You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
7.2 KiB

import re
import warnings
from typing import List
import pysubs2
from .formatbase import FormatBase
from .ssaevent import SSAEvent
from .ssastyle import SSAStyle
from .substation import parse_tags
from .exceptions import ContentNotUsable
from .time import ms_to_times, make_time, TIMESTAMP, timestamp_to_ms
#: Largest timestamp allowed in SubRip, ie. 99:59:59,999.
MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME = make_time(h=100) - 1
class SubripFormat(FormatBase):
"""SubRip Text (SRT) subtitle format implementation"""
def ms_to_timestamp(ms: int) -> str:
"""Convert ms to 'HH:MM:SS,mmm'"""
if ms < 0:
ms = 0
warnings.warn("Overflow in SubRip timestamp, clamping to MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME", RuntimeWarning)
h, m, s, ms = ms_to_times(ms)
return f"{h:02d}:{m:02d}:{s:02d},{ms:03d}"
def timestamp_to_ms(groups):
return timestamp_to_ms(groups)
def guess_format(cls, text):
"""See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.guess_format()`"""
if "[Script Info]" in text or "[V4+ Styles]" in text:
# disambiguation vs. SSA/ASS
return None
if text.lstrip().startswith("WEBVTT"):
# disambiguation vs. WebVTT
return None
for line in text.splitlines():
if len(cls.TIMESTAMP.findall(line)) == 2:
return "srt"
def from_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, keep_html_tags=False, keep_unknown_html_tags=False, **kwargs):
See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.from_file()`
Supported tags:
- ``<i>``
- ``<u>``
- ``<s>``
- ``<b>``
Keyword args:
keep_html_tags: If True, all HTML tags will be kept as-is instead of being
converted to SubStation tags (eg. you will get ``<i>example</i>`` instead of ``{\\i1}example{\\i0}``).
Setting this to True overrides the ``keep_unknown_html_tags`` option.
keep_unknown_html_tags: If True, supported HTML tags will be converted
to SubStation tags and any other HTML tags will be kept as-is
(eg. you would get ``<blink>example {\\i1}text{\\i0}</blink>``).
If False, these other HTML tags will be stripped from output
(in the previous example, you would get only ``example {\\i1}text{\\i0}``).
timestamps = [] # (start, end)
following_lines = [] # contains lists of lines following each timestamp
for line in fp:
stamps = cls.TIMESTAMP.findall(line)
if len(stamps) == 2: # timestamp line
start, end = map(cls.timestamp_to_ms, stamps)
timestamps.append((start, end))
if timestamps:
def prepare_text(lines):
# Handle the "happy" empty subtitle case, which is timestamp line followed by blank line(s)
# followed by number line and timestamp line of the next subtitle. Fixes issue #11.
if (len(lines) >= 2
and all(re.match(r"\s*$", line) for line in lines[:-1])
and re.match(r"\s*\d+\s*$", lines[-1])):
return ""
# Handle the general case.
s = "".join(lines).strip()
s = re.sub(r"\n+ *\d+ *$", "", s) # strip number of next subtitle
if not keep_html_tags:
s = re.sub(r"< *i *>", r"{\\i1}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< */ *i *>", r"{\\i0}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< *s *>", r"{\\s1}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< */ *s *>", r"{\\s0}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< *u *>", r"{\\u1}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< */ *u *>", r"{\\u0}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< *b *>", r"{\\b1}", s)
s = re.sub(r"< */ *b *>", r"{\\b0}", s)
if not (keep_html_tags or keep_unknown_html_tags):
s = re.sub(r"< */? *[a-zA-Z][^>]*>", "", s) # strip other HTML tags
s = re.sub(r"\n", r"\\N", s) # convert newlines
return s = [SSAEvent(start=start, end=end, text=prepare_text(lines))
for (start, end), lines in zip(timestamps, following_lines)]
def to_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, apply_styles=True, keep_ssa_tags=False, **kwargs):
See :meth:`pysubs2.formats.FormatBase.to_file()`
Italic, underline and strikeout styling is supported.
Keyword args:
apply_styles: If False, do not write any styling (ignore line style
and override tags).
keep_ssa_tags: If True, instead of trying to convert inline override
tags to HTML (as supported by SRT), any inline tags will be passed
to output (eg. ``{\\an7}``, which would be otherwise stripped;
or ``{\\b1}`` instead of ``<b>``). Whitespace tags ``\\h``, ``\\n``
and ``\\N`` will always be converted to whitespace regardless of
this option. In the current implementation, enabling this option
disables processing of line styles - you will get inline tags but
if for example line's style is italic you will not get ``{\\i1}``
at the beginning of the line. (Since this option is mostly useful
for dealing with non-standard SRT files, ie. both input and output
is SRT which doesn't use line styles - this shouldn't be much
of an issue in practice.)
def prepare_text(text: str, style: SSAStyle):
text = text.replace(r"\h", " ")
text = text.replace(r"\n", "\n")
text = text.replace(r"\N", "\n")
body = []
if keep_ssa_tags:
for fragment, sty in parse_tags(text, style, subs.styles):
if apply_styles:
if sty.italic: fragment = f"<i>{fragment}</i>"
if sty.underline: fragment = f"<u>{fragment}</u>"
if sty.strikeout: fragment = f"<s>{fragment}</s>"
if sty.drawing: raise ContentNotUsable
return re.sub("\n+", "\n", "".join(body).strip())
visible_lines = cls._get_visible_lines(subs)
lineno = 1
for line in visible_lines:
start = cls.ms_to_timestamp(line.start)
end = cls.ms_to_timestamp(line.end)
text = prepare_text(line.text, subs.styles.get(, SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE))
except ContentNotUsable:
print(lineno, file=fp)
print(start, "-->", end, file=fp)
print(text, end="\n\n", file=fp)
lineno += 1
def _get_visible_lines(cls, subs: "pysubs2.SSAFile") -> List["pysubs2.SSAEvent"]:
visible_lines = [line for line in subs if not line.is_comment]
return visible_lines