You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

706 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime
import io
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import os.path
import socket
from babelfish import Language, LanguageReverseError
from guessit import guessit
from rarfile import NotRarFile, RarCannotExec, RarFile
import requests
from .extensions import provider_manager, refiner_manager
from .score import compute_score as default_compute_score
from .subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, get_subtitle_path
from .utils import hash_napiprojekt, hash_opensubtitles, hash_shooter, hash_thesubdb
from .video import VIDEO_EXTENSIONS, Episode, Movie, Video
#: Supported archive extensions
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ProviderPool(object):
"""A pool of providers with the same API as a single :class:`~subliminal.providers.Provider`.
It has a few extra features:
* Lazy loads providers when needed and supports the `with` statement to :meth:`terminate`
the providers on exit.
* Automatically discard providers on failure.
:param list providers: name of providers to use, if not all.
:param dict provider_configs: provider configuration as keyword arguments per provider name to pass when
instanciating the :class:`~subliminal.providers.Provider`.
def __init__(self, providers=None, provider_configs=None):
#: Name of providers to use
self.providers = providers or provider_manager.names()
#: Provider configuration
self.provider_configs = provider_configs or {}
#: Initialized providers
self.initialized_providers = {}
#: Discarded providers
self.discarded_providers = set()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name not in self.providers:
raise KeyError
if name not in self.initialized_providers:'Initializing provider %s', name)
provider = provider_manager[name].plugin(**self.provider_configs.get(name, {}))
self.initialized_providers[name] = provider
return self.initialized_providers[name]
def __delitem__(self, name):
if name not in self.initialized_providers:
raise KeyError(name)
try:'Terminating provider %s', name)
except (requests.Timeout, socket.timeout):
logger.error('Provider %r timed out, improperly terminated', name)
logger.exception('Provider %r terminated unexpectedly', name)
del self.initialized_providers[name]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.initialized_providers)
def list_subtitles_provider(self, provider, video, languages):
"""List subtitles with a single provider.
The video and languages are checked against the provider.
:param str provider: name of the provider.
:param video: video to list subtitles for.
:type video: :class:``
:param languages: languages to search for.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:return: found subtitles.
:rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` or None
# check video validity
if not provider_manager[provider].plugin.check(video):'Skipping provider %r: not a valid video', provider)
return []
# check supported languages
provider_languages = provider_manager[provider].plugin.languages & languages
if not provider_languages:'Skipping provider %r: no language to search for', provider)
return []
# list subtitles'Listing subtitles with provider %r and languages %r', provider, provider_languages)
return self[provider].list_subtitles(video, provider_languages)
except (requests.Timeout, socket.timeout):
logger.error('Provider %r timed out', provider)
logger.exception('Unexpected error in provider %r', provider)
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
"""List subtitles.
:param video: video to list subtitles for.
:type video: :class:``
:param languages: languages to search for.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:return: found subtitles.
:rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
subtitles = []
for name in self.providers:
# check discarded providers
if name in self.discarded_providers:
logger.debug('Skipping discarded provider %r', name)
# list subtitles
provider_subtitles = self.list_subtitles_provider(name, video, languages)
if provider_subtitles is None:'Discarding provider %s', name)
# add the subtitles
return subtitles
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
"""Download `subtitle`'s :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content`.
:param subtitle: subtitle to download.
:type subtitle: :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
:return: `True` if the subtitle has been successfully downloaded, `False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
# check discarded providers
if subtitle.provider_name in self.discarded_providers:
logger.warning('Provider %r is discarded', subtitle.provider_name)
return False'Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle)
except (requests.Timeout, socket.timeout):
logger.error('Provider %r timed out, discarding it', subtitle.provider_name)
return False
logger.exception('Unexpected error in provider %r, discarding it', subtitle.provider_name)
return False
# check subtitle validity
if not subtitle.is_valid():
logger.error('Invalid subtitle')
return False
return True
def download_best_subtitles(self, subtitles, video, languages, min_score=0, hearing_impaired=False, only_one=False,
"""Download the best matching subtitles.
:param subtitles: the subtitles to use.
:type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
:param video: video to download subtitles for.
:type video: :class:``
:param languages: languages to download.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:param int min_score: minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded.
:param bool hearing_impaired: hearing impaired preference.
:param bool only_one: download only one subtitle, not one per language.
:param compute_score: function that takes `subtitle` and `video` as positional arguments,
`hearing_impaired` as keyword argument and returns the score.
:return: downloaded subtitles.
:rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
compute_score = compute_score or default_compute_score
# sort subtitles by score
scored_subtitles = sorted([(s, compute_score(s, video, hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired))
for s in subtitles], key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
# download best subtitles, falling back on the next on error
downloaded_subtitles = []
for subtitle, score in scored_subtitles:
# check score
if score < min_score:'Score %d is below min_score (%d)', score, min_score)
# check downloaded languages
if subtitle.language in set(s.language for s in downloaded_subtitles):
logger.debug('Skipping subtitle: %r already downloaded', subtitle.language)
# download
if self.download_subtitle(subtitle):
# stop when all languages are downloaded
if set(s.language for s in downloaded_subtitles) == languages:
logger.debug('All languages downloaded')
# stop if only one subtitle is requested
if only_one:
logger.debug('Only one subtitle downloaded')
return downloaded_subtitles
def terminate(self):
"""Terminate all the :attr:`initialized_providers`."""
logger.debug('Terminating initialized providers')
for name in list(self.initialized_providers):
del self[name]
class AsyncProviderPool(ProviderPool):
"""Subclass of :class:`ProviderPool` with asynchronous support for :meth:`~ProviderPool.list_subtitles`.
:param int max_workers: maximum number of threads to use. If `None`, :attr:`max_workers` will be set
to the number of :attr:`~ProviderPool.providers`.
def __init__(self, max_workers=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(AsyncProviderPool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
#: Maximum number of threads to use
self.max_workers = max_workers or len(self.providers)
def list_subtitles_provider(self, provider, video, languages):
return provider, super(AsyncProviderPool, self).list_subtitles_provider(provider, video, languages)
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
subtitles = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(self.max_workers) as executor:
for provider, provider_subtitles in, self.providers,
itertools.repeat(video, len(self.providers)),
itertools.repeat(languages, len(self.providers))):
# discard provider that failed
if provider_subtitles is None:'Discarding provider %s', provider)
# add subtitles
return subtitles
def check_video(video, languages=None, age=None, undefined=False):
"""Perform some checks on the `video`.
All the checks are optional. Return `False` if any of this check fails:
* `languages` already exist in `video`'s :attr:``.
* `video` is older than `age`.
* `video` has an `undefined` language in :attr:``.
:param video: video to check.
:type video: :class:``
:param languages: desired languages.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:param datetime.timedelta age: maximum age of the video.
:param bool undefined: fail on existing undefined language.
:return: `True` if the video passes the checks, `False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
# language test
if languages and not (languages - video.subtitle_languages):
logger.debug('All languages %r exist', languages)
return False
# age test
if age and video.age > age:
logger.debug('Video is older than %r', age)
return False
# undefined test
if undefined and Language('und') in video.subtitle_languages:
logger.debug('Undefined language found')
return False
return True
def search_external_subtitles(path, directory=None):
"""Search for external subtitles from a video `path` and their associated language.
Unless `directory` is provided, search will be made in the same directory as the video file.
:param str path: path to the video.
:param str directory: directory to search for subtitles.
:return: found subtitles with their languages.
:rtype: dict
# split path
dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)
dirpath = dirpath or '.'
fileroot, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename)
# search for subtitles
subtitles = {}
for p in os.listdir(directory or dirpath):
# keep only valid subtitle filenames
if not p.startswith(fileroot) or not p.endswith(SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS):
# extract the potential language code
language = Language('und')
language_code = p[len(fileroot):-len(os.path.splitext(p)[1])].replace(fileext, '').replace('_', '-')[1:]
if language_code:
language = Language.fromietf(language_code)
except (ValueError, LanguageReverseError):
logger.error('Cannot parse language code %r', language_code)
subtitles[p] = language
logger.debug('Found subtitles %r', subtitles)
return subtitles
def scan_video(path):
"""Scan a video from a `path`.
:param str path: existing path to the video.
:return: the scanned video.
:rtype: :class:``
# check for non-existing path
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('Path does not exist')
# check video extension
if not path.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS):
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid video extension' % os.path.splitext(path)[1])
dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)'Scanning video %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# guess
video = Video.fromguess(path, guessit(path))
# size and hashes
video.size = os.path.getsize(path)
if video.size > 10485760:
logger.debug('Size is %d', video.size)
video.hashes['opensubtitles'] = hash_opensubtitles(path)
video.hashes['shooter'] = hash_shooter(path)
video.hashes['thesubdb'] = hash_thesubdb(path)
video.hashes['napiprojekt'] = hash_napiprojekt(path)
logger.debug('Computed hashes %r', video.hashes)
logger.warning('Size is lower than 10MB: hashes not computed')
return video
def scan_archive(path):
"""Scan an archive from a `path`.
:param str path: existing path to the archive.
:return: the scanned video.
:rtype: :class:``
# check for non-existing path
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('Path does not exist')
# check video extension
if not path.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS):
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid archive extension' % os.path.splitext(path)[1])
dirpath, filename = os.path.split(path)'Scanning archive %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# rar extension
if filename.endswith('.rar'):
rar = RarFile(path)
# filter on video extensions
rar_filenames = [f for f in rar.namelist() if f.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS)]
# no video found
if not rar_filenames:
raise ValueError('No video in archive')
# more than one video found
if len(rar_filenames) > 1:
raise ValueError('More than one video in archive')
# guess
rar_filename = rar_filenames[0]
rar_filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, rar_filename)
video = Video.fromguess(rar_filepath, guessit(rar_filepath))
# size
video.size = rar.getinfo(rar_filename).file_size
raise ValueError('Unsupported extension %r' % os.path.splitext(path)[1])
return video
def scan_videos(path, age=None, archives=True):
"""Scan `path` for videos and their subtitles.
See :func:`refine` to find additional information for the video.
:param str path: existing directory path to scan.
:param datetime.timedelta age: maximum age of the video or archive.
:param bool archives: scan videos in archives.
:return: the scanned videos.
:rtype: list of :class:``
# check for non-existing path
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise ValueError('Path does not exist')
# check for non-directory path
if not os.path.isdir(path):
raise ValueError('Path is not a directory')
# walk the path
videos = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
logger.debug('Walking directory %r', dirpath)
# remove badly encoded and hidden dirnames
for dirname in list(dirnames):
if dirname.startswith('.'):
logger.debug('Skipping hidden dirname %r in %r', dirname, dirpath)
# scan for videos
for filename in filenames:
# filter on videos and archives
if not (filename.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS) or archives and filename.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS)):
# skip hidden files
if filename.startswith('.'):
logger.debug('Skipping hidden filename %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# reconstruct the file path
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
# skip links
if os.path.islink(filepath):
logger.debug('Skipping link %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# skip old files
if age and datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath)) > age:
logger.debug('Skipping old file %r in %r', filename, dirpath)
# scan
if filename.endswith(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS): # video
video = scan_video(filepath)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
logger.exception('Error scanning video')
elif archives and filename.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS): # archive
video = scan_archive(filepath)
except (NotRarFile, RarCannotExec, ValueError): # pragma: no cover
logger.exception('Error scanning archive')
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('Unsupported file %r' % filename)
return videos
def refine(video, episode_refiners=None, movie_refiners=None, **kwargs):
"""Refine a video using :ref:`refiners`.
.. note::
Exceptions raised in refiners are silently passed and logged.
:param video: the video to refine.
:type video: :class:``
:param tuple episode_refiners: refiners to use for episodes.
:param tuple movie_refiners: refiners to use for movies.
:param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the :func:`~subliminal.refiners.refine` functions.
refiners = ()
if isinstance(video, Episode):
refiners = episode_refiners or ('metadata', 'tvdb', 'omdb')
elif isinstance(video, Movie):
refiners = movie_refiners or ('metadata', 'omdb')
for refiner in refiners:'Refining video with %s', refiner)
refiner_manager[refiner].plugin(video, **kwargs)
logger.exception('Failed to refine video')
def list_subtitles(videos, languages, pool_class=ProviderPool, **kwargs):
"""List subtitles.
The `videos` must pass the `languages` check of :func:`check_video`.
:param videos: videos to list subtitles for.
:type videos: set of :class:``
:param languages: languages to search for.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:param pool_class: class to use as provider pool.
:type pool_class: :class:`ProviderPool`, :class:`AsyncProviderPool` or similar
:param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the provided `pool_class` constructor.
:return: found subtitles per video.
:rtype: dict of :class:`` to list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
listed_subtitles = defaultdict(list)
# check videos
checked_videos = []
for video in videos:
if not check_video(video, languages=languages):'Skipping video %r', video)
# return immediately if no video passed the checks
if not checked_videos:
return listed_subtitles
# list subtitles
with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool:
for video in checked_videos:'Listing subtitles for %r', video)
subtitles = pool.list_subtitles(video, languages - video.subtitle_languages)
listed_subtitles[video].extend(subtitles)'Found %d subtitle(s)', len(subtitles))
return listed_subtitles
def download_subtitles(subtitles, pool_class=ProviderPool, **kwargs):
"""Download :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.content` of `subtitles`.
:param subtitles: subtitles to download.
:type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
:param pool_class: class to use as provider pool.
:type pool_class: :class:`ProviderPool`, :class:`AsyncProviderPool` or similar
:param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the provided `pool_class` constructor.
with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool:
for subtitle in subtitles:'Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle)
def download_best_subtitles(videos, languages, min_score=0, hearing_impaired=False, only_one=False, compute_score=None,
pool_class=ProviderPool, **kwargs):
"""List and download the best matching subtitles.
The `videos` must pass the `languages` and `undefined` (`only_one`) checks of :func:`check_video`.
:param videos: videos to download subtitles for.
:type videos: set of :class:``
:param languages: languages to download.
:type languages: set of :class:`~babelfish.language.Language`
:param int min_score: minimum score for a subtitle to be downloaded.
:param bool hearing_impaired: hearing impaired preference.
:param bool only_one: download only one subtitle, not one per language.
:param compute_score: function that takes `subtitle` and `video` as positional arguments,
`hearing_impaired` as keyword argument and returns the score.
:param pool_class: class to use as provider pool.
:type pool_class: :class:`ProviderPool`, :class:`AsyncProviderPool` or similar
:param \*\*kwargs: additional parameters for the provided `pool_class` constructor.
:return: downloaded subtitles per video.
:rtype: dict of :class:`` to list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
downloaded_subtitles = defaultdict(list)
# check videos
checked_videos = []
for video in videos:
if not check_video(video, languages=languages, undefined=only_one):'Skipping video %r', video)
# return immediately if no video passed the checks
if not checked_videos:
return downloaded_subtitles
# download best subtitles
with pool_class(**kwargs) as pool:
for video in checked_videos:'Downloading best subtitles for %r', video)
subtitles = pool.download_best_subtitles(pool.list_subtitles(video, languages - video.subtitle_languages),
video, languages, min_score=min_score,
hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired, only_one=only_one,
compute_score=compute_score)'Downloaded %d subtitle(s)', len(subtitles))
return downloaded_subtitles
def save_subtitles(video, subtitles, single=False, directory=None, encoding=None):
"""Save subtitles on filesystem.
Subtitles are saved in the order of the list. If a subtitle with a language has already been saved, other subtitles
with the same language are silently ignored.
The extension used is `` by default or `.srt` is `single` is `True`, with `lang` being the IETF code for
the :attr:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.language` of the subtitle.
:param video: video of the subtitles.
:type video: :class:``
:param subtitles: subtitles to save.
:type subtitles: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
:param bool single: save a single subtitle, default is to save one subtitle per language.
:param str directory: path to directory where to save the subtitles, default is next to the video.
:param str encoding: encoding in which to save the subtitles, default is to keep original encoding.
:return: the saved subtitles
:rtype: list of :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle`
saved_subtitles = []
for subtitle in subtitles:
# check content
if subtitle.content is None:
logger.error('Skipping subtitle %r: no content', subtitle)
# check language
if subtitle.language in set(s.language for s in saved_subtitles):
logger.debug('Skipping subtitle %r: language already saved', subtitle)
# create subtitle path
subtitle_path = get_subtitle_path(, None if single else subtitle.language)
if directory is not None:
subtitle_path = os.path.join(directory, os.path.split(subtitle_path)[1])
# save content as is or in the specified encoding'Saving %r to %r', subtitle, subtitle_path)
if encoding is None:
with, 'wb') as f:
with, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f:
# check single
if single:
return saved_subtitles