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305 lines
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import datetime
import re
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
from .decoder import InlineTableDict
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
unicode = str
def dump(o, f, encoder=None):
"""Writes out dict as toml to a file
o: Object to dump into toml
f: File descriptor where the toml should be stored
encoder: The ``TomlEncoder`` to use for constructing the output string
String containing the toml corresponding to dictionary
TypeError: When anything other than file descriptor is passed
if not f.write:
raise TypeError("You can only dump an object to a file descriptor")
d = dumps(o, encoder=encoder)
return d
def dumps(o, encoder=None):
"""Stringifies input dict as toml
o: Object to dump into toml
encoder: The ``TomlEncoder`` to use for constructing the output string
String containing the toml corresponding to dict
>>> import toml
>>> output = {
... 'a': "I'm a string",
... 'b': ["I'm", "a", "list"],
... 'c': 2400
... }
>>> toml.dumps(output)
'a = "I\'m a string"\nb = [ "I\'m", "a", "list",]\nc = 2400\n'
retval = ""
if encoder is None:
encoder = TomlEncoder(o.__class__)
addtoretval, sections = encoder.dump_sections(o, "")
retval += addtoretval
outer_objs = [id(o)]
while sections:
section_ids = [id(section) for section in sections]
for outer_obj in outer_objs:
if outer_obj in section_ids:
raise ValueError("Circular reference detected")
outer_objs += section_ids
newsections = encoder.get_empty_table()
for section in sections:
addtoretval, addtosections = encoder.dump_sections(
sections[section], section)
if addtoretval or (not addtoretval and not addtosections):
if retval and retval[-2:] != "\n\n":
retval += "\n"
retval += "[" + section + "]\n"
if addtoretval:
retval += addtoretval
for s in addtosections:
newsections[section + "." + s] = addtosections[s]
sections = newsections
return retval
def _dump_str(v):
if sys.version_info < (3,) and hasattr(v, 'decode') and isinstance(v, str):
v = v.decode('utf-8')
v = "%r" % v
if v[0] == 'u':
v = v[1:]
singlequote = v.startswith("'")
if singlequote or v.startswith('"'):
v = v[1:-1]
if singlequote:
v = v.replace("\\'", "'")
v = v.replace('"', '\\"')
v = v.split("\\x")
while len(v) > 1:
i = -1
if not v[0]:
v = v[1:]
v[0] = v[0].replace("\\\\", "\\")
# No, I don't know why != works and == breaks
joinx = v[0][i] != "\\"
while v[0][:i] and v[0][i] == "\\":
joinx = not joinx
i -= 1
if joinx:
joiner = "x"
joiner = "u00"
v = [v[0] + joiner + v[1]] + v[2:]
return unicode('"' + v[0] + '"')
def _dump_float(v):
return "{}".format(v).replace("e+0", "e+").replace("e-0", "e-")
def _dump_time(v):
utcoffset = v.utcoffset()
if utcoffset is None:
return v.isoformat()
# The TOML norm specifies that it's local time thus we drop the offset
return v.isoformat()[:-6]
class TomlEncoder(object):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict, preserve=False):
self._dict = _dict
self.preserve = preserve
self.dump_funcs = {
str: _dump_str,
unicode: _dump_str,
list: self.dump_list,
bool: lambda v: unicode(v).lower(),
int: lambda v: v,
float: _dump_float,
Decimal: _dump_float,
datetime.datetime: lambda v: v.isoformat().replace('+00:00', 'Z'),
datetime.time: _dump_time,
| lambda v: v.isoformat()
def get_empty_table(self):
return self._dict()
def dump_list(self, v):
retval = "["
for u in v:
retval += " " + unicode(self.dump_value(u)) + ","
retval += "]"
return retval
def dump_inline_table(self, section):
"""Preserve inline table in its compact syntax instead of expanding
into subsection.
retval = ""
if isinstance(section, dict):
val_list = []
for k, v in section.items():
val = self.dump_inline_table(v)
val_list.append(k + " = " + val)
retval += "{ " + ", ".join(val_list) + " }\n"
return retval
return unicode(self.dump_value(section))
def dump_value(self, v):
# Lookup function corresponding to v's type
dump_fn = self.dump_funcs.get(type(v))
if dump_fn is None and hasattr(v, '__iter__'):
dump_fn = self.dump_funcs[list]
# Evaluate function (if it exists) else return v
return dump_fn(v) if dump_fn is not None else self.dump_funcs[str](v)
def dump_sections(self, o, sup):
retstr = ""
if sup != "" and sup[-1] != ".":
sup += '.'
retdict = self._dict()
arraystr = ""
for section in o:
section = unicode(section)
qsection = section
if not re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$', section):
qsection = _dump_str(section)
if not isinstance(o[section], dict):
arrayoftables = False
if isinstance(o[section], list):
for a in o[section]:
if isinstance(a, dict):
arrayoftables = True
if arrayoftables:
for a in o[section]:
arraytabstr = "\n"
arraystr += "[[" + sup + qsection + "]]\n"
s, d = self.dump_sections(a, sup + qsection)
if s:
if s[0] == "[":
arraytabstr += s
arraystr += s
while d:
newd = self._dict()
for dsec in d:
s1, d1 = self.dump_sections(d[dsec], sup +
qsection + "." +
if s1:
arraytabstr += ("[" + sup + qsection +
"." + dsec + "]\n")
arraytabstr += s1
for s1 in d1:
newd[dsec + "." + s1] = d1[s1]
d = newd
arraystr += arraytabstr
if o[section] is not None:
retstr += (qsection + " = " +
unicode(self.dump_value(o[section])) + '\n')
elif self.preserve and isinstance(o[section], InlineTableDict):
retstr += (qsection + " = " +
retdict[qsection] = o[section]
retstr += arraystr
return (retstr, retdict)
class TomlPreserveInlineDictEncoder(TomlEncoder):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict):
super(TomlPreserveInlineDictEncoder, self).__init__(_dict, True)
class TomlArraySeparatorEncoder(TomlEncoder):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict, preserve=False, separator=","):
super(TomlArraySeparatorEncoder, self).__init__(_dict, preserve)
if separator.strip() == "":
separator = "," + separator
elif separator.strip(' \t\n\r,'):
raise ValueError("Invalid separator for arrays")
self.separator = separator
def dump_list(self, v):
t = []
retval = "["
for u in v:
while t != []:
s = []
for u in t:
if isinstance(u, list):
for r in u:
retval += " " + unicode(u) + self.separator
t = s
retval += "]"
return retval
class TomlNumpyEncoder(TomlEncoder):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict, preserve=False):
import numpy as np
super(TomlNumpyEncoder, self).__init__(_dict, preserve)
self.dump_funcs[np.float16] = _dump_float
self.dump_funcs[np.float32] = _dump_float
self.dump_funcs[np.float64] = _dump_float
self.dump_funcs[np.int16] = self._dump_int
self.dump_funcs[np.int32] = self._dump_int
self.dump_funcs[np.int64] = self._dump_int
def _dump_int(self, v):
return "{}".format(int(v))
class TomlPreserveCommentEncoder(TomlEncoder):
def __init__(self, _dict=dict, preserve=False):
from dynaconf.vendor.toml.decoder import CommentValue
super(TomlPreserveCommentEncoder, self).__init__(_dict, preserve)
self.dump_funcs[CommentValue] = lambda v: v.dump(self.dump_value)
class TomlPathlibEncoder(TomlEncoder):
def _dump_pathlib_path(self, v):
return _dump_str(str(v))
def dump_value(self, v):
if (3, 4) <= sys.version_info:
import pathlib
if isinstance(v, pathlib.PurePath):
v = str(v)
return super(TomlPathlibEncoder, self).dump_value(v)