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Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container. See the [wiki](https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-amd/wiki) to understand how it works.
| `-e searchSort=date` | date or ablum :: Sorts the missing/cutoff list by release date (newest -> oldest) or album type (album -> single) for processing the list |
| `-e audioFormat=native` | native or alac or mp3 or aac or opus :: native is the native download client file type, selected by the matching audio bitrate |
| `-e audioBitrate=lossless` | lossless or high or low or ### :: lossless = flac files, high = 320K, low = 128k/96k, ### = the output bitrate of converted lossless files to selected audioFormat that is not native, example: 192... |
| `-e audioLyricType=both` | both or explicit or clean :: both, is explicit perferred matching, explicit is explicit releases only matching and clean is clean releases only matching |
| `-e addDeezerTopArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Artist Chart to your existing Lidarr instance |
| `-e addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Album Chart to your existing Lidarr instance |
| `-e addDeezerTopTrackArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Track Chart to your existing Lidarr instance |
| `-e addRelatedArtists=false` | true = enabled :: WARNING !!! WARNING !!! Enabling this can cause an endless loop of additional artists.... Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are related to your existing Lidarr artists from Deezer |
| `-e numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=5` | 1-20 :: This will limit the number of related artists to add per artist in your library :: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 20 |
| `-e beetsMatchPercentage=90` | 1-100 :: Set this to the minimum percentage required for Beets to match the downloaded album to a musicbrainz release :: Lower percentage is less restrictive |