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import contextlib
import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
import re
import time
from typing import Union
from unittest import mock
def flatten_result(result):
return re.sub(r"[\s\r\n]+", " ", result).strip()
def result_lines(result):
return [
for x in re.split(r"\r?\n", re.sub(r" +", " ", result))
if x.strip() != ""
def make_path(
filespec: Union[Path, str],
make_absolute: bool = True,
check_exists: bool = False,
) -> Path:
path = Path(filespec)
if make_absolute:
path = path.resolve(strict=check_exists)
if check_exists and (not path.exists()):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"No file or directory at {filespec}")
return path
def _unlink_path(path, missing_ok=False):
# Replicate 3.8+ functionality in 3.7
cm = contextlib.nullcontext()
if missing_ok:
cm = contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError)
with cm:
def replace_file_with_dir(pathspec):
path = pathlib.Path(pathspec)
_unlink_path(path, missing_ok=True)
return path
def file_with_template_code(filespec):
with open(filespec, "w") as f:
i am an artificial template just for you
return filespec
def rewind_compile_time(hours=1):
rewound = time.time() - (hours * 3_600)
with mock.patch("mako.codegen.time") as codegen_time:
codegen_time.time.return_value = rewound