You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
3.9 KiB

import six
if six.PY3:
basestring = str
long = int
xrange = range
unicode = str
0: '0',
1: '1',
2: '2',
3: '3',
4: '4',
5: '5',
6: '6',
7: '7',
8: '8',
9: '9',
10: 'a',
11: 'b',
12: 'c',
13: 'd',
14: 'e',
15: 'f',
16: 'g',
17: 'h',
18: 'i',
19: 'j',
20: 'k',
21: 'l',
22: 'm',
23: 'n',
24: 'o',
25: 'p',
26: 'q',
27: 'r',
28: 's',
29: 't',
30: 'u',
31: 'v',
32: 'w',
33: 'x',
34: 'y',
35: 'z'
def to_str_rep(num):
if num.is_nan():
return num.Js('NaN')
elif num.is_infinity():
sign = '-' if num.value < 0 else ''
return num.Js(sign + 'Infinity')
elif isinstance(num.value,
(long, int)) or num.value.is_integer(): # dont print .0
return num.Js(unicode(int(num.value)))
return num.Js(unicode(num.value)) # accurate enough
class NumberPrototype:
def toString(radix):
if this.Class != 'Number':
raise this.MakeError('TypeError',
'Number.prototype.valueOf is not generic')
if radix.is_undefined():
return to_str_rep(this)
r = radix.to_int()
if r == 10:
return to_str_rep(this)
if r not in xrange(2, 37):
raise this.MakeError(
'Number.prototype.toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36'
num = this.to_int()
if num < 0:
num = -num
sign = '-'
sign = ''
res = ''
while num:
s = RADIX_SYMBOLS[num % r]
num = num // r
res = s + res
return sign + (res if res else '0')
def valueOf():
if this.Class != 'Number':
raise this.MakeError('TypeError',
'Number.prototype.valueOf is not generic')
return this.value
def toLocaleString():
return this.to_string()
def toFixed(fractionDigits):
if this.Class != 'Number':
raise this.MakeError(
'Number.prototype.toFixed called on incompatible receiver')
digs = fractionDigits.to_int()
if digs < 0 or digs > 20:
raise this.MakeError(
'toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20')
elif this.is_infinity():
return 'Infinity' if this.value > 0 else '-Infinity'
elif this.is_nan():
return 'NaN'
return format(this.value, '-.%df' % digs)
def toExponential(fractionDigits):
if this.Class != 'Number':
raise this.MakeError(
'Number.prototype.toExponential called on incompatible receiver'
digs = fractionDigits.to_int()
if digs < 0 or digs > 20:
raise this.MakeError(
'toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20')
elif this.is_infinity():
return 'Infinity' if this.value > 0 else '-Infinity'
elif this.is_nan():
return 'NaN'
return format(this.value, '-.%de' % digs)
def toPrecision(precision):
if this.Class != 'Number':
raise this.MakeError(
'Number.prototype.toPrecision called on incompatible receiver')
if precision.is_undefined():
return this.to_string()
prec = precision.to_int()
if this.is_nan():
return 'NaN'
elif this.is_infinity():
return 'Infinity' if this.value > 0 else '-Infinity'
digs = prec - len(str(int(this.value)))
if digs >= 0:
return format(this.value, '-.%df' % digs)
return format(this.value, '-.%df' % (prec - 1))