You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1053 lines
38 KiB
1053 lines
38 KiB
import datetime
import io
from os import linesep
import re
import sys
from .tz import TomlTz
if sys.version_info < (3,):
_range = xrange # noqa: F821
unicode = str
_range = range
basestring = str
unichr = chr
def _detect_pathlib_path(p):
if (3, 4) <= sys.version_info:
import pathlib
if isinstance(p, pathlib.PurePath):
return True
return False
def _ispath(p):
if isinstance(p, (bytes, basestring)):
return True
return _detect_pathlib_path(p)
def _getpath(p):
if (3, 6) <= sys.version_info:
import os
return os.fspath(p)
if _detect_pathlib_path(p):
return str(p)
return p
FNFError = FileNotFoundError
except NameError:
FNFError = IOError
TIME_RE = re.compile(r"([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]{3,6}))?")
class TomlDecodeError(ValueError):
"""Base toml Exception / Error."""
def __init__(self, msg, doc, pos):
lineno = doc.count('\n', 0, pos) + 1
colno = pos - doc.rfind('\n', 0, pos)
emsg = '{} (line {} column {} char {})'.format(msg, lineno, colno, pos)
ValueError.__init__(self, emsg)
self.msg = msg
self.doc = doc
self.pos = pos
self.lineno = lineno
self.colno = colno
# Matches a TOML number, which allows underscores for readability
_number_with_underscores = re.compile('([0-9])(_([0-9]))*')
class CommentValue(object):
def __init__(self, val, comment, beginline, _dict):
self.val = val
separator = "\n" if beginline else " "
self.comment = separator + comment
self._dict = _dict
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.val[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.val[key] = value
def dump(self, dump_value_func):
retstr = dump_value_func(self.val)
if isinstance(self.val, self._dict):
return self.comment + "\n" + unicode(retstr)
return unicode(retstr) + self.comment
def _strictly_valid_num(n):
n = n.strip()
if not n:
return False
if n[0] == '_':
return False
if n[-1] == '_':
return False
if "_." in n or "._" in n:
return False
if len(n) == 1:
return True
if n[0] == '0' and n[1] not in ['.', 'o', 'b', 'x']:
return False
if n[0] == '+' or n[0] == '-':
n = n[1:]
if len(n) > 1 and n[0] == '0' and n[1] != '.':
return False
if '__' in n:
return False
return True
def load(f, _dict=dict, decoder=None):
"""Parses named file or files as toml and returns a dictionary
f: Path to the file to open, array of files to read into single dict
or a file descriptor
_dict: (optional) Specifies the class of the returned toml dictionary
decoder: The decoder to use
Parsed toml file represented as a dictionary
TypeError -- When f is invalid type
TomlDecodeError: Error while decoding toml
IOError / FileNotFoundError -- When an array with no valid (existing)
(Python 2 / Python 3) file paths is passed
if _ispath(f):
with, encoding='utf-8') as ffile:
return loads(, _dict, decoder)
elif isinstance(f, list):
from os import path as op
from warnings import warn
if not [path for path in f if op.exists(path)]:
error_msg = "Load expects a list to contain filenames only."
error_msg += linesep
error_msg += ("The list needs to contain the path of at least one "
"existing file.")
raise FNFError(error_msg)
if decoder is None:
decoder = TomlDecoder(_dict)
d = decoder.get_empty_table()
for l in f: # noqa: E741
if op.exists(l):
d.update(load(l, _dict, decoder))
warn("Non-existent filename in list with at least one valid "
return d
return loads(, _dict, decoder)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("You can only load a file descriptor, filename or "
_groupname_re = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$')
def loads(s, _dict=dict, decoder=None):
"""Parses string as toml
s: String to be parsed
_dict: (optional) Specifies the class of the returned toml dictionary
Parsed toml file represented as a dictionary
TypeError: When a non-string is passed
TomlDecodeError: Error while decoding toml
implicitgroups = []
if decoder is None:
decoder = TomlDecoder(_dict)
retval = decoder.get_empty_table()
currentlevel = retval
if not isinstance(s, basestring):
raise TypeError("Expecting something like a string")
if not isinstance(s, unicode):
s = s.decode('utf8')
original = s
sl = list(s)
openarr = 0
openstring = False
openstrchar = ""
multilinestr = False
arrayoftables = False
beginline = True
keygroup = False
dottedkey = False
keyname = 0
key = ''
prev_key = ''
line_no = 1
for i, item in enumerate(sl):
if item == '\r' and sl[i + 1] == '\n':
sl[i] = ' '
if keyname:
key += item
if item == '\n':
raise TomlDecodeError("Key name found without value."
" Reached end of line.", original, i)
if openstring:
if item == openstrchar:
oddbackslash = False
k = 1
while i >= k and sl[i - k] == '\\':
oddbackslash = not oddbackslash
k += 1
if not oddbackslash:
keyname = 2
openstring = False
openstrchar = ""
elif keyname == 1:
if item.isspace():
keyname = 2
elif item == '.':
dottedkey = True
elif item.isalnum() or item == '_' or item == '-':
elif (dottedkey and sl[i - 1] == '.' and
(item == '"' or item == "'")):
openstring = True
openstrchar = item
elif keyname == 2:
if item.isspace():
if dottedkey:
nextitem = sl[i + 1]
if not nextitem.isspace() and nextitem != '.':
keyname = 1
if item == '.':
dottedkey = True
nextitem = sl[i + 1]
if not nextitem.isspace() and nextitem != '.':
keyname = 1
if item == '=':
keyname = 0
prev_key = key[:-1].rstrip()
key = ''
dottedkey = False
raise TomlDecodeError("Found invalid character in key name: '" +
item + "'. Try quoting the key name.",
original, i)
if item == "'" and openstrchar != '"':
k = 1
while sl[i - k] == "'":
k += 1
if k == 3:
except IndexError:
if k == 3:
multilinestr = not multilinestr
openstring = multilinestr
openstring = not openstring
if openstring:
openstrchar = "'"
openstrchar = ""
if item == '"' and openstrchar != "'":
oddbackslash = False
k = 1
tripquote = False
while sl[i - k] == '"':
k += 1
if k == 3:
tripquote = True
if k == 1 or (k == 3 and tripquote):
while sl[i - k] == '\\':
oddbackslash = not oddbackslash
k += 1
except IndexError:
if not oddbackslash:
if tripquote:
multilinestr = not multilinestr
openstring = multilinestr
openstring = not openstring
if openstring:
openstrchar = '"'
openstrchar = ""
if item == '#' and (not openstring and not keygroup and
not arrayoftables):
j = i
comment = ""
while sl[j] != '\n':
comment += s[j]
sl[j] = ' '
j += 1
except IndexError:
if not openarr:
decoder.preserve_comment(line_no, prev_key, comment, beginline)
if item == '[' and (not openstring and not keygroup and
not arrayoftables):
if beginline:
if len(sl) > i + 1 and sl[i + 1] == '[':
arrayoftables = True
keygroup = True
openarr += 1
if item == ']' and not openstring:
if keygroup:
keygroup = False
elif arrayoftables:
if sl[i - 1] == ']':
arrayoftables = False
openarr -= 1
if item == '\n':
if openstring or multilinestr:
if not multilinestr:
raise TomlDecodeError("Unbalanced quotes", original, i)
if ((sl[i - 1] == "'" or sl[i - 1] == '"') and (
sl[i - 2] == sl[i - 1])):
sl[i] = sl[i - 1]
if sl[i - 3] == sl[i - 1]:
sl[i - 3] = ' '
elif openarr:
sl[i] = ' '
beginline = True
line_no += 1
elif beginline and sl[i] != ' ' and sl[i] != '\t':
beginline = False
if not keygroup and not arrayoftables:
if sl[i] == '=':
raise TomlDecodeError("Found empty keyname. ", original, i)
keyname = 1
key += item
if keyname:
raise TomlDecodeError("Key name found without value."
" Reached end of file.", original, len(s))
if openstring: # reached EOF and have an unterminated string
raise TomlDecodeError("Unterminated string found."
" Reached end of file.", original, len(s))
s = ''.join(sl)
s = s.split('\n')
multikey = None
multilinestr = ""
multibackslash = False
pos = 0
for idx, line in enumerate(s):
if idx > 0:
pos += len(s[idx - 1]) + 1
decoder.embed_comments(idx, currentlevel)
if not multilinestr or multibackslash or '\n' not in multilinestr:
line = line.strip()
if line == "" and (not multikey or multibackslash):
if multikey:
if multibackslash:
multilinestr += line
multilinestr += line
multibackslash = False
closed = False
if multilinestr[0] == '[':
closed = line[-1] == ']'
elif len(line) > 2:
closed = (line[-1] == multilinestr[0] and
line[-2] == multilinestr[0] and
line[-3] == multilinestr[0])
if closed:
value, vtype = decoder.load_value(multilinestr)
except ValueError as err:
raise TomlDecodeError(str(err), original, pos)
currentlevel[multikey] = value
multikey = None
multilinestr = ""
k = len(multilinestr) - 1
while k > -1 and multilinestr[k] == '\\':
multibackslash = not multibackslash
k -= 1
if multibackslash:
multilinestr = multilinestr[:-1]
multilinestr += "\n"
if line[0] == '[':
arrayoftables = False
if len(line) == 1:
raise TomlDecodeError("Opening key group bracket on line by "
"itself.", original, pos)
if line[1] == '[':
arrayoftables = True
line = line[2:]
splitstr = ']]'
line = line[1:]
splitstr = ']'
i = 1
quotesplits = decoder._get_split_on_quotes(line)
quoted = False
for quotesplit in quotesplits:
if not quoted and splitstr in quotesplit:
i += quotesplit.count(splitstr)
quoted = not quoted
line = line.split(splitstr, i)
if len(line) < i + 1 or line[-1].strip() != "":
raise TomlDecodeError("Key group not on a line by itself.",
original, pos)
groups = splitstr.join(line[:-1]).split('.')
i = 0
while i < len(groups):
groups[i] = groups[i].strip()
if len(groups[i]) > 0 and (groups[i][0] == '"' or
groups[i][0] == "'"):
groupstr = groups[i]
j = i + 1
while not groupstr[0] == groupstr[-1]:
j += 1
if j > len(groups) + 2:
raise TomlDecodeError("Invalid group name '" +
groupstr + "' Something " +
"went wrong.", original, pos)
groupstr = '.'.join(groups[i:j]).strip()
groups[i] = groupstr[1:-1]
groups[i + 1:j] = []
if not _groupname_re.match(groups[i]):
raise TomlDecodeError("Invalid group name '" +
groups[i] + "'. Try quoting it.",
original, pos)
i += 1
currentlevel = retval
for i in _range(len(groups)):
group = groups[i]
if group == "":
raise TomlDecodeError("Can't have a keygroup with an empty "
"name", original, pos)
if i == len(groups) - 1:
if group in implicitgroups:
if arrayoftables:
raise TomlDecodeError("An implicitly defined "
"table can't be an array",
original, pos)
elif arrayoftables:
raise TomlDecodeError("What? " + group +
" already exists?" +
original, pos)
except TypeError:
currentlevel = currentlevel[-1]
if group not in currentlevel:
currentlevel[group] = decoder.get_empty_table()
if i == len(groups) - 1 and arrayoftables:
currentlevel[group] = [decoder.get_empty_table()]
except KeyError:
if i != len(groups) - 1:
currentlevel[group] = decoder.get_empty_table()
if i == len(groups) - 1 and arrayoftables:
currentlevel[group] = [decoder.get_empty_table()]
currentlevel = currentlevel[group]
if arrayoftables:
currentlevel = currentlevel[-1]
except KeyError:
elif line[0] == "{":
if line[-1] != "}":
raise TomlDecodeError("Line breaks are not allowed in inline"
"objects", original, pos)
decoder.load_inline_object(line, currentlevel, multikey,
except ValueError as err:
raise TomlDecodeError(str(err), original, pos)
elif "=" in line:
ret = decoder.load_line(line, currentlevel, multikey,
except ValueError as err:
raise TomlDecodeError(str(err), original, pos)
if ret is not None:
multikey, multilinestr, multibackslash = ret
return retval
def _load_date(val):
microsecond = 0
tz = None
if len(val) > 19:
if val[19] == '.':
if val[-1].upper() == 'Z':
subsecondval = val[20:-1]
tzval = "Z"
subsecondvalandtz = val[20:]
if '+' in subsecondvalandtz:
splitpoint = subsecondvalandtz.index('+')
subsecondval = subsecondvalandtz[:splitpoint]
tzval = subsecondvalandtz[splitpoint:]
elif '-' in subsecondvalandtz:
splitpoint = subsecondvalandtz.index('-')
subsecondval = subsecondvalandtz[:splitpoint]
tzval = subsecondvalandtz[splitpoint:]
tzval = None
subsecondval = subsecondvalandtz
if tzval is not None:
tz = TomlTz(tzval)
microsecond = int(int(subsecondval) *
(10 ** (6 - len(subsecondval))))
tz = TomlTz(val[19:])
except ValueError:
tz = None
if "-" not in val[1:]:
return None
if len(val) == 10:
d =
int(val[:4]), int(val[5:7]),
d = datetime.datetime(
int(val[:4]), int(val[5:7]),
int(val[8:10]), int(val[11:13]),
int(val[14:16]), int(val[17:19]), microsecond, tz)
except ValueError:
return None
return d
def _load_unicode_escapes(v, hexbytes, prefix):
skip = False
i = len(v) - 1
while i > -1 and v[i] == '\\':
skip = not skip
i -= 1
for hx in hexbytes:
if skip:
skip = False
i = len(hx) - 1
while i > -1 and hx[i] == '\\':
skip = not skip
i -= 1
v += prefix
v += hx
hxb = ""
i = 0
hxblen = 4
if prefix == "\\U":
hxblen = 8
hxb = ''.join(hx[i:i + hxblen]).lower()
if hxb.strip('0123456789abcdef'):
raise ValueError("Invalid escape sequence: " + hxb)
if hxb[0] == "d" and hxb[1].strip('01234567'):
raise ValueError("Invalid escape sequence: " + hxb +
". Only scalar unicode points are allowed.")
v += unichr(int(hxb, 16))
v += unicode(hx[len(hxb):])
return v
# Unescape TOML string values.
# content after the \
_escapes = ['0', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', '"']
# What it should be replaced by
_escapedchars = ['\0', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\"']
# Used for substitution
_escape_to_escapedchars = dict(zip(_escapes, _escapedchars))
def _unescape(v):
"""Unescape characters in a TOML string."""
i = 0
backslash = False
while i < len(v):
if backslash:
backslash = False
if v[i] in _escapes:
v = v[:i - 1] + _escape_to_escapedchars[v[i]] + v[i + 1:]
elif v[i] == '\\':
v = v[:i - 1] + v[i:]
elif v[i] == 'u' or v[i] == 'U':
i += 1
raise ValueError("Reserved escape sequence used")
elif v[i] == '\\':
backslash = True
i += 1
return v
class InlineTableDict(object):
"""Sentinel subclass of dict for inline tables."""
class TomlDecoder(object):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict):
self._dict = _dict
def get_empty_table(self):
return self._dict()
def get_empty_inline_table(self):
class DynamicInlineTableDict(self._dict, InlineTableDict):
"""Concrete sentinel subclass for inline tables.
It is a subclass of _dict which is passed in dynamically at load
It is also a subclass of InlineTableDict
return DynamicInlineTableDict()
def load_inline_object(self, line, currentlevel, multikey=False,
candidate_groups = line[1:-1].split(",")
groups = []
if len(candidate_groups) == 1 and not candidate_groups[0].strip():
while len(candidate_groups) > 0:
candidate_group = candidate_groups.pop(0)
_, value = candidate_group.split('=', 1)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Invalid inline table encountered")
value = value.strip()
if ((value[0] == value[-1] and value[0] in ('"', "'")) or (
value[0] in '-0123456789' or
value in ('true', 'false') or
(value[0] == "[" and value[-1] == "]") or
(value[0] == '{' and value[-1] == '}'))):
elif len(candidate_groups) > 0:
candidate_groups[0] = (candidate_group + "," +
raise ValueError("Invalid inline table value encountered")
for group in groups:
status = self.load_line(group, currentlevel, multikey,
if status is not None:
def _get_split_on_quotes(self, line):
doublequotesplits = line.split('"')
quoted = False
quotesplits = []
if len(doublequotesplits) > 1 and "'" in doublequotesplits[0]:
singlequotesplits = doublequotesplits[0].split("'")
doublequotesplits = doublequotesplits[1:]
while len(singlequotesplits) % 2 == 0 and len(doublequotesplits):
singlequotesplits[-1] += '"' + doublequotesplits[0]
doublequotesplits = doublequotesplits[1:]
if "'" in singlequotesplits[-1]:
singlequotesplits = (singlequotesplits[:-1] +
quotesplits += singlequotesplits
for doublequotesplit in doublequotesplits:
if quoted:
quotesplits += doublequotesplit.split("'")
quoted = not quoted
return quotesplits
def load_line(self, line, currentlevel, multikey, multibackslash):
i = 1
quotesplits = self._get_split_on_quotes(line)
quoted = False
for quotesplit in quotesplits:
if not quoted and '=' in quotesplit:
i += quotesplit.count('=')
quoted = not quoted
pair = line.split('=', i)
strictly_valid = _strictly_valid_num(pair[-1])
if _number_with_underscores.match(pair[-1]):
pair[-1] = pair[-1].replace('_', '')
while len(pair[-1]) and (pair[-1][0] != ' ' and pair[-1][0] != '\t' and
pair[-1][0] != "'" and pair[-1][0] != '"' and
pair[-1][0] != '[' and pair[-1][0] != '{' and
pair[-1].strip() != 'true' and
pair[-1].strip() != 'false'):
except ValueError:
if _load_date(pair[-1]) is not None:
if TIME_RE.match(pair[-1]):
i += 1
prev_val = pair[-1]
pair = line.split('=', i)
if prev_val == pair[-1]:
raise ValueError("Invalid date or number")
if strictly_valid:
strictly_valid = _strictly_valid_num(pair[-1])
pair = ['='.join(pair[:-1]).strip(), pair[-1].strip()]
if '.' in pair[0]:
if '"' in pair[0] or "'" in pair[0]:
quotesplits = self._get_split_on_quotes(pair[0])
quoted = False
levels = []
for quotesplit in quotesplits:
if quoted:
levels += [level.strip() for level in
quoted = not quoted
levels = pair[0].split('.')
while levels[-1] == "":
levels = levels[:-1]
for level in levels[:-1]:
if level == "":
if level not in currentlevel:
currentlevel[level] = self.get_empty_table()
currentlevel = currentlevel[level]
pair[0] = levels[-1].strip()
elif (pair[0][0] == '"' or pair[0][0] == "'") and \
(pair[0][-1] == pair[0][0]):
pair[0] = _unescape(pair[0][1:-1])
k, koffset = self._load_line_multiline_str(pair[1])
if k > -1:
while k > -1 and pair[1][k + koffset] == '\\':
multibackslash = not multibackslash
k -= 1
if multibackslash:
multilinestr = pair[1][:-1]
multilinestr = pair[1] + "\n"
multikey = pair[0]
value, vtype = self.load_value(pair[1], strictly_valid)
raise ValueError("Duplicate keys!")
except TypeError:
raise ValueError("Duplicate keys!")
except KeyError:
if multikey:
return multikey, multilinestr, multibackslash
currentlevel[pair[0]] = value
def _load_line_multiline_str(self, p):
poffset = 0
if len(p) < 3:
return -1, poffset
if p[0] == '[' and (p.strip()[-1] != ']' and
newp = p[1:].strip().split(',')
while len(newp) > 1 and newp[-1][0] != '"' and newp[-1][0] != "'":
newp = newp[:-2] + [newp[-2] + ',' + newp[-1]]
newp = newp[-1]
poffset = len(p) - len(newp)
p = newp
if p[0] != '"' and p[0] != "'":
return -1, poffset
if p[1] != p[0] or p[2] != p[0]:
return -1, poffset
if len(p) > 5 and p[-1] == p[0] and p[-2] == p[0] and p[-3] == p[0]:
return -1, poffset
return len(p) - 1, poffset
def load_value(self, v, strictly_valid=True):
if not v:
raise ValueError("Empty value is invalid")
if v == 'true':
return (True, "bool")
elif v == 'false':
return (False, "bool")
elif v[0] == '"' or v[0] == "'":
quotechar = v[0]
testv = v[1:].split(quotechar)
triplequote = False
triplequotecount = 0
if len(testv) > 1 and testv[0] == '' and testv[1] == '':
testv = testv[2:]
triplequote = True
closed = False
for tv in testv:
if tv == '':
if triplequote:
triplequotecount += 1
closed = True
oddbackslash = False
i = -1
j = tv[i]
while j == '\\':
oddbackslash = not oddbackslash
i -= 1
j = tv[i]
except IndexError:
if not oddbackslash:
if closed:
raise ValueError("Found tokens after a closed " +
"string. Invalid TOML.")
if not triplequote or triplequotecount > 1:
closed = True
triplequotecount = 0
if quotechar == '"':
escapeseqs = v.split('\\')[1:]
backslash = False
for i in escapeseqs:
if i == '':
backslash = not backslash
if i[0] not in _escapes and (i[0] != 'u' and
i[0] != 'U' and
not backslash):
raise ValueError("Reserved escape sequence used")
if backslash:
backslash = False
for prefix in ["\\u", "\\U"]:
if prefix in v:
hexbytes = v.split(prefix)
v = _load_unicode_escapes(hexbytes[0], hexbytes[1:],
v = _unescape(v)
if len(v) > 1 and v[1] == quotechar and (len(v) < 3 or
v[1] == v[2]):
v = v[2:-2]
return (v[1:-1], "str")
elif v[0] == '[':
return (self.load_array(v), "array")
elif v[0] == '{':
inline_object = self.get_empty_inline_table()
self.load_inline_object(v, inline_object)
return (inline_object, "inline_object")
elif TIME_RE.match(v):
h, m, s, _, ms = TIME_RE.match(v).groups()
time = datetime.time(int(h), int(m), int(s), int(ms) if ms else 0)
return (time, "time")
parsed_date = _load_date(v)
if parsed_date is not None:
return (parsed_date, "date")
if not strictly_valid:
raise ValueError("Weirdness with leading zeroes or "
"underscores in your number.")
itype = "int"
neg = False
if v[0] == '-':
neg = True
v = v[1:]
elif v[0] == '+':
v = v[1:]
v = v.replace('_', '')
lowerv = v.lower()
if '.' in v or ('x' not in v and ('e' in v or 'E' in v)):
if '.' in v and v.split('.', 1)[1] == '':
raise ValueError("This float is missing digits after "
"the point")
if v[0] not in '0123456789':
raise ValueError("This float doesn't have a leading "
v = float(v)
itype = "float"
elif len(lowerv) == 3 and (lowerv == 'inf' or lowerv == 'nan'):
v = float(v)
itype = "float"
if itype == "int":
v = int(v, 0)
if neg:
return (0 - v, itype)
return (v, itype)
def bounded_string(self, s):
if len(s) == 0:
return True
if s[-1] != s[0]:
return False
i = -2
backslash = False
while len(s) + i > 0:
if s[i] == "\\":
backslash = not backslash
i -= 1
return not backslash
def _load_array_isstrarray(self, a):
a = a[1:-1].strip()
if a != '' and (a[0] == '"' or a[0] == "'"):
return True
return False
def load_array(self, a):
atype = None
retval = []
a = a.strip()
if '[' not in a[1:-1] or "" != a[1:-1].split('[')[0].strip():
strarray = self._load_array_isstrarray(a)
if not a[1:-1].strip().startswith('{'):
a = a[1:-1].split(',')
# a is an inline object, we must find the matching parenthesis
# to define groups
new_a = []
start_group_index = 1
end_group_index = 2
open_bracket_count = 1 if a[start_group_index] == '{' else 0
in_str = False
while end_group_index < len(a[1:]):
if a[end_group_index] == '"' or a[end_group_index] == "'":
if in_str:
backslash_index = end_group_index - 1
while (backslash_index > -1 and
a[backslash_index] == '\\'):
in_str = not in_str
backslash_index -= 1
in_str = not in_str
if not in_str and a[end_group_index] == '{':
open_bracket_count += 1
if in_str or a[end_group_index] != '}':
end_group_index += 1
elif a[end_group_index] == '}' and open_bracket_count > 1:
open_bracket_count -= 1
end_group_index += 1
# Increase end_group_index by 1 to get the closing bracket
end_group_index += 1
# The next start index is at least after the closing
# bracket, a closing bracket can be followed by a comma
# since we are in an array.
start_group_index = end_group_index + 1
while (start_group_index < len(a[1:]) and
a[start_group_index] != '{'):
start_group_index += 1
end_group_index = start_group_index + 1
a = new_a
b = 0
if strarray:
while b < len(a) - 1:
ab = a[b].strip()
while (not self.bounded_string(ab) or
(len(ab) > 2 and
ab[0] == ab[1] == ab[2] and
ab[-2] != ab[0] and
ab[-3] != ab[0])):
a[b] = a[b] + ',' + a[b + 1]
ab = a[b].strip()
if b < len(a) - 2:
a = a[:b + 1] + a[b + 2:]
a = a[:b + 1]
b += 1
al = list(a[1:-1])
a = []
openarr = 0
j = 0
for i in _range(len(al)):
if al[i] == '[':
openarr += 1
elif al[i] == ']':
openarr -= 1
elif al[i] == ',' and not openarr:
j = i + 1
for i in _range(len(a)):
a[i] = a[i].strip()
if a[i] != '':
nval, ntype = self.load_value(a[i])
if atype:
if ntype != atype:
raise ValueError("Not a homogeneous array")
atype = ntype
return retval
def preserve_comment(self, line_no, key, comment, beginline):
def embed_comments(self, idx, currentlevel):
class TomlPreserveCommentDecoder(TomlDecoder):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict):
self.saved_comments = {}
super(TomlPreserveCommentDecoder, self).__init__(_dict)
def preserve_comment(self, line_no, key, comment, beginline):
self.saved_comments[line_no] = (key, comment, beginline)
def embed_comments(self, idx, currentlevel):
if idx not in self.saved_comments:
key, comment, beginline = self.saved_comments[idx]
currentlevel[key] = CommentValue(currentlevel[key], comment, beginline,