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"""Tests to ensure that the html5lib tree builder generates good trees."""
import warnings
from bs4.builder import HTML5TreeBuilder
except ImportError as e:
from bs4.element import SoupStrainer
from . import (
"html5lib seems not to be present, not testing its tree builder.")
class TestHTML5LibBuilder(SoupTest, HTML5TreeBuilderSmokeTest):
"""See ``HTML5TreeBuilderSmokeTest``."""
def default_builder(self):
return HTML5TreeBuilder
def test_soupstrainer(self):
# The html5lib tree builder does not support SoupStrainers.
strainer = SoupStrainer("b")
markup = "<p>A <b>bold</b> statement.</p>"
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
soup = self.soup(markup, parse_only=strainer)
assert soup.decode() == self.document_for(markup)
assert "the html5lib tree builder doesn't support parse_only" in str(w[0].message)
def test_correctly_nested_tables(self):
"""html5lib inserts <tbody> tags where other parsers don't."""
markup = ('<table id="1">'
"<td>Here's another table:"
'<table id="2">'
'<table id="1"><tbody><tr><td>Here\'s another table:'
'<table id="2"><tbody><tr><td>foo</td></tr></tbody></table>'
def test_xml_declaration_followed_by_doctype(self):
markup = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
soup = self.soup(markup)
# Verify that we can reach the <p> tag; this means the tree is connected.
assert b"<p>foo</p>" == soup.p.encode()
def test_reparented_markup(self):
markup = '<p><em>foo</p>\n<p>bar<a></a></em></p>'
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert "<body><p><em>foo</em></p><em>\n</em><p><em>bar<a></a></em></p></body>" == soup.body.decode()
assert 2 == len(soup.find_all('p'))
def test_reparented_markup_ends_with_whitespace(self):
markup = '<p><em>foo</p>\n<p>bar<a></a></em></p>\n'
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert "<body><p><em>foo</em></p><em>\n</em><p><em>bar<a></a></em></p>\n</body>" == soup.body.decode()
assert 2 == len(soup.find_all('p'))
def test_reparented_markup_containing_identical_whitespace_nodes(self):
"""Verify that we keep the two whitespace nodes in this
document distinct when reparenting the adjacent <tbody> tags.
markup = '<table> <tbody><tbody><ims></tbody> </table>'
soup = self.soup(markup)
space1, space2 = soup.find_all(string=' ')
tbody1, tbody2 = soup.find_all('tbody')
assert space1.next_element is tbody1
assert tbody2.next_element is space2
def test_reparented_markup_containing_children(self):
markup = '<div><a>aftermath<p><noscript>target</noscript>aftermath</a></p></div>'
soup = self.soup(markup)
noscript = soup.noscript
assert "target" == noscript.next_element
target = soup.find(string='target')
# The 'aftermath' string was duplicated; we want the second one.
final_aftermath = soup.find_all(string='aftermath')[-1]
# The <noscript> tag was moved beneath a copy of the <a> tag,
# but the 'target' string within is still connected to the
# (second) 'aftermath' string.
assert final_aftermath == target.next_element
assert target == final_aftermath.previous_element
def test_processing_instruction(self):
"""Processing instructions become comments."""
markup = b"""<?PITarget PIContent?>"""
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert str(soup).startswith("<!--?PITarget PIContent?-->")
def test_cloned_multivalue_node(self):
markup = b"""<a class="my_class"><p></a>"""
soup = self.soup(markup)
a1, a2 = soup.find_all('a')
assert a1 == a2
assert a1 is not a2
def test_foster_parenting(self):
markup = b"""<table><td></tbody>A"""
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert "<body>A<table><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table></body>" == soup.body.decode()
def test_extraction(self):
Test that extraction does not destroy the tree.
markup = """
soup = self.soup(markup)
[s.extract() for s in soup('script')]
[s.extract() for s in soup('style')]
assert len(soup.find_all("p")) == 1
def test_empty_comment(self):
Test that empty comment does not break structure.
markup = """
<!----><input type="text">
soup = self.soup(markup)
inputs = []
for form in soup.find_all('form'):
assert len(inputs) == 1
def test_tracking_line_numbers(self):
# The html.parser TreeBuilder keeps track of line number and
# position of each element.
markup = "\n <p>\n\n<sourceline>\n<b>text</b></sourceline><sourcepos></p>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
assert 2 == soup.p.sourceline
assert 5 == soup.p.sourcepos
assert "sourceline" == soup.p.find('sourceline').name
# You can deactivate this behavior.
soup = self.soup(markup, store_line_numbers=False)
assert "sourceline" ==
assert "sourcepos" ==
def test_special_string_containers(self):
# The html5lib tree builder doesn't support this standard feature,
# because there's no way of knowing, when a string is created,
# where in the tree it will eventually end up.
def test_html5_attributes(self):
# The html5lib TreeBuilder can convert any entity named in
# the HTML5 spec to a sequence of Unicode characters, and
# convert those Unicode characters to a (potentially
# different) named entity on the way out.
# This is a copy of the same test from
# HTMLParserTreeBuilderSmokeTest. It's not in the superclass
# because the lxml HTML TreeBuilder _doesn't_ work this way.
for input_element, output_unicode, output_element in (
("&RightArrowLeftArrow;", '\u21c4', b'&rlarr;'),
('&models;', '\u22a7', b'&models;'),
('&Nfr;', '\U0001d511', b'&Nfr;'),
('&ngeqq;', '\u2267\u0338', b'&ngeqq;'),
('&not;', '\xac', b'&not;'),
('&Not;', '\u2aec', b'&Not;'),
('&quot;', '"', b'"'),
('&there4;', '\u2234', b'&there4;'),
('&Therefore;', '\u2234', b'&there4;'),
('&therefore;', '\u2234', b'&there4;'),
("&fjlig;", 'fj', b'fj'),
("&sqcup;", '\u2294', b'&sqcup;'),
("&sqcups;", '\u2294\ufe00', b'&sqcups;'),
("&apos;", "'", b"'"),
("&verbar;", "|", b"|"),
markup = '<div>%s</div>' % input_element
div = self.soup(markup).div
without_element = div.encode()
expect = b"<div>%s</div>" % output_unicode.encode("utf8")
assert without_element == expect
with_element = div.encode(formatter="html")
expect = b"<div>%s</div>" % output_element
assert with_element == expect