You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
1.2 KiB

import { FunctionComponent, ReactNode, useMemo } from "react";
import { Row } from "react-bootstrap";
import ContentHeaderButton, { ContentHeaderAsyncButton } from "./Button";
import ContentHeaderGroup from "./Group";
interface Props {
scroll?: boolean;
className?: string;
declare type Header = FunctionComponent<Props> & {
Button: typeof ContentHeaderButton;
AsyncButton: typeof ContentHeaderAsyncButton;
Group: typeof ContentHeaderGroup;
export const ContentHeader: Header = ({ children, scroll, className }) => {
const cls = useMemo(() => {
const rowCls = ["content-header", "bg-dark", "p-2"];
if (className !== undefined) {
if (scroll !== false) {
return rowCls.join(" ");
}, [scroll, className]);
let childItem: ReactNode;
if (scroll !== false) {
childItem = (
<div className="d-flex flex-nowrap flex-grow-1">{children}</div>
} else {
childItem = children;
return <Row className={cls}>{childItem}</Row>;
ContentHeader.Button = ContentHeaderButton;
ContentHeader.Group = ContentHeaderGroup;
ContentHeader.AsyncButton = ContentHeaderAsyncButton;
export default ContentHeader;