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from hypothesis import given, assume
from hypothesis import strategies as st
from dateutil import tz
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
import pytest
# Strategies
TIME_ZONE_STRATEGY = st.sampled_from([None, tz.UTC] +
[tz.gettz(zname) for zname in ('US/Eastern', 'US/Pacific',
'Australia/Sydney', 'Europe/London')])
ASCII_STRATEGY = st.characters(max_codepoint=127)
@given(dt=st.datetimes(timezones=TIME_ZONE_STRATEGY), sep=ASCII_STRATEGY)
def test_timespec_auto(dt, sep):
if dt.tzinfo is not None:
# Assume offset has no sub-second components
assume(dt.utcoffset().total_seconds() % 60 == 0)
sep = str(sep) # Python 2.7 requires bytes
dtstr = dt.isoformat(sep=sep)
dt_rt = isoparse(dtstr)
assert dt_rt == dt