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from enum import Enum
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from import Iterable
from pyrsistent._pmap import PMap, pmap
from pyrsistent._pset import PSet, pset
from pyrsistent._pvector import PythonPVector, python_pvector
class CheckedType(object):
Marker class to enable creation and serialization of checked object graphs.
__slots__ = ()
def create(cls, source_data, _factory_fields=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def serialize(self, format=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _restore_pickle(cls, data):
return cls.create(data, _factory_fields=set())
class InvariantException(Exception):
Exception raised from a :py:class:`CheckedType` when invariant tests fail or when a mandatory
field is missing.
Contains two fields of interest:
invariant_errors, a tuple of error data for the failing invariants
missing_fields, a tuple of strings specifying the missing names
def __init__(self, error_codes=(), missing_fields=(), *args, **kwargs):
self.invariant_errors = tuple(e() if callable(e) else e for e in error_codes)
self.missing_fields = missing_fields
super(InvariantException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
return super(InvariantException, self).__str__() + \
", invariant_errors=[{invariant_errors}], missing_fields=[{missing_fields}]".format(
invariant_errors=', '.join(str(e) for e in self.invariant_errors),
missing_fields=', '.join(self.missing_fields))
_preserved_iterable_types = (
"""Some types are themselves iterable, but we want to use the type itself and
not its members for the type specification. This defines a set of such types
that we explicitly preserve.
Note that strings are not such types because the string inputs we pass in are
values, not types.
def maybe_parse_user_type(t):
"""Try to coerce a user-supplied type directive into a list of types.
This function should be used in all places where a user specifies a type,
for consistency.
The policy for what defines valid user input should be clear from the implementation.
is_type = isinstance(t, type)
is_preserved = isinstance(t, type) and issubclass(t, _preserved_iterable_types)
is_string = isinstance(t, str)
is_iterable = isinstance(t, Iterable)
if is_preserved:
return [t]
elif is_string:
return [t]
elif is_type and not is_iterable:
return [t]
elif is_iterable:
# Recur to validate contained types as well.
ts = t
return tuple(e for t in ts for e in maybe_parse_user_type(t))
# If this raises because `t` cannot be formatted, so be it.
raise TypeError(
'Type specifications must be types or strings. Input: {}'.format(t)
def maybe_parse_many_user_types(ts):
# Just a different name to communicate that you're parsing multiple user
# inputs. `maybe_parse_user_type` handles the iterable case anyway.
return maybe_parse_user_type(ts)
def _store_types(dct, bases, destination_name, source_name):
maybe_types = maybe_parse_many_user_types([
for d in ([dct] + [b.__dict__ for b in bases]) if source_name in d
dct[destination_name] = maybe_types
def _merge_invariant_results(result):
verdict = True
data = []
for verd, dat in result:
if not verd:
verdict = False
return verdict, tuple(data)
def wrap_invariant(invariant):
# Invariant functions may return the outcome of several tests
# In those cases the results have to be merged before being passed
# back to the client.
def f(*args, **kwargs):
result = invariant(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(result[0], bool):
return result
return _merge_invariant_results(result)
return f
def _all_dicts(bases, seen=None):
Yield each class in ``bases`` and each of their base classes.
if seen is None:
seen = set()
for cls in bases:
if cls in seen:
yield cls.__dict__
for b in _all_dicts(cls.__bases__, seen):
yield b
def store_invariants(dct, bases, destination_name, source_name):
# Invariants are inherited
invariants = []
for ns in [dct] + list(_all_dicts(bases)):
invariant = ns[source_name]
except KeyError:
if not all(callable(invariant) for invariant in invariants):
raise TypeError('Invariants must be callable')
dct[destination_name] = tuple(wrap_invariant(inv) for inv in invariants)
class _CheckedTypeMeta(ABCMeta):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
_store_types(dct, bases, '_checked_types', '__type__')
store_invariants(dct, bases, '_checked_invariants', '__invariant__')
def default_serializer(self, _, value):
if isinstance(value, CheckedType):
return value.serialize()
return value
dct.setdefault('__serializer__', default_serializer)
dct['__slots__'] = ()
return super(_CheckedTypeMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
class CheckedTypeError(TypeError):
def __init__(self, source_class, expected_types, actual_type, actual_value, *args, **kwargs):
super(CheckedTypeError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.source_class = source_class
self.expected_types = expected_types
self.actual_type = actual_type
self.actual_value = actual_value
class CheckedKeyTypeError(CheckedTypeError):
Raised when trying to set a value using a key with a type that doesn't match the declared type.
source_class -- The class of the collection
expected_types -- Allowed types
actual_type -- The non matching type
actual_value -- Value of the variable with the non matching type
class CheckedValueTypeError(CheckedTypeError):
Raised when trying to set a value using a key with a type that doesn't match the declared type.
source_class -- The class of the collection
expected_types -- Allowed types
actual_type -- The non matching type
actual_value -- Value of the variable with the non matching type
def _get_class(type_name):
module_name, class_name = type_name.rsplit('.', 1)
module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
return getattr(module, class_name)
def get_type(typ):
if isinstance(typ, type):
return typ
return _get_class(typ)
def get_types(typs):
return [get_type(typ) for typ in typs]
def _check_types(it, expected_types, source_class, exception_type=CheckedValueTypeError):
if expected_types:
for e in it:
if not any(isinstance(e, get_type(t)) for t in expected_types):
actual_type = type(e)
msg = "Type {source_class} can only be used with {expected_types}, not {actual_type}".format(
expected_types=tuple(get_type(et).__name__ for et in expected_types),
raise exception_type(source_class, expected_types, actual_type, e, msg)
def _invariant_errors(elem, invariants):
return [data for valid, data in (invariant(elem) for invariant in invariants) if not valid]
def _invariant_errors_iterable(it, invariants):
return sum([_invariant_errors(elem, invariants) for elem in it], [])
def optional(*typs):
""" Convenience function to specify that a value may be of any of the types in type 'typs' or None """
return tuple(typs) + (type(None),)
def _checked_type_create(cls, source_data, _factory_fields=None, ignore_extra=False):
if isinstance(source_data, cls):
return source_data
# Recursively apply create methods of checked types if the types of the supplied data
# does not match any of the valid types.
types = get_types(cls._checked_types)
checked_type = next((t for t in types if issubclass(t, CheckedType)), None)
if checked_type:
return cls([checked_type.create(data, ignore_extra=ignore_extra)
if not any(isinstance(data, t) for t in types) else data
for data in source_data])
return cls(source_data)
class CheckedPVector(PythonPVector, CheckedType, metaclass=_CheckedTypeMeta):
A CheckedPVector is a PVector which allows specifying type and invariant checks.
>>> class Positives(CheckedPVector):
... __type__ = (int, float)
... __invariant__ = lambda n: (n >= 0, 'Negative')
>>> Positives([1, 2, 3])
Positives([1, 2, 3])
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, initial=()):
if type(initial) == PythonPVector:
return super(CheckedPVector, cls).__new__(cls, initial._count, initial._shift, initial._root, initial._tail)
return CheckedPVector.Evolver(cls, python_pvector()).extend(initial).persistent()
def set(self, key, value):
return self.evolver().set(key, value).persistent()
def append(self, val):
return self.evolver().append(val).persistent()
def extend(self, it):
return self.evolver().extend(it).persistent()
create = classmethod(_checked_type_create)
def serialize(self, format=None):
serializer = self.__serializer__
return list(serializer(format, v) for v in self)
def __reduce__(self):
# Pickling support
return _restore_pickle, (self.__class__, list(self),)
class Evolver(PythonPVector.Evolver):
__slots__ = ('_destination_class', '_invariant_errors')
def __init__(self, destination_class, vector):
super(CheckedPVector.Evolver, self).__init__(vector)
self._destination_class = destination_class
self._invariant_errors = []
def _check(self, it):
_check_types(it, self._destination_class._checked_types, self._destination_class)
error_data = _invariant_errors_iterable(it, self._destination_class._checked_invariants)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return super(CheckedPVector.Evolver, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def append(self, elem):
return super(CheckedPVector.Evolver, self).append(elem)
def extend(self, it):
it = list(it)
return super(CheckedPVector.Evolver, self).extend(it)
def persistent(self):
if self._invariant_errors:
raise InvariantException(error_codes=self._invariant_errors)
result = self._orig_pvector
if self.is_dirty() or (self._destination_class != type(self._orig_pvector)):
pv = super(CheckedPVector.Evolver, self).persistent().extend(self._extra_tail)
result = self._destination_class(pv)
return result
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "({0})".format(self.tolist())
__str__ = __repr__
def evolver(self):
return CheckedPVector.Evolver(self.__class__, self)
class CheckedPSet(PSet, CheckedType, metaclass=_CheckedTypeMeta):
A CheckedPSet is a PSet which allows specifying type and invariant checks.
>>> class Positives(CheckedPSet):
... __type__ = (int, float)
... __invariant__ = lambda n: (n >= 0, 'Negative')
>>> Positives([1, 2, 3])
Positives([1, 2, 3])
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, initial=()):
if type(initial) is PMap:
return super(CheckedPSet, cls).__new__(cls, initial)
evolver = CheckedPSet.Evolver(cls, pset())
for e in initial:
return evolver.persistent()
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + super(CheckedPSet, self).__repr__()[4:]
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def serialize(self, format=None):
serializer = self.__serializer__
return set(serializer(format, v) for v in self)
create = classmethod(_checked_type_create)
def __reduce__(self):
# Pickling support
return _restore_pickle, (self.__class__, list(self),)
def evolver(self):
return CheckedPSet.Evolver(self.__class__, self)
class Evolver(PSet._Evolver):
__slots__ = ('_destination_class', '_invariant_errors')
def __init__(self, destination_class, original_set):
super(CheckedPSet.Evolver, self).__init__(original_set)
self._destination_class = destination_class
self._invariant_errors = []
def _check(self, it):
_check_types(it, self._destination_class._checked_types, self._destination_class)
error_data = _invariant_errors_iterable(it, self._destination_class._checked_invariants)
def add(self, element):
self._pmap_evolver[element] = True
return self
def persistent(self):
if self._invariant_errors:
raise InvariantException(error_codes=self._invariant_errors)
if self.is_dirty() or self._destination_class != type(self._original_pset):
return self._destination_class(self._pmap_evolver.persistent())
return self._original_pset
class _CheckedMapTypeMeta(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
_store_types(dct, bases, '_checked_key_types', '__key_type__')
_store_types(dct, bases, '_checked_value_types', '__value_type__')
store_invariants(dct, bases, '_checked_invariants', '__invariant__')
def default_serializer(self, _, key, value):
sk = key
if isinstance(key, CheckedType):
sk = key.serialize()
sv = value
if isinstance(value, CheckedType):
sv = value.serialize()
return sk, sv
dct.setdefault('__serializer__', default_serializer)
dct['__slots__'] = ()
return super(_CheckedMapTypeMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
# Marker object
class CheckedPMap(PMap, CheckedType, metaclass=_CheckedMapTypeMeta):
A CheckedPMap is a PMap which allows specifying type and invariant checks.
>>> class IntToFloatMap(CheckedPMap):
... __key_type__ = int
... __value_type__ = float
... __invariant__ = lambda k, v: (int(v) == k, 'Invalid mapping')
>>> IntToFloatMap({1: 1.5, 2: 2.25})
IntToFloatMap({1: 1.5, 2: 2.25})
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, initial={}, size=_UNDEFINED_CHECKED_PMAP_SIZE):
return super(CheckedPMap, cls).__new__(cls, size, initial)
evolver = CheckedPMap.Evolver(cls, pmap())
for k, v in initial.items():
evolver.set(k, v)
return evolver.persistent()
def evolver(self):
return CheckedPMap.Evolver(self.__class__, self)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "({0})".format(str(dict(self)))
__str__ = __repr__
def serialize(self, format=None):
serializer = self.__serializer__
return dict(serializer(format, k, v) for k, v in self.items())
def create(cls, source_data, _factory_fields=None):
if isinstance(source_data, cls):
return source_data
# Recursively apply create methods of checked types if the types of the supplied data
# does not match any of the valid types.
key_types = get_types(cls._checked_key_types)
checked_key_type = next((t for t in key_types if issubclass(t, CheckedType)), None)
value_types = get_types(cls._checked_value_types)
checked_value_type = next((t for t in value_types if issubclass(t, CheckedType)), None)
if checked_key_type or checked_value_type:
return cls(dict((checked_key_type.create(key) if checked_key_type and not any(isinstance(key, t) for t in key_types) else key,
checked_value_type.create(value) if checked_value_type and not any(isinstance(value, t) for t in value_types) else value)
for key, value in source_data.items()))
return cls(source_data)
def __reduce__(self):
# Pickling support
return _restore_pickle, (self.__class__, dict(self),)
class Evolver(PMap._Evolver):
__slots__ = ('_destination_class', '_invariant_errors')
def __init__(self, destination_class, original_map):
super(CheckedPMap.Evolver, self).__init__(original_map)
self._destination_class = destination_class
self._invariant_errors = []
def set(self, key, value):
_check_types([key], self._destination_class._checked_key_types, self._destination_class, CheckedKeyTypeError)
_check_types([value], self._destination_class._checked_value_types, self._destination_class)
self._invariant_errors.extend(data for valid, data in (invariant(key, value)
for invariant in self._destination_class._checked_invariants)
if not valid)
return super(CheckedPMap.Evolver, self).set(key, value)
def persistent(self):
if self._invariant_errors:
raise InvariantException(error_codes=self._invariant_errors)
if self.is_dirty() or type(self._original_pmap) != self._destination_class:
return self._destination_class(self._buckets_evolver.persistent(), self._size)
return self._original_pmap