You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
3.2 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import json
import requests
import os
import logging
from flask import request
from flask_restful import Resource
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bso
from app.database import TableEpisodes, TableShows, TableMovies
from subtitles.mass_download import episode_download_subtitles, movies_download_subtitles
from ..utils import authenticate
class WebHooksPlex(Resource):
def post(self):
json_webhook = request.form.get('payload')
parsed_json_webhook = json.loads(json_webhook)
event = parsed_json_webhook['event']
if event not in ['']:
return '', 204
media_type = parsed_json_webhook['Metadata']['type']
if media_type == 'episode':
season = parsed_json_webhook['Metadata']['parentIndex']
episode = parsed_json_webhook['Metadata']['index']
season = episode = None
ids = []
for item in parsed_json_webhook['Metadata']['Guid']:
splitted_id = item['id'].split('://')
if len(splitted_id) == 2:
ids.append({splitted_id[0]: splitted_id[1]})
if not ids:
return 'No GUID found', 400
if media_type == 'episode':
episode_imdb_id = [x['imdb'] for x in ids if 'imdb' in x][0]
r = requests.get('{}'.format(episode_imdb_id),
headers={"User-Agent": os.environ["SZ_USER_AGENT"]})
soup = bso(r.content, "html.parser")
script_tag = soup.find(id='__NEXT_DATA__')
script_tag_json = script_tag.string
show_metadata_dict = json.loads(script_tag_json)
series_imdb_id = show_metadata_dict['props']['pageProps']['aboveTheFoldData']['series']['series']['id']
except Exception:
logging.debug('BAZARR is unable to get series IMDB id.')
return 'IMDB series ID not found', 404
sonarrEpisodeId = \
.join(TableShows, on=(TableEpisodes.sonarrSeriesId == TableShows.sonarrSeriesId)) \
.where(TableShows.imdbId == series_imdb_id,
TableEpisodes.season == season,
TableEpisodes.episode == episode) \
.dicts() \
if sonarrEpisodeId:
episode_download_subtitles(no=sonarrEpisodeId['sonarrEpisodeId'], send_progress=True)
movie_imdb_id = [x['imdb'] for x in ids if 'imdb' in x][0]
except Exception:
logging.debug('BAZARR is unable to get movie IMDB id.')
return 'IMDB movie ID not found', 404
radarrId =\
.where(TableMovies.imdbId == movie_imdb_id)\
if radarrId:
return '', 200