't change # outside of this plugin self.event_args = event_args.copy() else: # Force a dictionary self.event_args = dict() def notify(self, title, body, notify_type, **kwargs): """ Perform IFTTT Notification """ headers = { 'User-Agent': self.app_id, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } # prepare JSON Object payload = { self.ifttt_default_title_key: title, self.ifttt_default_body_key: body, self.ifttt_default_type_key: notify_type, } # Update our payload using any other event_args specified payload.update(self.event_args) # Eliminate empty fields; users wishing to cancel the use of the # self.ifttt_default_ entries can preset these keys to being # empty so that they get caught here and removed. payload = {x: y for x, y in payload.items() if y} # URL to transmit content via url = self.notify_url.format( apikey=self.apikey, event=self.event, ) self.logger.debug('IFTTT POST URL: %s (cert_verify=%r)' % ( url, self.verify_certificate, )) self.logger.debug('IFTTT Payload: %s' % str(payload)) try: r = requests.post( url, data=dumps(payload), headers=headers, verify=self.verify_certificate, ) self.logger.debug( u"IFTTT HTTP response status: %r" % r.status_code) self.logger.debug( u"IFTTT HTTP response headers: %r" % r.headers) self.logger.debug( u"IFTTT HTTP response body: %r" % r.content) if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok: # We had a problem try: self.logger.warning( 'Failed to send IFTTT:%s ' 'notification: %s (error=%s).' % ( self.event, HTTP_ERROR_MAP[r.status_code], r.status_code)) except KeyError: self.logger.warning( 'Failed to send IFTTT:%s ' 'notification (error=%s).' % ( self.event, r.status_code)) # self.logger.debug('Response Details: %s' % r.content) return False else: self.logger.info( 'Sent IFTTT notification to Event %s.' % self.event) except requests.RequestException as e: self.logger.warning( 'A Connection error occured sending IFTTT:%s ' % ( self.event) + 'notification.' ) self.logger.debug('Socket Exception: %s' % str(e)) return False return True @staticmethod def parse_url(url): """ Parses the URL and returns enough arguments that can allow us to substantiate this object. """ results = NotifyBase.parse_url(url) if not results: # We're done early as we couldn't load the results return results # Our Event results['event'] = results['host'] # Our API Key results['apikey'] = results['user'] # Store ValueX entries based on each entry past the host results['event_args'] = { '{0}{1}'.format(NotifyIFTTT.ifttt_default_key_prefix, n + 1): NotifyBase.unquote(x) for n, x in enumerate( NotifyBase.split_path(results['fullpath'])) if x} # Allow users to set key=val parameters to specify more types # of payload options results['event_args'].update( {k: NotifyBase.unquote(v) for k, v in results['qsd'].items()}) return results