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#!/usr/bin/env python
from json import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from dynaconf.vendor.tomllib import TOMLDecodeError
from dynaconf.vendor.ruamel.yaml import YAMLError
from.exceptions import BoxError import Box
from.box_list import BoxList
def _to_json(data):
try:return Box.from_json(data)
except JSONDecodeError:raise BoxError('File is not JSON as expected')
except BoxError:return BoxList.from_json(data)
def _to_yaml(data):
try:return Box.from_yaml(data)
except YAMLError:raise BoxError('File is not YAML as expected')
except BoxError:return BoxList.from_yaml(data)
def _to_toml(data):
try:return Box.from_toml(data)
except TOMLDecodeError:raise BoxError('File is not TOML as expected')
def box_from_file(file,file_type=None,encoding='utf-8',errors='strict'):
if not isinstance(A,Path):A=Path(A)
if not A.exists():raise BoxError(f'file "{A}" does not exist')
if C:
if C.lower()=='json':return _to_json(B)
if C.lower()=='yaml':return _to_yaml(B)
if C.lower()=='toml':return _to_toml(B)
raise BoxError(f'"{C}" is an unknown type, please use either toml, yaml or json')
if A.suffix in('.json','.jsn'):return _to_json(B)
if A.suffix in('.yaml','.yml'):return _to_yaml(B)
if A.suffix in('.tml','.toml'):return _to_toml(B)
raise BoxError(f"Could not determine file type based off extension, please provide file_type")