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from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ..conversions import *
from ..func_utils import *
# python 3 support
import six
if six.PY3:
basestring = str
long = int
xrange = range
unicode = str
# todo fix apply and bind
class FunctionPrototype:
def toString(this, args):
if not is_callable(this):
raise MakeError('TypeError',
'Function.prototype.toString is not generic')
args = u', '.join(map(unicode, this.params))
return u'function %s(%s) { [native code] }' % ( if
else u'', args)
def call(this, args):
if not is_callable(this):
raise MakeError('TypeError',
' is not generic')
_this = get_arg(args, 0)
_args = tuple(args)[1:]
return, _args)
def apply(this, args):
if not is_callable(this):
raise MakeError('TypeError',
'Function.prototype.apply is not generic')
_args = get_arg(args, 1)
if not is_object(_args):
raise MakeError(
'argList argument to Function.prototype.apply must an Object')
_this = get_arg(args, 0)
return, js_array_to_tuple(_args))
def bind(this, args):
if not is_callable(this):
raise MakeError('TypeError',
'Function.prototype.bind is not generic')
bound_this = get_arg(args, 0)
bound_args = tuple(args)[1:]
def bound(dummy_this, extra_args):
return, bound_args + tuple(extra_args))
js_bound =, this.ctx, (), u'', False, ())
float(max(len(this.params) - len(bound_args), 0.)))
js_bound.put(u'name', u'boundFunc')
return js_bound