You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
2.5 KiB

import re
import typing
from rebulk.match import Match
seps = frozenset(r' [](){}+*|=-_~#/\\.,;:' + '\uff08\uff09')
suppress_chars = frozenset("'")
release_name_re = re.compile(r'(?P<release>[^\.\s]+(?:\.[^\.\s]+){2,})')
def to_words(value: str,
separators: typing.FrozenSet[str] = seps,
ignore_chars: typing.FrozenSet[str] = suppress_chars,
predicate: typing.Callable[[str], bool] = lambda x: True):
input_string = value
start = 0
i = 0
word = ''
words: typing.List[Match] = []
for c in input_string:
i += 1
if c in ignore_chars:
if c not in separators:
word += c
if not word:
start = i
end = i - 1
if not predicate(value[start:end]):
input_string = blank(input_string, start, end)
words.append(Match(start, i - 1, value=word))
word = ''
start = i
if word:
if not predicate(value[start:]):
input_string = blank(input_string, start, len(input_string))
words.append(Match(start, i, value=word))
for w in words:
w.input_string = input_string
return words
def to_combinations(words: typing.List[Match], max_items: int):
results: typing.List[typing.List[Match]] = []
n_words = len(words)
cur_size = min(max_items, n_words)
start = 0
while cur_size > 0:
end = start + cur_size
if end > n_words:
start = 0
cur_size -= 1
start += 1
return results
def to_sentence(combination: typing.List[Match]):
return ' '.join([c.value for c in combination])
def to_match(combination: typing.List[Match], value: typing.Any):
start = combination[0].start
end = combination[-1].end
input_string = combination[0].input_string
return Match(start, end, value=value, input_string=input_string)
def blank(string: str, start: int, end: int):
return string[:start] + ''.ljust(end - start, ' ') + string[end:]
def blank_match(match: Match):
return blank(match.input_string, match.start, match.end)
def blank_release_names(value: str):
result = value
match =
while match:
result = blank(result, match.start('release'), match.end('release'))
match =, match.end('release'))
return result