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import typing as t
from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIApplication # noqa: F401
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers # noqa: F401
from .wrappers import Response # noqa: F401
# The possible types that are directly convertible or are a Response object.
ResponseValue = t.Union[
t.Dict[str, t.Any], # any jsonify-able dict
t.Generator[t.AnyStr, None, None],
StatusCode = int
# the possible types for an individual HTTP header
HeaderName = str
HeaderValue = t.Union[str, t.List[str], t.Tuple[str, ...]]
# the possible types for HTTP headers
HeadersValue = t.Union[
"Headers", t.Dict[HeaderName, HeaderValue], t.List[t.Tuple[HeaderName, HeaderValue]]
# The possible types returned by a route function.
ResponseReturnValue = t.Union[
t.Tuple[ResponseValue, HeadersValue],
t.Tuple[ResponseValue, StatusCode],
t.Tuple[ResponseValue, StatusCode, HeadersValue],
GenericException = t.TypeVar("GenericException", bound=Exception, contravariant=True)
AppOrBlueprintKey = t.Optional[str] # The App key is None, whereas blueprints are named
AfterRequestCallable = t.Callable[["Response"], "Response"]
BeforeFirstRequestCallable = t.Callable[[], None]
BeforeRequestCallable = t.Callable[[], t.Optional[ResponseReturnValue]]
TeardownCallable = t.Callable[[t.Optional[BaseException]], None]
TemplateContextProcessorCallable = t.Callable[[], t.Dict[str, t.Any]]
TemplateFilterCallable = t.Callable[..., t.Any]
TemplateGlobalCallable = t.Callable[..., t.Any]
TemplateTestCallable = t.Callable[..., bool]
URLDefaultCallable = t.Callable[[str, dict], None]
URLValuePreprocessorCallable = t.Callable[[t.Optional[str], t.Optional[dict]], None]
import typing_extensions as te
class ErrorHandlerCallable(te.Protocol[GenericException]):
def __call__(self, error: GenericException) -> ResponseReturnValue: