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from typing import Callable, Match, Optional
import re
from ._emoji_codes import EMOJI
_ReStringMatch = Match[str] # regex match object
_ReSubCallable = Callable[[_ReStringMatch], str] # Callable invoked by re.sub
_EmojiSubMethod = Callable[[_ReSubCallable, str], str] # Sub method of a compiled re
def _emoji_replace(
text: str,
default_variant: Optional[str] = None,
_emoji_sub: _EmojiSubMethod = re.compile(r"(:(\S*?)(?:(?:\-)(emoji|text))?:)").sub,
) -> str:
"""Replace emoji code in text."""
get_emoji = EMOJI.__getitem__
variants = {"text": "\uFE0E", "emoji": "\uFE0F"}
get_variant = variants.get
default_variant_code = variants.get(default_variant, "") if default_variant else ""
def do_replace(match: Match[str]) -> str:
emoji_code, emoji_name, variant = match.groups()
return get_emoji(emoji_name.lower()) + get_variant(
variant, default_variant_code
except KeyError:
return emoji_code
return _emoji_sub(do_replace, text)