# [RandomNinjaAtk/lidarr-extended](https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended) [![Docker Build](https://img.shields.io/docker/cloud/automated/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended?style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/r/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended?style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/r/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended) [![Docker Stars](https://img.shields.io/docker/stars/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended?style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/r/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended) [![Docker Hub](https://img.shields.io/badge/Open%20On-DockerHub-blue?style=flat-square)](https://hub.docker.com/r/randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended)
## Lidarr + Extended Script Features * [Lidarr](https://lidarr.audio/) Stable (master branch), base image provided by [LinuxServer.io Team](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-lidarr) * Downloading **Music** using online sources for use in popular applications (Plex/Kodi/Emby/Jellyfin): * Completely automated * Searches for downloads based on Lidarr's album missing & cutoff list * Downloads using a third party download client automatically * FLAC (lossless) / MP3 (320/128) / AAC (320/96) Download Quality * Can convert Downloaded FLAC files to preferred audio format and bitrate before import into Lidarr * Notifies Lidarr to automatically import downloaded files * Music is properly tagged and includes coverart before Lidarr Receives them * Can add Replaygain tags to tracks * Can pre-match and tag files using Beets * Can add top artists from online services * Can add artists related to your artists in your existing Library * Can notify Plex application to scan the individual artist folder after successful import, thus increasing the speed of Plex scanning and reducing overhead * Downloading **Music Videos** using online sources for use in popular applications (Plex/Kodi/Emby/Jellyfin): * Completely automated * Searches Lidarr Artists (musicbrainz) video recordings for videos to download * Saves videos in MKV format ## Supported Architectures The architectures supported by this image are: | Architecture | Available | Tag | | :----: | :----: | ---- | | multi | ✅ | latest | | x86-64 | ✅ | amd64 | | arm64v8 | ✅ | arm64v8 | | arm32v7 | ✅ | arm32v7 | ## Version Tags | Tag | Description | | :----: | --- | | latest | Lidarr master (stable) + Extended Scripts | ## Application Setup Access the webui at `:8686`, for more information check out [Lidarr](https://lidarr.audio/). ## Parameters Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `:` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container. See the [wiki](https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-amd/wiki) to understand how it works. | Parameter | Function | | --- | --- | | `-p 8686` | The port for the Lidarr webinterface | | `-v /config` | Configuration files for Lidarr. | | `-v /downloads-lidarr-extended` | Path for online service downloads. (required path)| | `-v /music` | Path to your music folder location. (required path)| | `-v /music-videos` | Path to your music-videos folder location.| | `-e TZ=America/New_York` | Specify a timezone to use EST, America/New_York. | | `-e PUID=1000` | for UserID - see below for explanation | | `-e PGID=1000` | for GroupID - see below for explanation | | `-e autoStart=true` | true = enabled :: Runs script automatically on startup | | `-e scriptInterval=15m` | #s or #m or #h or #d :: s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours, d = days :: Amount of time between each script run, when autoStart is enabled | | `-e configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=true` | true = enabled :: Automatically configures Lidarr with optimal settings | | `-e searchSort=date` | date or ablum :: Sorts the missing/cutoff list by release date (newest -> oldest) or album type (album -> single) for processing the list | | `-e audioFormat=native` | native or alac or mp3 or aac or opus :: native is the native download client file type, selected by the matching audio bitrate | | `-e audioBitrate=lossless` | lossless or high or low or ### :: lossless = flac files, high = 320K, low = 128k/96k, ### = the output bitrate of converted lossless files to selected audioFormat that is not native, example: 192... | | `-e requireQuality=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be required to have the requested file format | | `-e enableBeetsTagging=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be processed and tagged by Beets | | `-e enableReplaygainTags=true` | true = enabled :: Downloads will be tagged with Replaygain Metadata | | `-e audioLyricType=both` | both or explicit or clean :: both, is explicit perferred matching, explicit is explicit releases only matching and clean is clean releases only matching | | `-e dlClientSource=both` | deezer, tidal or both :: set to both, to use both clients, tidal requires extra steps, view logging output | | `-e arlToken=` | User ARL token for deemix client | | `-e tidalCountryCode=US` | Country Code required for tidal | | `-e addDeezerTopArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Artist Chart to your existing Lidarr instance | | `-e addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Album Chart to your existing Lidarr instance | | `-e addDeezerTopTrackArtists=false` | true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Track Chart to your existing Lidarr instance | | `-e topLimit=10` | This setting controls the amount of Top Artist (Albums/Tracks/Artists) to add to Lidarr from Deezer | | `-e addRelatedArtists=false` | true = enabled :: WARNING !!! WARNING !!! Enabling this can cause an endless loop of additional artists.... Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are related to your existing Lidarr artists from Deezer | | `-e numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=5` | 1-20 :: This will limit the number of related artists to add per artist in your library :: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 20 | | `-e beetsMatchPercentage=90` | 1-100 :: Set this to the minimum percentage required for Beets to match the downloaded album to a musicbrainz release :: Lower percentage is less restrictive | | `-e plexUrl=http://x.x.x.x:32400` | ONLY used if PlexNotify.bash is used...| | `-e plexToken=` | ONLY used if PlexNotify.bash is used... | ## Usage Here are some example snippets to help you get started creating a container. ### docker ``` docker create \ --name=lidarr-extended \ -v /path/to/config/files:/config \ -v /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/downloads-lidarr-extended \ -v /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/music \ -v /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/music-videos \ -p 8686:8686 \ -e TZ=America/New_York \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e autoStart=true \ -e scriptInterval=15m \ -e configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=true \ -e searchSort=date \ -e audioFormat=native \ -e audioBitrate=lossless \ -e requireQuality=true \ -e enableBeetsTagging=true \ -e enableReplaygainTags=true \ -e audioLyricType=both \ -e dlClientSource=both \ -e arlToken=Token_Goes_Here \ -e tidalCountryCode=US \ -e addDeezerTopArtists=true \ -e addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=true \ -e addDeezerTopTrackArtists=true \ -e topLimit=10 \ -e addRelatedArtists=false \ -e numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=5 \ -e beetsMatchPercentage=90 \ -e plexUrl=http://x.x.x.x:32400 \ -e plexToken=Token_Goes_Here \ --restart unless-stopped \ randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended:latest ``` ### docker-compose Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas. ``` version: "2.1" services: lidarr-extended: image: randomninjaatk/lidarr-extended:latest container_name: lidarr-extended volumes: - /path/to/config/files:/config - /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/downloads-lidarr-extended - /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/music - /path/to/preferred/local/directory:/music-videos environment: - TZ=America/New_York - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - autoStart=true - scriptInterval=15m - configureLidarrWithOptimalSettings=true - searchSort=date - audioFormat=native - audioBitrate=lossless - requireQuality=true - enableBeetsTagging=true - enableReplaygainTags=true - audioLyricType=both - dlClientSource=both - arlToken=Token_Goes_Here - tidalCountryCode=US - addDeezerTopArtists=true - addDeezerTopAlbumArtists=true - addDeezerTopTrackArtists=true - topLimit=10 - addRelatedArtists=false - numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist=5 - beetsMatchPercentage=90 - plexUrl=http://x.x.x.x:32400 - plexToken=Token_Goes_Here ports: - 8686:8686 restart: unless-stopped ``` # Credits - [LinuxServer.io Team](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-lidarr) - [Lidarr](https://lidarr.audio/) - [Musicbrainz](https://musicbrainz.org/) - [Docker multi-arch example](https://github.com/ckulka/docker-multi-arch-example) - [Beets](https://beets.io/) - [Deemix download client](https://deemix.app/) - [Tidal-Media-Downloader client](https://github.com/yaronzz/Tidal-Media-Downloader) - [r128gain](https://github.com/desbma/r128gain) - [Algorithm Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein distance](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance) - Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com