from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..conversions import * from ..func_utils import * from ..operations import strict_equality_op import json indent = '' # python 3 support import six if six.PY3: basestring = str long = int xrange = range unicode = str def parse(this, args): text, reviver = get_arg(args, 0), get_arg(args, 1) s = to_string(text) try: unfiltered = json.loads(s) except: raise MakeError( 'SyntaxError', 'JSON.parse could not parse JSON string - Invalid syntax') unfiltered = to_js(unfiltered, if is_callable(reviver): root ={'': unfiltered}) return walk(root, '', reviver) else: return unfiltered def stringify(this, args): global indent value, replacer, space = get_arg(args, 0), get_arg(args, 1), get_arg( args, 2) stack = set([]) indent = '' property_list = replacer_function = undefined if is_object(replacer): if is_callable(replacer): replacer_function = replacer elif replacer.Class == 'Array': property_list = [] for e in replacer: v = replacer[e] item = undefined typ = Type(v) if typ == 'Number': item = to_string(v) elif typ == 'String': item = v elif typ == 'Object': if GetClass(v) in ('String', 'Number'): item = to_string(v) if not is_undefined(item) and item not in property_list: property_list.append(item) if is_object(space): if GetClass(space) == 'Number': space = to_number(space) elif GetClass(space) == 'String': space = to_string(space) if Type(space) == 'Number': space = min(10, to_int(space)) gap = max(int(space), 0) * ' ' elif Type(space) == 'String': gap = space[:10] else: gap = '' return Str('',{ '': value }), replacer_function, property_list, gap, stack, space) def Str(key, holder, replacer_function, property_list, gap, stack, space): value = holder.get(key) if is_object(value): to_json = value.get('toJSON') if is_callable(to_json): value =, (key, )) if not is_undefined(replacer_function): value =, (key, value)) if is_object(value): if value.Class == 'String': value = to_string(value) elif value.Class == 'Number': value = to_number(value) elif value.Class == 'Boolean': value = to_boolean(value) typ = Type(value) if is_null(value): return 'null' elif typ == 'Boolean': return 'true' if value else 'false' elif typ == 'String': return Quote(value) elif typ == 'Number': if not is_infinity(value): return to_string(value) return 'null' if is_object(value) and not is_callable(value): if value.Class == 'Array': return ja(value, stack, gap, property_list, replacer_function, space) else: return jo(value, stack, gap, property_list, replacer_function, space) return undefined def jo(value, stack, gap, property_list, replacer_function, space): global indent if value in stack: raise MakeError('TypeError', 'Converting circular structure to JSON') stack.add(value) stepback = indent indent += gap if not is_undefined(property_list): k = property_list else: k = [unicode(e) for e, d in value.own.items() if d.get('enumerable')] partial = [] for p in k: str_p = Str(p, value, replacer_function, property_list, gap, stack, space) if not is_undefined(str_p): member = json.dumps(p) + ':' + ( ' ' if gap else '') + str_p # todo not sure here - what space character? partial.append(member) if not partial: final = '{}' else: if not gap: final = '{%s}' % ','.join(partial) else: sep = ',\n' + indent properties = sep.join(partial) final = '{\n' + indent + properties + '\n' + stepback + '}' stack.remove(value) indent = stepback return final def ja(value, stack, gap, property_list, replacer_function, space): global indent if value in stack: raise MakeError('TypeError', 'Converting circular structure to JSON') stack.add(value) stepback = indent indent += gap partial = [] length = js_arr_length(value) for index in xrange(length): index = unicode(index) str_index = Str(index, value, replacer_function, property_list, gap, stack, space) if is_undefined(str_index): partial.append('null') else: partial.append(str_index) if not partial: final = '[]' else: if not gap: final = '[%s]' % ','.join(partial) else: sep = ',\n' + indent properties = sep.join(partial) final = '[\n' + indent + properties + '\n' + stepback + ']' stack.remove(value) indent = stepback return final def Quote(string): return json.dumps(string) def to_js(d, _args_space): return convert_to_js_type(d, _args_space) def walk(holder, name, reviver): val = holder.get(name) if GetClass(val) == 'Array': for i in xrange(js_arr_length(val)): i = unicode(i) new_element = walk(val, i, reviver) if is_undefined(new_element): val.delete(i) else: new_element.put(i, new_element) elif is_object(val): for key in [ unicode(e) for e, d in val.own.items() if d.get('enumerable') ]: new_element = walk(val, key, reviver) if is_undefined(new_element): val.delete(key) else: val.put(key, new_element) return, (name, val))