You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { useSubtitleAction } from "@/apis/hooks";
import { Selector, SelectorOption } from "@/components";
import { useModals, withModal } from "@/modules/modals";
import { task } from "@/modules/task";
import { Button, Divider, Stack } from "@mantine/core";
import { useForm } from "@mantine/hooks";
import { FunctionComponent } from "react";
const TaskName = "Changing Color";
function convertToAction(color: string) {
return `color(name=${color})`;
export const colorOptions: SelectorOption<string>[] = [
label: "White",
value: "white",
label: "Light Gray",
value: "light-gray",
label: "Red",
value: "red",
label: "Green",
value: "green",
label: "Yellow",
value: "yellow",
label: "Blue",
value: "blue",
label: "Magenta",
value: "magenta",
label: "Cyan",
value: "cyan",
label: "Black",
value: "black",
label: "Dark Red",
value: "dark-red",
label: "Dark Green",
value: "dark-green",
label: "Dark Yellow",
value: "dark-yellow",
label: "Dark Blue",
value: "dark-blue",
label: "Dark Magenta",
value: "dark-magenta",
label: "Dark Cyan",
value: "dark-cyan",
label: "Dark Grey",
value: "dark-grey",
interface Props {
selections: FormType.ModifySubtitle[];
onSubmit?: VoidFunction;
const ColorToolForm: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ selections, onSubmit }) => {
const { mutateAsync } = useSubtitleAction();
const modals = useModals();
const form = useForm({
initialValues: {
color: "",
validationRules: {
color: (c) => colorOptions.find((op) => op.value === c) !== undefined,
return (
onSubmit={form.onSubmit(({ color }) => {
const action = convertToAction(color);
selections.forEach((s) =>
task.create(s.path, TaskName, mutateAsync, {
form: s,
<Button type="submit">Start</Button>
export const ColorToolModal = withModal(ColorToolForm, "color-tool", {
title: "Change Color",
export default ColorToolForm;