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from ..base import *
import math
import random
Math = PyJsObject(prototype=ObjectPrototype)
Math.Class = 'Math'
'E': 2.7182818284590452354,
'LN10': 2.302585092994046,
'LN2': 0.6931471805599453,
'LOG2E': 1.4426950408889634,
'LOG10E': 0.4342944819032518,
'PI': 3.1415926535897932,
'SQRT1_2': 0.7071067811865476,
'SQRT2': 1.4142135623730951
for constant, value in CONSTANTS.items():
constant, {
'value': Js(value),
'writable': False,
'enumerable': False,
'configurable': False
class MathFunctions:
def abs(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return abs(a)
def acos(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.acos(a)
return NaN
def asin(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.asin(a)
return NaN
def atan(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.atan(a)
def atan2(y, x):
a = x.to_number().value
b = y.to_number().value
if a != a or b != b: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.atan2(b, a)
def ceil(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.ceil(a)
def floor(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.floor(a)
def round(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return round(a)
def sin(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.sin(a)
def cos(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.cos(a)
def tan(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.tan(a)
def log(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.log(a)
return NaN
def exp(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return math.exp(a)
def pow(x, y):
a = x.to_number().value
b = y.to_number().value
if a != a or b != b: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return a**b
return NaN
def sqrt(x):
a = x.to_number().value
if a != a: # it must be a nan
return NaN
return a**0.5
return NaN
def min():
if not len(arguments):
return Infinity
lis = tuple(e.to_number().value for e in arguments.to_list())
if any(e != e for e in lis): # we dont want NaNs
return NaN
return min(*lis)
def max():
if not len(arguments):
return -Infinity
lis = tuple(e.to_number().value for e in arguments.to_list())
if any(e != e for e in lis): # we dont want NaNs
return NaN
return max(*lis)
def random():
return random.random()
fill_prototype(Math, MathFunctions, default_attrs)