@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as thos
| `-e audioFormat=native` | native or alac or mp3 or aac or opus :: native is the native download client file type, selected by the matching audio bitrate |
| `-e audioBitrate=lossless` | lossless or high or low or ### :: lossless = flac files, high = 320K, low = 128k/96k, ### = the output bitrate of converted lossless files to selected audioFormat that is not native, example: 192... |
| `-e requireQuality=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be required to have the requested file format |
| `-e enableBeetsTagging=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be processed and tagged by Beets |
| `-e enableReplaygainTags=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be tagged with Replaygain Metadata |
| `-e audioLyricType=both` | both or explicit or clean :: both, is explicit perferred matching, explicit is explicit releases only matching and clean is clean releases only matching |
| `-e dlClientSource=both` | deezer, tidal or both :: set to both, to use both clients, tidal requires extra steps, view logging output |