""" A resurrection of some old functions from Python 2 for use in Python 3. These should be used sparingly, to help with porting efforts, since code using them is no longer standard Python 3 code. This module provides the following: 1. Implementations of these builtin functions which have no equivalent on Py3: - apply - chr - cmp - execfile 2. Aliases: - intern <- sys.intern - raw_input <- input - reduce <- functools.reduce - reload <- imp.reload - unichr <- chr - unicode <- str - xrange <- range 3. List-producing versions of the corresponding Python 3 iterator-producing functions: - filter - map - range - zip 4. Forward-ported Py2 types: - basestring - dict - str - long - unicode """ from future.utils import PY3 from past.builtins.noniterators import (filter, map, range, reduce, zip) # from past.builtins.misc import (ascii, hex, input, oct, open) if PY3: from past.types import (basestring, olddict as dict, oldstr as str, long, unicode) else: from __builtin__ import (basestring, dict, str, long, unicode) from past.builtins.misc import (apply, chr, cmp, execfile, intern, oct, raw_input, reload, unichr, unicode, xrange) from past import utils if utils.PY3: # We only import names that shadow the builtins on Py3. No other namespace # pollution on Py3. # Only shadow builtins on Py3; no new names __all__ = ['filter', 'map', 'range', 'reduce', 'zip', 'basestring', 'dict', 'str', 'long', 'unicode', 'apply', 'chr', 'cmp', 'execfile', 'intern', 'raw_input', 'reload', 'unichr', 'xrange' ] else: # No namespace pollution on Py2 __all__ = []