#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.0.110" lidarrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$lidarrUrlBase" = "null" ]; then lidarrUrlBase="" else lidarrUrlBase="/$(echo "$lidarrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi lidarrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" lidarrUrl="${lidarrUrlBase}" agent="lidarr-extended ( https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended )" musicbrainzMirror=https://musicbrainz.org # Debugging settings #dlClientSource=tidal #topLimit=3 #addDeezerTopArtists=true #addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=true #addDeezerTopTrackArtists=true #configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=false #audioFormat=opus #audioBitrate=160 #addRelatedArtists=true #numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=1 #beetsMatchPercentage=85 sleepTimer=0.5 log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" "$1 } verifyApiAccess () { until false do lidarrTest=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/system/status?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .branch) if [ $lidarrTest = nightly ]; then lidarrVersion=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/system/status?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .version) log ":: Lidarr Version: $lidarrVersion" break else log ":: Lidarr is not ready, sleeping until valid response..." sleep 1 fi done } echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo " |~) _ ._ _| _ ._ _ |\ |o._ o _ |~|_|_|" echo " |~\(_|| |(_|(_)| | || \||| |_|(_||~| | |<" echo " Presents: lidarr-extended ($scriptVersion)" echo " Docker Version: $dockerVersion" echo " May the beats be with you!" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Donate: https://github.com/sponsors/RandomNinjaAtk" echo "Project: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended" echo "Support: https://discord.gg/JumQXDc" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" sleep 5 echo "" echo "Lift off in..."; sleep 0.5 echo "5"; sleep 1 echo "4"; sleep 1 echo "3"; sleep 1 echo "2"; sleep 1 echo "1"; sleep 1 if [ ! -d /config/xdg ]; then mkdir -p /config/xdg fi Configuration () { processstartid="$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep "start.sh" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')" processdownloadid="$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep "download.sh" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')" log "To kill script, use the following command:" log "kill -9 $processstartid" log "kill -9 $processdownloadid" sleep 2 if [ -z $topLimit ]; then topLimit=10 fi verifyApiAccess if [ "$addDeezerTopArtists" = "true" ]; then log ":: Add Deezer Top $topLimit Artists is enabled" else log ":: Add Deezer Top Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopArtists=true)" fi if [ "$addDeezerTopAlbumArtists" = "true" ]; then log ":: Add Deezer Top $topLimit Album Artists is enabled" else log ":: Add Deezer Top Album Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=true)" fi if [ "$addDeezerTopTrackArtists" = "true" ]; then log ":: Add Deezer Top $topLimit Track Artists is enabled" else log ":: Add Deezer Top Track Artists is disabled (enable by setting addDeezerTopTrackArtists=true)" fi if [ "$addRelatedArtists" = "true" ]; then log ":: Add Deezer Related Artists is enabled" log ":: Add $numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist Deezer related Artist for each Lidarr Artist" else log ":: Add Deezer Related Artists is disabled (enable by setting addRelatedArtists=true)" fi if [ "$configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings" = "true" ]; then log ":: Configure Lidarr with optimal settings is enabled" else log ":: Configure Lidarr with optimal settings is disabled (enable by setting configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=true)" fi log ":: Output format = $audioFormat" log ":: Output bitrate = $audioBitrate" if [ $audioLyricType = both ] || [ $audioLyricType = explicit ] || [ $audioLyricType = explicit ]; then log ":: Preferred audio lyric type: $audioLyricType" fi log ":: Tidal Country Code set to: $tidalCountryCode" log ":: Beets Matching Threshold ${beetsMatchPercentage}%" beetsMatchPercentage=$(expr 100 - $beetsMatchPercentage ) if cat /config/extended/scripts/beets-config.yaml | grep "strong_rec_thresh: 0.04" | read; then log ":: Configuring Beets Matching Threshold" sed -i "s/strong_rec_thresh: 0.04/strong_rec_thresh: 0.${beetsMatchPercentage}/g" /config/extended/scripts/beets-config.yaml fi } DownloadFormat () { if [ $audioFormat = native ]; then if [ $audioBitrate = lossless ]; then tidal-dl -q HiFi deemixQuality=flac elif [ $audioBitrate = high ]; then tidal-dl -q High deemixQuality=320 elif [ $audioBitrate = low ]; then tidal-dl -q Normal deemixQuality=128 else log ":: ERROR :: Invalid audioFormat and audioBitrate options set..." log ":: ERROR :: Change audioBitrate to a low, high, or lossless..." log ":: ERROR :: Exiting..." exit fi else if [ $audioBitrate = lossless ] || [ $audioBitrate = high ] || [ $audioBitrate = low ]; then log ":: ERROR :: Invalid audioFormat and audioBitrate options set..." log ":: ERROR :: Change audioBitrate to a desired bitrate number, example: 192..." log ":: ERROR :: Exiting..." exit else tidal-dl -q HiFi deemixQuality=flac fi fi } DownloadFolderCleaner () { # check for completed download folder if [ -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete" ]; then log ":: Removing prevously completed downloads that failed to import..." # check for completed downloads older than 1 day if find /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete -mindepth 1 -type d -mtime +1 | read; then # delete completed downloads older than 1 day, these most likely failed to import due to Lidarr failing to match find /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete -mindepth 1 -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf "{}" \; &>/dev/null fi fi } NotFoundFolderCleaner () { # check for completed download folder if [ -d /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound ]; then log ":: Removing prevously notfound lidarr album ids older than 7 days to give them a retry..." # check for notfound entries older than 7 days if find /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound -mindepth 1 -type f -mtime +7 | read; then # delete ntofound entries older than 7 days find /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound -mindepth 1 -type f -mtime +7 -delete fi fi } AddDeezerTopArtists () { getDeezerArtistsIds=$(curl -s "https://api.deezer.com/chart/0/artists?limit=$1" | jq -r ".data[].id") getDeezerArtistsIdsCount=$(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds" | wc -l) getDeezerArtistsIds=($(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds")) sleep $sleepTimer description="Top Artists" AddDeezerArtistToLidarr } AddDeezerTopAlbumArtists () { getDeezerArtistsIds=$(curl -s "https://api.deezer.com/chart/0/albums?limit=$1" | jq -r ".data[].artist.id") getDeezerArtistsIdsCount=$(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds" | wc -l) getDeezerArtistsIds=($(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds")) sleep $sleepTimer description="Top Album Artists" AddDeezerArtistToLidarr } AddDeezerTopTrackArtists () { getDeezerArtistsIds=$(curl -s "https://api.deezer.com/chart/0/tracks?limit=$1" | jq -r ".data[].artist.id") getDeezerArtistsIdsCount=$(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds" | wc -l) getDeezerArtistsIds=($(echo "$getDeezerArtistsIds")) sleep $sleepTimer description="Top Track Artists" AddDeezerArtistToLidarr } AddDeezerArtistToLidarr () { lidarrArtistsData="$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}")" lidarrArtistIds="$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[].foreignArtistId")" deezerArtistsUrl=$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[].links | .[] | select(.name==\"deezer\") | .url") deezeArtistIds="$(echo "$deezerArtistsUrl" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -u)" log ":: Finding $description..." log ":: $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount $description Found..." for id in ${!getDeezerArtistsIds[@]}; do currentprocess=$(( $id + 1 )) deezerArtistId="${getDeezerArtistsIds[$id]}" deezerArtistName="$(curl -s https://api.deezer.com/artist/$deezerArtistId | jq -r .name)" sleep $sleepTimer log ":: $currentprocess of $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount :: $deezerArtistName :: Searching Musicbrainz for Deezer artist id ($deezerArtistId)" if echo "$deezeArtistIds" | grep "^${deezerArtistId}$" | read; then log ":: $currentprocess of $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount :: $deezerArtistName :: $deezerArtistId already in Lidarr..." continue fi query_data=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url?query=url:%22https://www.deezer.com/artist/${deezerArtistId}%22&fmt=json") count=$(echo "$query_data" | jq -r ".count") if [ "$count" == "0" ]; then sleep 1.5 query_data=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url?query=url:%22http://www.deezer.com/artist/${deezerArtistId}%22&fmt=json") count=$(echo "$query_data" | jq -r ".count") sleep 1.5 fi if [ "$count" == "0" ]; then query_data=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url?query=url:%22http://deezer.com/artist/${deezerArtistId}%22&fmt=json") count=$(echo "$query_data" | jq -r ".count") sleep 1.5 fi if [ "$count" == "0" ]; then query_data=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/url?query=url:%22https://deezer.com/artist/${deezerArtistId}%22&fmt=json") count=$(echo "$query_data" | jq -r ".count") fi if [ "$count" != "0" ]; then musicbrainz_main_artist_id=$(echo "$query_data" | jq -r '.urls[]."relation-list"[].relations[].artist.id' | head -n 1) sleep 1.5 artist_data=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/$musicbrainz_main_artist_id?fmt=json") artist_sort_name="$(echo "$artist_data" | jq -r '."sort-name"')" artist_formed="$(echo "$artist_data" | jq -r '."begin-area".name')" artist_born="$(echo "$artist_data" | jq -r '."life-span".begin')" gender="$(echo "$artist_data" | jq -r ".gender")" matched_id=true data=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/search?term=lidarr%3A$musicbrainz_main_artist_id" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" | jq -r ".[]") artistName="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".artist.artistName")" foreignId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".foreignId")" data=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/rootFolder" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" | jq -r ".[]") path="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".path")" qualityProfileId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".defaultQualityProfileId")" metadataProfileId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".defaultMetadataProfileId")" data="{ \"artistName\": \"$artistName\", \"foreignArtistId\": \"$foreignId\", \"qualityProfileId\": $qualityProfileId, \"metadataProfileId\": $metadataProfileId, \"monitored\":true, \"monitor\":\"all\", \"rootFolderPath\": \"$path\", \"addOptions\":{\"searchForMissingAlbums\":false} }" if echo "$lidarrArtistIds" | grep "^${musicbrainz_main_artist_id}$" | read; then log ":: $currentprocess of $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount :: $deezerArtistName :: Already in Lidarr ($musicbrainz_main_artist_id), skipping..." continue fi log ":: $currentprocess of $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount :: $deezerArtistName :: Adding $artistName to Lidarr ($musicbrainz_main_artist_id)..." LidarrTaskStatusCheck lidarrAddArtist=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" --data-raw "$data") else log ":: $currentprocess of $getDeezerArtistsIdsCount :: $deezerArtistName :: Artist not found in Musicbrainz, please add \"https://deezer.com/artist/${deezerArtistId}\" to the correct artist on Musicbrainz" fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck done } DArtistAlbumList () { albumids=$(python3 /config/extended/scripts/discography.py "$1" | sort -u) albumcount="$(echo "$albumids" | wc -l)" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Searching Artist ID \"$1\" for All Albums...." if [ $albumcount -gt 0 ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $albumcount Albums found!" else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: $albumcount Albums found, skipping..." return fi albumids=($(echo "$albumids")) for id in ${!albumids[@]}; do currentprocess=$(( $id + 1 )) albumid="${albumids[$id]}" if [ ! -d /config/extended/cache/deezer/ ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/deezer chmod 777 /config/extended/cache/deezer chown -R abc:abc /config/extended/cache/deezer fi if [ -f /config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json ]; then if jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<<"$(cat /config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json)"; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: Album info already downloaded and verified..." continue else rm "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" fi fi until false do log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: Downloading Album info..." curl -s "https://api.deezer.com/album/${albumid}" -o "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" sleep $sleepTimer if [ -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" ]; then if jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<<"$(cat /config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json)"; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: Album info downloaded and verified..." chmod 666 /config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json chown abc:abc /config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json albumInfoVerified=true break else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: Error getting album information" if [ -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" ]; then rm "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" fi log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: Retrying..." fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $currentprocess of $albumcount :: ERROR :: Download Failed" fi done if [ $albumInfoVerified = true ]; then continue fi done if [ -f /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json ]; then rm /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json fi if [ ! -f /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Creating album list from $albumcount found albums..." echo "[" >> /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json for id in ${!albumids[@]}; do albumid="${albumids[$id]}" cat "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${albumid}.json" | jq -r | sed 's/^/ /' | sed '$s/}/},/g' >> /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json done cat /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json | sed '$ d' >> /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json echo " }" >> /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json echo "]" >> /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json rm /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums-temp.json fi if jq -e . >/dev/null 2>&1 <<<"$(cat /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json)"; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Album list verified..." else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Existing album list failed verification..." rm /config/extended/cache/deezer/$1-albums.json fi } TidalClientSetup () { log ":: TIDAL :: Verifying tidal-dl configuration" touch /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.log if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json ]; then rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json fi if [ ! -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json ]; then log ":: TIDAL :: No default config found, importing default config \"tidal.json\"" if [ -f /config/extended/scripts/tidal-dl.json ]; then cp /config/extended/scripts/tidal-dl.json /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json chmod 777 -R /config/xdg/ fi fi tidal-dl -o /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete DownloadFormat if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then if [[ $(find "/config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json" -mtime +5 -print) ]]; then log ":: TIDAL :: ERROR :: Token expired, removing..." rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json fi fi if [ ! -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then log ":: TIDAL :: ERROR :: Downgrade tidal-dl for workaround..." pip3 install tidal-dl==2022.3.4.2 log ":: TIDAL :: ERROR :: Loading client for required authentication, please authenticate, then exit the client..." tidal-dl fi if [ -d /config/extended/cache/tidal ]; then log ":: TIDAL :: Purging album list cache..." find /config/extended/cache/tidal -type f -name "*.json" -delete fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete else rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* fi log ":: TIDAL :: Upgrade tidal-dl to the latest..." pip3 install tidal-dl --upgrade tidal-dl -o /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete -l "166356219" downloadCount=$(find /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ $downloadCount -le 0 ]; then if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json fi log ":: tidal-dl client setup verification :: ERROR :: Download failed" log ":: tidal-dl client setup verification :: ERROR :: You will need to re-authenticate on next script run..." log ":: tidal-dl client setup verification :: ERROR :: Exiting..." rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* exit else rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* log ":: tidal-dl client setup verification :: Download Verification Success" fi } DownloadProcess () { # Required Input Data # $1 = Album ID to download from online Service # $2 = Download Client Type (DEEZER or TIDAL) # $3 = Album Year that matches Album ID Metadata # $4 = Album Title that matches Album ID Metadata if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete else rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete fi if [ ! -d "/config/extended/logs" ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs chmod 777 /config/extended/logs chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs fi if [ ! -d "/config/extended/logs/downloaded" ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/downloaded chmod 777 /config/extended/logs/downloaded chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/downloaded fi if [ ! -d "/config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer" ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer chmod 777 /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer fi if [ ! -d "/config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal" ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal chmod 777 /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal fi if [ "$2" = "DEEZER" ]; then deemix -b $deemixQuality -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete "https://www.deezer.com/album/$1" if [ -d "/tmp/deemix-imgs" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/deemix-imgs fi touch /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer/$1 downloadCount=$(find /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ $downloadCount -le 0 ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: download failed" return fi elif [ "$2" = "TIDAL" ]; then tidal-dl -o /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete -l "$1" touch /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal/$1 downloadCount=$(find /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ $downloadCount -le 0 ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: download failed" return fi else return fi if [ $audioFormat != native ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Converting Flac Audio to ${audioFormat^^} ${audioBitrate}k" if [ $audioFormat = opus ]; then options="-acodec libopus -ab ${audioBitrate}k -application audio -vbr off" extension="opus" fi if [ $audioFormat = mp3 ]; then options="-acodec libmp3lame -ab ${audioBitrate}k" extension="mp3" fi if [ $audioFormat = aac ]; then options="-c:a libfdk_aac -b:a ${audioBitrate}k -movflags faststart" extension="m4a" fi if [ $audioFormat = alac ]; then options="-c:a alac -movflags faststart" extension="m4a" fi find "/downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete" -type f -iname "*.flac" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' audio; do file="${audio}" filename="$(basename "$audio")" foldername="$(dirname "$audio")" filenamenoext="${filename%.*}" if ffmpeg -loglevel warning -hide_banner -nostats -i "$file" -n -vn $options "$foldername/${filenamenoext}.$extension" < /dev/null; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $filename :: Conversion to $audioFormat (${audioBitrate}k) successful" rm "$file" else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $filename :: ERROR :: Conversion Failed" rm "$foldername/${filenamenoext}.$extension" fi done fi albumquality="$(find /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | head -n 1 | egrep -i -E -o "\.{1}\w*$" | sed 's/\.//g')" downloadedAlbumTitleClean="$(echo "$4" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]._' ]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" downloadedAlbumFolder="$lidarrArtistNameSanitized-$downloadedAlbumTitleClean ($3)-${albumquality^^}-$2" find "/downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' audio; do file="${audio}" filenoext="${file%.*}" filename="$(basename "$audio")" extension="${filename##*.}" filenamenoext="${filename%.*}" if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete fi mkdir -p "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" mv "$file" "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder"/ done chmod -R 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete chown -R abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/complete # ProcessWithBeets "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" "${albumquality^^}" "$2" if [ -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" ]; then NotifyLidarrForImport "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" fi rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* # NotifyPlexToScan } NotifyLidarrForImport () { LidarrProcessIt=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/command" --header "X-Api-Key:"${lidarrApiKey} -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"name\":\"DownloadedAlbumsScan\", \"path\":\"$1\"}") log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: LIDARR IMPORT NOTIFICATION SENT! :: $1" } NotifyPlexToScan () { LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Notifying Plex to Scan :: $lidarrArtistPath" bash /config/extended/scripts/PlexNotify.bash "$lidarrArtistPath" fi } DeemixClientSetup () { log ":: DEEZER :: Verifying deemix configuration" if [ ! -z "$arlToken" ]; then arlToken="$(echo $arlToken | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" # Create directories mkdir -p /config/xdg/deemix if [ -f "/config/xdg/deemix/.arl" ]; then rm "/config/xdg/deemix/.arl" fi if [ ! -f "/config/xdg/deemix/.arl" ]; then echo -n "$arlToken" > "/config/xdg/deemix/.arl" fi log ":: DEEZER :: ARL Token: Configured" else log ":: DEEZER :: ERROR :: arlToken setting invalid, currently set to: $arlToken" fi if [ -f "/config/xdg/deemix/config.json" ]; then rm /config/xdg/deemix/config.json fi if [ -f "/config/extended/scripts/deemix_config.json" ]; then log ":: DEEZER :: Configuring deemix client" cp /config/extended/scripts/deemix_config.json /config/xdg/deemix/config.json chmod 777 /config/xdg/deemix/config.json fi if [ -d /config/extended/cache/deezer ]; then log ":: DEEZER :: Purging album list cache..." find /config/extended/cache/deezer -type f -name "*-albums.json" -delete fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended fi if [ ! -d "/downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete" ]; then mkdir -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chmod 777 /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete chown abc:abc /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete else rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* fi deemix -b $deemixQuality -p /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete "https://www.deezer.com/album/197472472" if [ -d "/tmp/deemix-imgs" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/deemix-imgs fi downloadCount=$(find /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ $downloadCount -le 0 ]; then log ":: deemix client setup verification :: ERROR :: Download failed" log ":: deemix client setup verification :: ERROR :: Please review log for errors in client" log ":: deemix client setup verification :: ERROR :: Try updating your ARL Token to possibly resolve the issue..." log ":: deemix client setup verification :: ERROR :: Exiting..." rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* exit else rm -rf /downloads/lidarr-extended/incomplete/* log ":: deemix client setup verification :: Download Verification Success" fi } ConfigureLidarrWithOptimalSettings () { log ":: Configuring Lidarr Track Naming Settings" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/config/naming" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"renameTracks":true,"replaceIllegalCharacters":true,"standardTrackFormat":"{Artist Name} - {Album Type} - {Release Year} - {Album Title}{ (Album Disambiguation)}/{medium:00}{track:00} - {Track Title}","multiDiscTrackFormat":"{Artist Name} - {Album Type} - {Release Year} - {Album Title}{ (Album Disambiguation)}/{medium:00}{track:00} - {Track Title}","artistFolderFormat":"{Artist Name}{ (Artist Disambiguation)}","includeArtistName":false,"includeAlbumTitle":false,"includeQuality":false,"replaceSpaces":false,"id":1}') log ":: Configuring Lidarr Media Management Settings" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/config/mediamanagement" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"autoUnmonitorPreviouslyDownloadedTracks":false,"recycleBin":"","recycleBinCleanupDays":7,"downloadPropersAndRepacks":"preferAndUpgrade","createEmptyArtistFolders":true,"deleteEmptyFolders":true,"fileDate":"none","watchLibraryForChanges":true,"rescanAfterRefresh":"always","allowFingerprinting":"newFiles","setPermissionsLinux":true,"chmodFolder":"777","chownGroup":"abc","skipFreeSpaceCheckWhenImporting":false,"minimumFreeSpaceWhenImporting":100,"copyUsingHardlinks":true,"importExtraFiles":true,"extraFileExtensions":"jpg,png,lrc","id":1}') log ":: Configuring Lidarr Metadata ConsumerSettings" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/metadata/1?" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"enable":true,"name":"Kodi (XBMC) / Emby","fields":[{"name":"artistMetadata","value":true},{"name":"albumMetadata","value":true},{"name":"artistImages","value":true},{"name":"albumImages","value":true}],"implementationName":"Kodi (XBMC) / Emby","implementation":"XbmcMetadata","configContract":"XbmcMetadataSettings","infoLink":"https://wiki.servarr.com/lidarr/supported#xbmcmetadata","tags":[],"id":1}') log ":: Configuring Lidarr Metadata Provider Settings" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/config/metadataProvider" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"metadataSource":"","writeAudioTags":"sync","scrubAudioTags":true,"id":1}') log ":: Configuring Lidarr Custom Scripts" if curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/notification" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .[].name | grep "PlexNotify.bash" | read; then log ":: PlexNotify.bash Already added to Lidarr custom scripts" else log ":: Adding PlexNotify.bash to Lidarr custom scripts" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/filesystem?path=%2Fconfig%2Fextended%2Fscripts%2FPlexNotify.bash&allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes=true&includeFiles=true" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}") postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/notification?" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"onGrab":false,"onReleaseImport":true,"onUpgrade":true,"onRename":true,"onHealthIssue":false,"onDownloadFailure":false,"onImportFailure":false,"onTrackRetag":false,"onApplicationUpdate":false,"supportsOnGrab":true,"supportsOnReleaseImport":true,"supportsOnUpgrade":true,"supportsOnRename":true,"supportsOnHealthIssue":true,"includeHealthWarnings":false,"supportsOnDownloadFailure":false,"supportsOnImportFailure":false,"supportsOnTrackRetag":true,"supportsOnApplicationUpdate":true,"name":"PlexNotify.bash","fields":[{"name":"path","value":"/config/extended/scripts/PlexNotify.bash"},{"name":"arguments"}],"implementationName":"Custom Script","implementation":"CustomScript","configContract":"CustomScriptSettings","infoLink":"https://wiki.servarr.com/lidarr/supported#customscript","message":{"message":"Testing will execute the script with the EventType set to Test, ensure your script handles this correctly","type":"warning"},"tags":[]}') fi if curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/notification" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .[].name | grep "Plex_MusicVideos.bash" | read; then log ":: Plex_MusicVideos.bash Already added to Lidarr custom scripts" else log ":: Adding Plex_MusicVideos.bash to Lidarr custom scripts" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/filesystem?path=%2Fconfig%2Fextended%2Fscripts%2FPlex_MusicVideos.bash&allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes=true&includeFiles=true" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}") postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/notification?" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"onGrab":false,"onReleaseImport":true,"onUpgrade":true,"onRename":true,"onHealthIssue":false,"onDownloadFailure":false,"onImportFailure":false,"onTrackRetag":false,"onApplicationUpdate":false,"supportsOnGrab":true,"supportsOnReleaseImport":true,"supportsOnUpgrade":true,"supportsOnRename":true,"supportsOnHealthIssue":true,"includeHealthWarnings":false,"supportsOnDownloadFailure":false,"supportsOnImportFailure":false,"supportsOnTrackRetag":true,"supportsOnApplicationUpdate":true,"name":"Plex_MusicVideos.bash","fields":[{"name":"path","value":"/config/extended/scripts/Plex_MusicVideos.bash"},{"name":"arguments"}],"implementationName":"Custom Script","implementation":"CustomScript","configContract":"CustomScriptSettings","infoLink":"https://wiki.servarr.com/lidarr/supported#customscript","message":{"message":"Testing will execute the script with the EventType set to Test, ensure your script handles this correctly","type":"warning"},"tags":[]}') fi log ":: Configuring Lidarr UI Settings" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/config/ui" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"firstDayOfWeek":0,"calendarWeekColumnHeader":"ddd M/D","shortDateFormat":"MMM D YYYY","longDateFormat":"dddd, MMMM D YYYY","timeFormat":"h(:mm)a","showRelativeDates":true,"enableColorImpairedMode":true,"uiLanguage":1,"expandAlbumByDefault":true,"expandSingleByDefault":true,"expandEPByDefault":true,"expandBroadcastByDefault":true,"expandOtherByDefault":true,"id":1}') if curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/rootFolder" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" | sed '1q' | grep "\[\]" | read; then log ":: ERROR :: No root folder found" log ":: Configuring root folder..." getSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/filesystem?path=%2Fmusic&allowFoldersWithoutTrailingSlashes=false&includeFiles=false" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}") postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/rootFolder?" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"defaultTags":[],"defaultQualityProfileId":1,"defaultMetadataProfileId":1,"name":"Music","path":"/music"}') fi log ":: Configuring Lidarr Standard Metadata Profile" postSettingsToLidarr=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/metadataprofile/1?" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" --data-raw '{"name":"Standard","primaryAlbumTypes":[{"albumType":{"id":2,"name":"Single"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":4,"name":"Other"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":1,"name":"EP"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":3,"name":"Broadcast"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":0,"name":"Album"},"allowed":true}],"secondaryAlbumTypes":[{"albumType":{"id":0,"name":"Studio"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":3,"name":"Spokenword"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":2,"name":"Soundtrack"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":7,"name":"Remix"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":9,"name":"Mixtape/Street"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":6,"name":"Live"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":4,"name":"Interview"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":8,"name":"DJ-mix"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":10,"name":"Demo"},"allowed":true},{"albumType":{"id":1,"name":"Compilation"},"allowed":true}],"releaseStatuses":[{"releaseStatus":{"id":3,"name":"Pseudo-Release"},"allowed":false},{"releaseStatus":{"id":1,"name":"Promotion"},"allowed":false},{"releaseStatus":{"id":0,"name":"Official"},"allowed":true},{"releaseStatus":{"id":2,"name":"Bootleg"},"allowed":false}],"id":1}') touch /config/extended/logs/autoconfig chmod 666 /config/extended/logs/autoconfig chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/autoconfig } LidarrRootFolderCheck () { if curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/rootFolder" -H "X-Api-Key: ${lidarrApiKey}" | sed '1q' | grep "\[\]" | read; then log ":: ERROR :: No root folder found" log ":: ERROR :: Configure root folder in Lidarr to continue..." log ":: ERROR :: Exiting..." exit fi } GetMissingCutOffList () { if [ -d /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list ]; then rm -rf /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list sleep 0.1 fi mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list # Get missing album list lidarrMissingTotalRecords=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/wanted/missing?page=1&pagesize=1&sortKey=releaseDate&sortDirection=desc&apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .totalRecords) log ":: FINDING MISSING ALBUMS" if [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 1000 ]; then amountPerPull=500 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 10000 ]; then amountPerPull=1000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 20000 ]; then amountPerPull=2000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 30000 ]; then amountPerPull=3000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 40000 ]; then amountPerPull=4000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 50000 ]; then amountPerPull=5000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 60000 ]; then amountPerPull=6000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 70000 ]; then amountPerPull=7000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 80000 ]; then amountPerPull=8000 elif [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -le 90000 ]; then amountPerPull=9000 else amountPerPull=10000 fi if [ $lidarrMissingTotalRecords -ge 1 ]; then offsetcount=$(( $lidarrMissingTotalRecords / $amountPerPull )) for ((i=0;i<=$offsetcount;i++)); do page=$(( $i + 1 )) offset=$(( $i * $amountPerPull )) dlnumber=$(( $offset + $amountPerPull )) if [ $dlnumber -gt $lidarrMissingTotalRecords ]; then dlnumber=$lidarrMissingTotalRecords fi log ":: Downloading page $page... ($offset - $dlnumber of $lidarrMissingTotalRecords Results)" lidarrRecords=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/wanted/missing?page=$page&pagesize=$amountPerPull&sortKey=releaseDate&sortDirection=desc&apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r '.records[].id') for lidarrRecordId in $(echo $lidarrRecords); do touch /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list/${lidarrRecordId}-missing done done fi log ":: ${lidarrMissingTotalRecords} MISSING ALBUMS FOUND" # Get cutoff album list lidarrCutoffTotalRecords=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/wanted/cutoff?page=1&pagesize=1&sortKey=releaseDate&sortDirection=desc&apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .totalRecords) log ":: FINDING CUTOFF ALBUMS" if [ $lidarrCutoffTotalRecords -ge 1 ]; then offsetcount=$(( $lidarrCutoffTotalRecords / $amountPerPull )) for ((i=0;i<=$offsetcount;i++)); do page=$(( $i + 1 )) offset=$(( $i * $amountPerPull )) dlnumber=$(( $offset + $amountPerPull )) if [ $dlnumber -gt $lidarrCutoffTotalRecords ]; then dlnumber=$lidarrCutoffTotalRecords fi log ":: Downloading page $page... ($offset - $dlnumber of $lidarrCutoffTotalRecords Results)" lidarrRecords=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/wanted/cutoff?page=$page&pagesize=$amountPerPull&sortKey=releaseDate&sortDirection=desc&apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r '.records[].id') for lidarrRecordId in $(echo $lidarrRecords); do touch /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list/${lidarrRecordId}-cutoff done done fi log ":: ${lidarrCutoffTotalRecords} CUTOFF ALBUMS FOUND" wantedListAlbumTotal=$(( $lidarrMissingTotalRecords + $lidarrCutoffTotalRecords )) log ":: Searching for $wantedListAlbumTotal items" } SearchProcess () { if [ $wantedListAlbumTotal = 0 ]; then log ":: No items to find, end" return fi processNumber=0 for lidarrMissingId in $(ls -tr /config/extended/cache/lidarr/list); do processNumber=$(( $processNumber + 1 )) wantedAlbumId=$(echo $lidarrMissingId | sed -e "s%[^[:digit:]]%%g") wantedAlbumListSource=$(echo $lidarrMissingId | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:]]%%g") lidarrAlbumData="$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/album/$wantedAlbumId?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}")" lidarrAlbumTitle=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".title") lidarrAlbumTitleClean=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') lidarrAlbumTitleCleanSpaces=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') lidarrAlbumTitleFirstWord=${lidarrAlbumTitleCleanSpaces%% *} lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".foreignAlbumId") lidarrAlbumReleases=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".releases") lidarrAlbumReleasesMinTrackCount=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".releases[].trackCount" | sort | head -n1) lidarrAlbumReleasesMaxTrackCount=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".releases[].trackCount" | sort -r | head -n1) #echo $lidarrAlbumData | jq -r lidarrAlbumWordCount=$(echo $lidarrAlbumTitle | wc -w) #echo $lidarrAlbumReleases | jq -r lidarrArtistData=$(echo "${lidarrAlbumData}" | jq -r ".artist") lidarrArtistId=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".artistMetadataId") lidarrArtistPath="$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r " .path")" lidarrArtistFolder="$(basename "${lidarrArtistPath}")" lidarrArtistNameSanitized="$(basename "${lidarrArtistPath}" | sed 's% (.*)$%%g')" lidarrArtistName=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".artistName") lidarrArtistForeignArtistId=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".foreignArtistId") tidalArtistUrl=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".links | .[] | select(.name==\"tidal\") | .url") tidalArtistId="$(echo "$tidalArtistUrl" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -u)" deezerArtistUrl=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".links | .[] | select(.name==\"deezer\") | .url") lidarrAlbumReleaseDate=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r .releaseDate) lidarrAlbumReleaseDate=${lidarrAlbumReleaseDate:0:10} lidarrAlbumReleaseDateClean="$(echo $lidarrAlbumReleaseDate | sed -e "s%[^[:digit:]]%%g")" currentDate="$(date "+%F")" currentDateClean="$(echo "$currentDate" | sed -e "s%[^[:digit:]]%%g")" if [[ ${currentDateClean} -gt ${lidarrAlbumReleaseDateClean} ]]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Starting Search..." else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Album ($lidarrAlbumReleaseDate) has not been released, skipping..." continue fi if [ -f "/config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound/$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Previously Not Found, skipping..." continue fi if [ "$dlClientSource" = "deezer" ];then skipTidal=true skipDeezer=false fi if [ "$dlClientSource" = "tidal" ];then skipDeezer=true skipTidal=false fi if [ "$dlClientSource" = "both" ];then skipDeezer=false skipTidal=false fi # Search Musicbrainz for Deezer Album ID if [ $audioLyricType = both ]; then if [ "$skipDeezer" = "false" ]; then # Verify it's not already imported into Lidarr LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi # Search Musicbrainz log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Deezer Album ID :: Searching for Album ID..." msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID=$(curl -s "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release?release-group=$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId&inc=url-rels&fmt=json" | jq -r | grep "deezer.com" | grep "album" | head -n 1 | sed -e "s%[^[:digit:]]%%g") # Process Album ID if found if [ ! -z $msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Deezer Album ID :: FOUND!" if [ -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID}.json" ]; then deezerArtistAlbumData="$(cat "/config/extended/cache/deezer/${msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID}.json")" else deezerArtistAlbumData="$(curl -s "https://api.deezer.com/album/${msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID}")" fi downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .release_date)" downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" DownloadProcess "$msuicbrainzDeezerDownloadAlbumID" "DEEZER" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" # Verify it was successfully imported into Lidarr LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Deezer Album ID :: NOT FOUND!" fi fi fi # Search Musicbrainz for Tidal Album ID if [ $audioLyricType = both ]; then if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then # Verify it's not already imported into Lidarr LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi # Search Musicbrainz log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Tidal Album ID :: Searching for Album ID..." msuicbrainzTidalDownloadAlbumID=$(curl -s "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release?release-group=$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId&inc=url-rels&fmt=json" | jq -r | grep "tidal.com" | head -n 1 | sed -e "s%[^[:digit:]]%%g") # Process Album ID if found if [ ! -z $msuicbrainzTidalDownloadAlbumID ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Tidal Album ID :: FOUND!" tidalArtistAlbumData="$(curl -s "https://api.tidal.com/v1/albums/${msuicbrainzTidalDownloadAlbumID}?countryCode=$tidalCountryCode" -H 'x-tidal-token: CzET4vdadNUFQ5JU')" downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .releaseDate)" if [ "$downloadedReleaseDate" = "null" ]; then downloadedReleaseDate=$(echo $tidalArtistAlbumData | jq -r '.streamStartDate') fi downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" DownloadProcess "$msuicbrainzTidalDownloadAlbumID" "TIDAL" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" # Verify it was successfully imported into Lidarr LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Musicbrainz Tidal Album ID :: NOT FOUND!" fi fi fi # Skip Various Artists album search that is not supported... if [ "$lidarrArtistForeignArtistId" = "89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Various Artists is not supported by normal search, skipping..." continue fi if [ "$skipDeezer" = "false" ]; then # fallback to musicbrainz db for link if [ -z "$deezerArtistUrl" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: DEEZER :: Fallback to musicbrainz for Deezer ID" musicbrainzArtistData=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist/${lidarrArtistForeignArtistId}?inc=url-rels&fmt=json") deezerArtistUrl=$(echo "$musicbrainzArtistData" | jq -r '.relations | .[] | .url | select(.resource | contains("deezer")) | .resource') fi if [ -z "$deezerArtistUrl" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: DEEZER :: ERROR :: musicbrainz id: $lidarrArtistForeignArtistId is missing Tidal link, see: \"/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt\" for more detail..." touch "/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt" if cat "/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt" | grep "https://musicbrainz.org/artist/$lidarrArtistForeignArtistId/relationships" | read; then sleep 0.01 else echo "Update Musicbrainz Relationship Page: https://musicbrainz.org/artist/$lidarrArtistForeignArtistId/relationships for \"${lidarrArtistName}\" with Deezer Artist Link" >> "/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt" chmod 666 "/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt" chown abc:abc "/config/logs/deezer-artist-id-not-found.txt" fi skipDeezer=true fi fi if [ "$skipDeezer" = "false" ]; then deezeArtistIds=($(echo "$deezerArtistUrl" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -u)) for dId in ${!deezeArtistIds[@]}; do deezeArtistId="${deezeArtistIds[$dId]}" if [ ! -d /config/extended/cache/deezer ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/deezer fi if [ ! -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/$deezeArtistId-albums.json" ]; then DArtistAlbumList "$deezeArtistId" fi done fi if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then if [ -z "$tidalArtistUrl" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: TIDAL :: ERROR :: musicbrainz id: $lidarrArtistForeignArtistId is missing Tidal link, see: \"/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt\" for more detail..." touch "/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt" if cat "/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt" | grep "https://musicbrainz.org/artist/$lidarrArtistForeignArtistId/relationships" | read; then sleep 0.01 else echo "Update Musicbrainz Relationship Page: https://musicbrainz.org/artist/$lidarrArtistForeignArtistId/relationships for \"${lidarrArtistName}\" with Tidal Artist Link" >> "/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt" chmod 666 "/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt" chown abc:abc "/config/logs/tidal-artist-id-not-found.txt" fi skipTidal=true fi fi if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then if [ ! -d /config/extended/cache/tidal ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/tidal fi if [ ! -f /config/extended/cache/tidal/$tidalArtistId-videos.json ]; then curl -s "https://api.tidal.com/v1/artists/${tidalArtistId}/videos?limit=10000&countryCode=$tidalCountryCode&filter=ALL" -H 'x-tidal-token: CzET4vdadNUFQ5JU' > /config/extended/cache/tidal/$tidalArtistId-videos.json sleep $sleepTimer fi if [ ! -f /config/extended/cache/tidal/$tidalArtistId-albums.json ]; then curl -s "https://api.tidal.com/v1/artists/${tidalArtistId}/albums?limit=10000&countryCode=$tidalCountryCode&filter=ALL" -H 'x-tidal-token: CzET4vdadNUFQ5JU' > /config/extended/cache/tidal/$tidalArtistId-albums.json sleep $sleepTimer fi fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi lidarrAlbumReleaseIds=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".releases | sort_by(.trackCount) | reverse | .[].id") for lidarrAlbumReleaseId in $(echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseIds"); do lidarrAlbumReleaseData=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".releases[] | select(.id==$lidarrAlbumReleaseId)") lidarrAlbumReleaseTitle=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseData" | jq -r .title) lidarrAlbumReleaseTrackCount=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseData" | jq -r .trackCount) lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleSpaces=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') #echo "$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitle" #echo $lidarrAlbumReleaseTrackCount if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then tidalArtistAlbumsData=$(cat "/config/extended/cache/tidal/$tidalArtistId-albums.json" | jq -r ".items | sort_by(.numberOfTracks) | sort_by(.explicit) | reverse |.[] | select(.numberOfTracks==$lidarrAlbumReleaseTrackCount)") fi # Search for explicit matches if [ $audioLyricType = both ] || [ $audioLyricType = explicit ]; then # Deezer search if [ "$skipDeezer" = "false" ]; then for dId in ${!deezeArtistIds[@]}; do deezeArtistId="${deezeArtistIds[$dId]}" if [ ! -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/$deezeArtistId-albums.json" ]; then continue fi deezerArtistAlbumsData=$(cat "/config/extended/cache/deezer/$deezeArtistId-albums.json" | jq -r "sort_by(.nb_tracks) | sort_by(.explicit_lyrics) | reverse | .[] | select(.nb_tracks==$lidarrAlbumReleaseTrackCount)") deezerArtistAlbumsIds=($(echo "${deezerArtistAlbumsData}" | jq -r "select(.explicit_lyrics=="true") | .id")) for id in ${!deezerArtistAlbumsIds[@]}; do processNumberTwo=$(( $id + 1 )) deezerArtistAlbumId="${deezerArtistAlbumsIds[$id]}" deezerArtistAlbumData=$(echo "$deezerArtistAlbumsData" | jq -r "select(.id=="$deezerArtistAlbumId")") deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean=$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') if echo ${deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean} | grep -i "^$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean" | read; then downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .release_date)" downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean :: Explicit Deezer MATCH Found" if [ -f /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer/$deezerArtistAlbumId ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Previously Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi DownloadProcess "$deezerArtistAlbumId" "DEEZER" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." break 3 fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean :: Explicit Deezer MATCH Not Found" fi done done fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi # Tidal search if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then tidalArtistAlbumsIds=($(echo "${tidalArtistAlbumsData}" | jq -r "select(.explicit=="true") | .id")) for id in ${!tidalArtistAlbumsIds[@]}; do processNumberTwo=$(( $id + 1 )) tidalArtistAlbumId="${tidalArtistAlbumsIds[$id]}" tidalArtistAlbumData=$(echo "$tidalArtistAlbumsData" | jq -r "select(.id=="$tidalArtistAlbumId")") tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean=$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') if echo ${tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean} | grep -i "^$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean" | read; then downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .releaseDate)" if [ "$downloadedReleaseDate" = "null" ]; then downloadedReleaseDate=$(echo $tidalArtistAlbumData | jq -r '.streamStartDate') fi downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean :: Explicit Tidal Match Found" if [ -f /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal/$tidalArtistAlbumId ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Previously Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi DownloadProcess "$tidalArtistAlbumId" "TIDAL" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." break 2 fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean :: Explicit Tidal Match NOT Found" fi done fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Explicit Albums Disabled, skipping explicit search..." fi # Search for clean matches if [ $audioLyricType = both ] || [ $audioLyricType = clean ]; then # Deezer search if [ "$skipDeezer" = "false" ]; then for dId in ${!deezeArtistIds[@]}; do deezeArtistId="${deezeArtistIds[$dId]}" if [ ! -f "/config/extended/cache/deezer/$deezeArtistId-albums.json" ]; then continue fi deezerArtistAlbumsData=$(cat "/config/extended/cache/deezer/$deezeArtistId-albums.json" | jq -r "sort_by(.nb_tracks) | sort_by(.explicit_lyrics) | reverse | .[] | select(.nb_tracks==$lidarrAlbumReleaseTrackCount)") deezerArtistAlbumsIds=($(echo "${deezerArtistAlbumsData}" | jq -r "select(.explicit_lyrics=="false") | .id")) for id in ${!deezerArtistAlbumsIds[@]}; do processNumberTwo=$(( $id + 1 )) deezerArtistAlbumId="${deezerArtistAlbumsIds[$id]}" deezerArtistAlbumData=$(echo "$deezerArtistAlbumsData" | jq -r "select(.id=="$deezerArtistAlbumId")") deezerArtistAlbumExplicit=$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .explicit_lyrics) deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean=$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') if echo ${deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean} | grep -i "^$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean" | read; then downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${deezerArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .release_date)" downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean :: CLEAN Deezer MATCH Found" if [ -f /config/extended/logs/downloaded/deezer/$deezerArtistAlbumId ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Previously Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi DownloadProcess "$deezerArtistAlbumId" "DEEZER" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." break 3 fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $deezerArtistAlbumTitleClean :: CLEAN Deezer MATCH NOT Found" fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck done LidarrTaskStatusCheck done fi LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." continue fi # Tidal search if [ "$skipTidal" = "false" ]; then tidalArtistAlbumsIds=($(echo "${tidalArtistAlbumsData}" | jq -r "select(.explicit=="false") | .id")) for id in ${!tidalArtistAlbumsIds[@]}; do processNumberTwo=$(( $id + 1 )) tidalArtistAlbumId="${tidalArtistAlbumsIds[$id]}" tidalArtistAlbumData=$(echo "$tidalArtistAlbumsData" | jq -r "select(.id=="$tidalArtistAlbumId")") tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean=$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]%%g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g') if echo ${tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean} | grep -i "^$lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean" | read; then downloadedAlbumTitle="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .title)" downloadedReleaseDate="$(echo ${tidalArtistAlbumData} | jq -r .releaseDate)" if [ "$downloadedReleaseDate" = "null" ]; then downloadedReleaseDate=$(echo $tidalArtistAlbumData | jq -r '.streamStartDate') fi downloadedReleaseYear="${downloadedReleaseDate:0:4}" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean :: CLEAN Tidal Match Found" if [ -f /config/extended/logs/downloaded/tidal/$tidalArtistAlbumId ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Previously Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi DownloadProcess "$tidalArtistAlbumId" "TIDAL" "$downloadedReleaseYear" "$downloadedAlbumTitle" LidarrTaskStatusCheck CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId" "notbeets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Already Imported, skipping..." break 2 fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $lidarrAlbumReleaseTitleClean vs $tidalArtistAlbumTitleClean :: CLEAN Tidal MATCH NOT Found" fi done fi else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Clean Albums Disabled, skipping clean search..." fi done log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Album Not found" if [ ! -d /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound chmod 777 /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound fi log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Marking Album as notfound" if [ ! -f /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound/$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId ]; then touch /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound/$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId chmod 666 /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound/$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/downloaded/notfound/$lidarrAlbumForeignAlbumId fi log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Search Complete..." done } ProcessWithBeets () { trackcount=$(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ -f /scripts/library.blb ]; then rm /scripts/library.blb sleep 0.1 fi if [ -f /scripts/beets.log ]; then rm /scripts/beets.log sleep 0.1 fi if [ -f "/config/beets-match" ]; then rm "/config/beets-match" sleep 0.1 fi touch "/config/beets-match" sleep 0.1 if [ $(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then beet -c /scripts/beets-config.yaml -l /scripts/library.blb -d "$1" import -qC "$1" if [ $(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" -newer "/config/beets-match" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: SUCCESS: Matched with beets!" else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Unable to match using beets to a musicbrainz release..." touch "/config/beets-match-error" fi fi if [ -f "/config/beets-match" ]; then rm "/config/beets-match" sleep 0.1 fi if [ -f "/config/beets-match-error" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Beets could not match album, falling back to Lidarr for matching and importing..." rm "/config/beets-match-error" # allow lidarr import... # rm -rf "$1" return else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: BEETS MATCH FOUND!" fi GetFile=$(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | head -n1) if [ $albumquality = opus ]; then matchedTags=$(ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -show_error -show_format -show_streams -show_programs -show_chapters -show_private_data -print_format json "$GetFile" | jq -r ".streams[].tags") else matchedTags=$(ffprobe -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -show_error -show_format -show_streams -show_programs -show_chapters -show_private_data -print_format json "$GetFile" | jq -r ".format.tags") fi if [ $albumquality = flac ] || [ $albumquality = opus ]; then matchedTagsAlbumReleaseGroupId="$(echo $matchedTags | jq -r ".MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID")" elif [ $albumquality = mp3 ] || [ $albumquality = m4a ]; then matchedTagsAlbumReleaseGroupId="$(echo $matchedTags | jq -r '."MusicBrainz Release Group Id"')" fi if [ $albumquality = m4a ]; then if [ $audioFormat = alac ]; then albumquality=alac else albumquality=aac fi fi matchedLidarrAlbumData=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/search?term=lidarr%3A$matchedTagsAlbumReleaseGroupId" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" | jq -r ".[].album") matchedTagsAlbumTitle="$(echo $matchedLidarrAlbumData | jq -r ".title")" matchedTagsAlbumTitleClean="$(echo "$matchedTagsAlbumTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]._' ]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" matchedTagsAlbumReleaseDate="$(echo $matchedLidarrAlbumData | jq -r ".releaseDate")" matchedTagsAlbumYear="${matchedTagsAlbumReleaseDate:0:4}" matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId="$(echo "$matchedLidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".artist.foreignArtistId")" matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName="$(echo "$matchedLidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".artist.artistName")" matchedLidarrAlbumArtistCleanName="$(echo "$matchedLidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".artist.cleanName")" if [ ! -d /config/extended/logs/downloaded/found ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/downloaded/found fi touch /config/extended/logs/downloaded/found/$matchedTagsAlbumReleaseGroupId CheckLidarrBeforeImport "$matchedTagsAlbumReleaseGroupId" "beets" if [ $alreadyImported = true ]; then rm -rf "$1" return fi if [ "$matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId" = "89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName is Varoius Artists, skipping..." rm -rf "$1" return else if [ "${matchedLidarrAlbumArtistCleanName}" != "null" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName ($matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId) found in Lidarr" else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: $matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName ($matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId) NOT found in Lidarr" data=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/search?term=lidarr%3A$matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" | jq -r ".[]") artistName="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".artist.artistName")" foreignId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".foreignId")" data=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/rootFolder" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" | jq -r ".[]") path="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".path")" qualityProfileId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".defaultQualityProfileId")" metadataProfileId="$(echo "$data" | jq -r ".defaultMetadataProfileId")" data="{ \"artistName\": \"$artistName\", \"foreignArtistId\": \"$foreignId\", \"qualityProfileId\": $qualityProfileId, \"metadataProfileId\": $metadataProfileId, \"monitored\":true, \"monitor\":\"all\", \"rootFolderPath\": \"$path\", \"addOptions\":{\"searchForMissingAlbums\":false} }" log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Adding Missing Artist to Lidarr :: $matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName ($matchedLidarrAlbumArtistId)..." lidarrAddArtist=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist" -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" --data-raw "$data") log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Allowing Lidarr Artist Update..." LidarrTaskStatusCheck fi fi matchedLidarrAlbumArtistCleanName="$(echo "$matchedLidarrAlbumArtistName" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]._()' -]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" downloadedAlbumFolder="${matchedLidarrAlbumArtistCleanName}-${matchedTagsAlbumTitleClean} ($matchedTagsAlbumYear)-${albumquality^^}-$3" if [ "$1" != "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" ];then mv "$1" "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete/$downloadedAlbumFolder" fi chmod -R 777 "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete" chown -R abc:abc "/downloads/lidarr-extended/complete" } CheckLidarrBeforeImport () { alreadyImported=false if [ "$2" = "beets" ]; then lidarrAlbumData=$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"${lidarrApiKey} --request GET "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/album/" | jq -r ".[] | select(.foreignAlbumId==\"$1\")") lidarrCheckAlbumId=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".id") lidarrPercentOfTracks=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".statistics.percentOfTracks") if [ "$lidarrPercentOfTracks" = "null" ]; then lidarrPercentOfTracks=0 return fi if [ $lidarrPercentOfTracks -gt 0 ]; then if [ $wantedAlbumListSource = missing ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Already Imported Album (Missing)" alreadyImported=true return else log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: Importing Album (Cutoff)" return fi fi fi if [ "$2" = "notbeets" ]; then if [ -f "/config/extended/logs/downloaded/found/$1" ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Previously Found, skipping..." alreadyImported=true return fi lidarrAlbumData=$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"${lidarrApiKey} --request GET "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/album/" | jq -r ".[] | select(.foreignAlbumId==\"$1\")") lidarrCheckAlbumId=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".id") lidarrPercentOfTracks=$(echo "$lidarrAlbumData" | jq -r ".statistics.percentOfTracks") if [ "$lidarrPercentOfTracks" = "null" ]; then lidarrPercentOfTracks=0 return fi if [ ${lidarrPercentOfTracks%%.*} -ge 100 ]; then if [ $wantedAlbumListSource = missing ]; then log ":: $processNumber of $wantedListAlbumTotal :: $lidarrArtistNameSanitized :: $lidarrAlbumTitle :: ERROR :: Already Imported Album (Missing), skipping..." alreadyImported=true return fi fi fi } AddRelatedArtists () { log ":: Begin adding Lidarr related Artists from Deezer..." lidarrArtistsData="$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}")" lidarrArtistTotal=$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}"| jq -r '.[].sortName' | wc -l) lidarrArtistList=($(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[].foreignArtistId")) lidarrArtistIds="$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[].foreignArtistId")" lidarrArtistLinkDeezerIds="$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[] | .links[] | select(.name==\"deezer\") | .url" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*')" log ":: $lidarrArtistTotal Artists Found" deezerArtistsUrl=$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[].links | .[] | select(.name==\"deezer\") | .url") deezeArtistIds="$(echo "$deezerArtistsUrl" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -u)" for id in ${!lidarrArtistList[@]}; do artistNumber=$(( $id + 1 )) musicbrainzId="${lidarrArtistList[$id]}" lidarrArtistData=$(echo "${lidarrArtistsData}" | jq -r ".[] | select(.foreignArtistId==\"${musicbrainzId}\")") lidarrArtistName="$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r " .artistName")" deezerArtistUrl=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".links | .[] | select(.name==\"deezer\") | .url") deezerArtistIds=($(echo "$deezerArtistUrl" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*' | sort -u)) lidarrArtistMonitored=$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r ".monitored") log ":: $artistNumber of $lidarrArtistTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: Adding Related Artists..." if [ $lidarrArtistMonitored = false ]; then log ":: $artistNumber of $lidarrArtistTotal :: $lidarrArtistName :: Artist is not monitored :: skipping..." continue fi for dId in ${!deezerArtistIds[@]}; do deezerArtistId="${deezerArtistIds[$dId]}" deezerRelatedArtistData=$(curl -sL --fail "https://api.deezer.com/artist/$deezerArtistId/related?limit=$numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist"| jq -r ".data | sort_by(.nb_fan) | reverse | .[]") sleep $sleepTimer getDeezerArtistsIds=($(echo $deezerRelatedArtistData | jq -r .id)) getDeezerArtistsIdsCount=$(echo $deezerRelatedArtistData | jq -r .id | wc -l) description="$lidarrArtistName Related Artists" AddDeezerArtistToLidarr done done } LidarrTaskStatusCheck () { until false do taskCount=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/command?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .[].status | grep -v completed | grep -v failed | wc -l) if [ "$taskCount" -ge "1" ]; then sleep 1 else break fi done } LidarrMissingAlbumSearch () { log ":: Begin searching for missing artist albums via Lidarr Indexers..." lidarrArtistIds=$(echo $lidarrMissingAlbumArtistsData | jq -r .id) lidarrArtistIdsCount=$(echo "$lidarrArtistIds" | wc -l) processCount=0 for lidarrArtistId in $(echo $lidarrArtistIds); do processCount=$(( $processCount + 1)) lidarrArtistData=$(echo $lidarrMissingAlbumArtistsData | jq -r "select(.id==$lidarrArtistId)") lidarrArtistName=$(echo $lidarrArtistData | jq -r .artistName) lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId=$(echo $lidarrArtistData | jq -r .foreignArtistId) if [ -d /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist ]; then if [ -f /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist/$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId ]; then log ":: $processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: Previously Notified Lidarr to search for \"$lidarrArtistName\" :: Skipping..." continue fi fi log ":: $processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: Notified Lidarr to search for \"$lidarrArtistName\"" startLidarrArtistSearch=$(curl -s "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/command" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Api-Key: $lidarrApiKey" --data-raw "{\"name\":\"ArtistSearch\",\"artistId\":$lidarrArtistId}") if [ ! -d /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist chmod -R 777 /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist chown -R abc:abc /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist fi touch /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist/$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId chmod 666 /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist/$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId chown abc:abc /config/extended/logs/searched/lidarr/artist/$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId done } Configuration if [ "$configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings" = "true" ]; then if [ ! -f /config/extended/logs/autoconfig ]; then ConfigureLidarrWithOptimalSettings else log ":: Lidarr previously configured with optimal settings, skipping..." log ":: To re-configure Lidarr, delete the following file:" log ":: /config/extended/logs/autoconfig" fi fi # Perform Completed Download Folder Cleanup process DownloadFolderCleaner # Perform NotFound Folder Cleanup process NotFoundFolderCleaner LidarrRootFolderCheck DownloadFormat if [ "$dlClientSource" = "deezer" ] || [ "$dlClientSource" = "both" ]; then DeemixClientSetup fi if [ "$dlClientSource" = "tidal" ] || [ "$dlClientSource" = "both" ]; then TidalClientSetup fi if [ "$addDeezerTopArtists" = "true" ]; then AddDeezerTopArtists "$topLimit" fi if [ "$addDeezerTopAlbumArtists" = "true" ]; then AddDeezerTopAlbumArtists "$topLimit" fi if [ "$addDeezerTopTrackArtists" = "true" ]; then AddDeezerTopTrackArtists "$topLimit" fi if [ "$addRelatedArtists" = "true" ]; then AddRelatedArtists fi # Get artist list for LidarrMissingAlbumSearch process, to prevent searching for artists that will not be processed by the script lidarrMissingAlbumArtistsData=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist?apikey=$lidarrApiKey" | jq -r .[]) if [ "$dlClientSource" = "deezer" ] || [ "$dlClientSource" = "tidal" ] || [ "$dlClientSource" = "both" ]; then GetMissingCutOffList SearchProcess else log ":: ERROR :: No valid dlClientSource set" log ":: ERROR :: Expected configuration :: deezer or tidal or both" log ":: ERROR :: dlClientSource set as: \"$dlClientSource\"" fi if [ "$addDeezerTopArtists" = "true" ] || [ "$addDeezerTopAlbumArtists" = "true" ] || [ "$addDeezerTopTrackArtists" = "true" ] || [ "$addRelatedArtists" = "true" ]; then LidarrMissingAlbumSearch fi exit