You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
2.3 KiB

{"description": "quote_char=\"'\"",
"options": {"quote_char": "'"},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "span", [{"namespace": null, "name": "title", "value": "test 'with' quote_char"}]]],
"expected": ["<span title='test &#39;with&#39; quote_char'>"]
{"description": "quote_attr_values=true",
"options": {"quote_attr_values": true},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "button", [{"namespace": null, "name": "disabled", "value" :"disabled"}]]],
"expected": ["<button disabled>"],
"xhtml": ["<button disabled=\"disabled\">"]
{"description": "quote_attr_values=true with irrelevant",
"options": {"quote_attr_values": true},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "div", [{"namespace": null, "name": "irrelevant", "value" :"irrelevant"}]]],
"expected": ["<div irrelevant>"],
"xhtml": ["<div irrelevant=\"irrelevant\">"]
{"description": "use_trailing_solidus=true with void element",
"options": {"use_trailing_solidus": true},
"input": [["EmptyTag", "img", {}]],
"expected": ["<img />"]
{"description": "use_trailing_solidus=true with non-void element",
"options": {"use_trailing_solidus": true},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "div", {}]],
"expected": ["<div>"]
{"description": "minimize_boolean_attributes=false",
"options": {"minimize_boolean_attributes": false},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "div", [{"namespace": null, "name": "irrelevant", "value" :"irrelevant"}]]],
"expected": ["<div irrelevant=irrelevant>"],
"xhtml": ["<div irrelevant=\"irrelevant\">"]
{"description": "minimize_boolean_attributes=false with empty value",
"options": {"minimize_boolean_attributes": false},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "div", [{"namespace": null, "name": "irrelevant", "value" :""}]]],
"expected": ["<div irrelevant=\"\">"]
{"description": "escape less than signs in attribute values",
"options": {"escape_lt_in_attrs": true},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "a", [{"namespace": null, "name": "title", "value": "a<b>c&d"}]]],
"expected": ["<a title=\"a&lt;b>c&amp;d\">"]
{"description": "rcdata",
"options": {"escape_rcdata": true},
"input": [["StartTag", "", "script", {}], ["Characters", "a<b>c&d"]],
"expected": ["<script>a&lt;b&gt;c&amp;d"]