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from typing import Any, Iterable, Optional, Union
from . import AppriseAsset, ContentLocation
from .attachment import AttachBase
_Attachment = Union[str, AttachBase]
_Attachments = Iterable[_Attachment]
class AppriseAttachment:
def __init__(
paths: Optional[_Attachments] = ...,
asset: Optional[AppriseAttachment] = ...,
cache: bool = ...,
location: Optional[ContentLocation] = ...,
**kwargs: Any
) -> None: ...
def add(
attachments: _Attachments,
asset: Optional[AppriseAttachment] = ...,
cache: Optional[bool] = ...
) -> bool: ...
def instantiate(
url: str,
asset: Optional[AppriseAsset] = ...,
cache: Optional[bool] = ...,
suppress_exceptions: bool = ...
) -> NotifyBase: ...
def clear(self) -> None: ...
def size(self) -> int: ...
def pop(self, index: int = ...) -> AttachBase: ...
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> AttachBase: ...
def __bool__(self) -> bool: ...
def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: ...
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[AttachBase]: ...
def __len__(self) -> int: ...