You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
3.3 KiB

import { faInfoCircle } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome";
import React, { FunctionComponent, useCallback, useMemo } from "react";
import { Badge, OverlayTrigger, Popover } from "react-bootstrap";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import { Column, Row } from "react-table";
import { useSeriesHistory } from "../../@redux/hooks";
import { EpisodesApi } from "../../apis";
import { HistoryIcon, LanguageText } from "../../components";
import { BlacklistButton } from "../../generic/blacklist";
import { useAutoUpdate } from "../../utilites/hooks";
import HistoryGenericView from "../generic";
interface Props {}
const SeriesHistoryView: FunctionComponent<Props> = () => {
const [series, update] = useSeriesHistory();
const tableUpdate = useCallback((row: Row<History.Base>) => update(), [
const columns: Column<History.Episode>[] = useMemo<Column<History.Episode>[]>(
() => [
accessor: "action",
className: "text-center",
Cell: ({ value }) => <HistoryIcon action={value}></HistoryIcon>,
Header: "Series",
accessor: "seriesTitle",
Cell: (row) => {
const target = `/series/${row.row.original.sonarrSeriesId}`;
return (
<Link to={target}>
Header: "Episode",
accessor: "episode_number",
Header: "Title",
accessor: "episodeTitle",
Header: "Language",
accessor: "language",
Cell: ({ value }) => {
if (value) {
return (
<Badge variant="secondary">
<LanguageText text={value} long></LanguageText>
} else {
return null;
Header: "Score",
accessor: "score",
Header: "Date",
accessor: "timestamp",
className: "text-nowrap",
accessor: "description",
Cell: ({ row, value }) => {
const overlay = (
<Popover id={`description-${}`}>
return (
<OverlayTrigger overlay={overlay}>
<FontAwesomeIcon size="sm" icon={faInfoCircle}></FontAwesomeIcon>
accessor: "blacklisted",
Cell: ({ row, externalUpdate }) => {
const original = row.original;
const { sonarrEpisodeId, sonarrSeriesId } = original;
return (
update={() => externalUpdate && externalUpdate(row)}
promise={(form) =>
EpisodesApi.addBlacklist(sonarrSeriesId, sonarrEpisodeId, form)
return (
columns={columns as Column<History.Base>[]}
export default SeriesHistoryView;