You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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class RegExpPrototype:
def toString():
flags = u''
if this.glob:
flags += u'g'
if this.ignore_case:
flags += u'i'
if this.multiline:
flags += u'm'
v = this.value if this.value else '(?:)'
return u'/%s/' % v + flags
def test(string):
return Exec(this, string) is not this.null
def exec2(string
): # will be changed to exec in cant name it exec here
return Exec(this, string)
def Exec(this, string):
if this.Class != 'RegExp':
raise this.MakeError('TypeError',
'RegExp.prototype.exec is not generic!')
string = string.to_string()
length = len(string)
i = this.get('lastIndex').to_int() if this.glob else 0
matched = False
while not matched:
if i < 0 or i > length:
this.put('lastIndex', this.Js(0))
return this.null
matched = this.match(string.value, i)
i += 1
start, end = matched.span() #[0]+i-1, matched.span()[1]+i-1
if this.glob:
this.put('lastIndex', this.Js(end))
arr = this.Js(
[this.Js(e) for e in [] + list(matched.groups())])
arr.put('index', this.Js(start))
arr.put('input', string)
return arr