#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.0.000" lidarrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$lidarrUrlBase" = "null" ]; then lidarrUrlBase="" else lidarrUrlBase="/$(echo "$lidarrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi lidarrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" lidarrUrl="${lidarrUrlBase}" agent="lidarr-extended ( https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended )" musicbrainzMirror=https://musicbrainz.org # Debugging Settings if [ "$dlClientSource" = "tidal" ] || [ "$dlClientSource" = "both" ]; then sourcePreference=tidal fi log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: Extended Video :: "$1 } verifyApiAccess () { until false do lidarrTest=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/system/status?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .branch) if [ $lidarrTest = master ]; then lidarrVersion=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/system/status?apikey=${lidarrApiKey}" | jq -r .version) log "Lidarr Version: $lidarrVersion" break else log "Lidarr is not ready, sleeping until valid response..." sleep 1 fi done } log "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" log "|~) _ ._ _| _ ._ _ |\ |o._ o _ |~|_|_|" log "|~\(_|| |(_|(_)| | || \||| |_|(_||~| | |<" log "Presents: lidarr-extended ($scriptVersion)" log "Docker Version: $dockerVersion" log "May the vidz be with you!" log "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" log "Donate: https://github.com/sponsors/RandomNinjaAtk" log "Project: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended" log "Support: https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/docker-lidarr-extended/discussions" log "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" sleep 5 log "" log "Lift off in..."; sleep 0.5 log "5"; sleep 1 log "4"; sleep 1 log "3"; sleep 1 log "2"; sleep 1 log "1"; sleep 1 Configuration () { processstartid="$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep "start_video.sh" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')" processdownloadid="$(ps -A -o pid,cmd|grep "video.sh" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}')" log "To kill script, use the following command:" log "kill -9 $processstartid" log "kill -9 $processdownloadid" sleep 2 verifyApiAccess downloadPath="$downloadPath/videos" log "Download Location :: $downloadPath" } CacheMusicbrainzRecords () { lidarrArtists=$(wget --timeout=0 -q -O - "$lidarrUrl/api/v1/artist?apikey=$lidarrApiKey" | jq -r .[]) lidarrArtistIds=$(echo $lidarrArtists | jq -r .id) lidarrArtistIdsCount=$(echo "$lidarrArtistIds" | wc -l) processCount=0 for lidarrArtistId in $(echo $lidarrArtistIds); do processCount=$(( $processCount + 1)) lidarrArtistData=$(echo $lidarrArtists | jq -r "select(.id==$lidarrArtistId)") lidarrArtistName=$(echo $lidarrArtistData | jq -r .artistName) lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId=$(echo $lidarrArtistData | jq -r .foreignArtistId) lidarrArtistPath="$(echo "${lidarrArtistData}" | jq -r " .path")" lidarrArtistFolder="$(basename "${lidarrArtistPath}")" lidarrArtistNameSanitized="$(echo "$lidarrArtistFolder" | sed 's% (.*)$%%g')" if [ "$lidarrArtistName" == "Various Artists" ]; then log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Skipping, not processed by design..." continue fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Processing..." log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Checking Musicbrainz for recordings..." musicbrainzArtistRecordings=$(curl -s -A "$agent" "$musicbrainzMirror/ws/2/recording?artist=$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId&limit=1&offset=0&fmt=json") sleep 1 musicbrainzArtistRecordingsCount=$(echo "$musicbrainzArtistRecordings" | jq -r '."recording-count"') log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musicbrainzArtistRecordingsCount recordings found..." if [ ! -d /config/extended/cache/musicbrainz ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/musicbrainz chmod 777 /config/extended/cache/musicbrainz chown abc:abc /config/extended/cache/musicbrainz fi if [ -f "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" ]; then if ! [[ $(find "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz" -type f -name "$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" -mtime +7 -print) ]]; then log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Previously cached, skipping..." else log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Previously cached, data needs to be updated..." rm "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" fi musibrainzArtistDownloadedRecordingsCount=$(cat "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" | jq -r .id | wc -l) if [ $musicbrainzArtistRecordingsCount -ne $musibrainzArtistDownloadedRecordingsCount ]; then log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Previously cached, data needs to be updated..." rm "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" fi fi if [ ! -f "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" ]; then offsetcount=$(( $musicbrainzArtistRecordingsCount / 100 )) for ((i=0;i<=$offsetcount;i++)); do if [ $i != 0 ]; then offset=$(( $i * 100 )) dlnumber=$(( $offset + 100)) else offset=0 dlnumber=$(( $offset + 100)) fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Downloading page $i... ($offset - $dlnumber Results)" curl -s -A "$agent" "$musicbrainzMirror/ws/2/recording?artist=$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId&inc=url-rels&limit=100&offset=$offset&fmt=json" | jq -r ".recordings[]" >> "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" sleep 1 done fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: Checking records for videos..." musibrainzArtistVideoRecordings=$(cat "/config/extended/cache/musicbrainz/$lidarrArtistId--$lidarrArtistMusicbrainzId--recordings.json" | jq -r "select(.video==true)") musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsCount=$(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordings" | jq -r .id | wc -l) log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsCount videos found..." musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrl=$(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordings" | jq -r "select(.relations[])" | jq -s "." | jq -r "unique | .[]") musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrlIds=$(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrl" | jq -r .id) musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrlIdsCount=$(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrl" | jq -r .id | wc -l) log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrlIdsCount videos found with URL..." if [ $musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrlIdsCount = 0 ]; then log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: ERROR :: No vidoes with URLs to process, skipping..." continue fi for musicbrainzVideoId in $(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrlIds"); do musibrainzVideoRecordingData=$(echo "$musibrainzArtistVideoRecordingsDataWithUrl" | jq -r "select(.id==\"$musicbrainzVideoId\")") musibrainzVideoTitle="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRecordingData" | jq -r .title)" musibrainzVideoTitleClean="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoTitle" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" musibrainzVideoDisambiguation="" musibrainzVideoDisambiguation="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRecordingData" | jq -r .disambiguation)" if [ ! -z "$musibrainzVideoDisambiguation" ]; then musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean=" ($(echo "$musibrainzVideoDisambiguation" | sed -e "s%[^[:alpha:][:digit:]]% %g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g'))" else musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean="" fi musibrainzVideoRelations="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRecordingData" | jq -r .relations[].url.resource)" if [ $sourcePreference = tidal ]; then if echo "$musibrainzVideoRelations" | grep -i "tidal" | read; then videoDownloadUrl="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRelations" | grep -i "tidal" | head -n1)" else videoDownloadUrl="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRelations" | grep -i "youtube" | head -n1)" fi else videoDownloadUrl="$(echo "$musibrainzVideoRelations" | grep -i "youtube" | head -n1)" fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: $videoDownloadUrl..." if [ -f "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" ]; then log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: Previously Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi if [ -d "$downloadPath/incomplete" ]; then rm -rf "$downloadPath/incomplete" fi if [ ! -d "$downloadPath/incomplete" ]; then mkdir -p "$downloadPath/incomplete" chmod 777 "$downloadPath/incomplete" chown abc:abc "$downloadPath/incomplete" fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: Downloading..." if echo "$videoDownloadUrl" | grep -i "tidal" | read; then TidalClientTest TidaldlStatusCheck tidal-dl -o "$downloadPath/incomplete" -l "$videoDownloadUrl" fi if echo "$videoDownloadUrl" | grep -i "youtube" | read; then yt-dlp -o "$downloadPath/incomplete/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}" --embed-subs --sub-lang en --merge-output-format mkv --remux-video mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass "$videoDownloadUrl" fi find "$downloadPath/incomplete" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(mkv\|mp4\)" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' video; do count=$(($count+1))if ps aux | grep "tidal-dl" | grep -v "grep" | read; then echo "found"; else echo "not found"; fi file="${video}" filenoext="${file%.*}" filename="$(basename "$video")" extension="${filename##*.}" filenamenoext="${filename%.*}" if python3 /usr/local/sma/manual.py --config "/config/extended/scripts/sma.ini" -i "$file" -nt &>/dev/null; then sleep 0.01 log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: Processed with SMA..." rm /usr/local/sma/config/*log* else log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: ERROR: SMA Processing Error" rm "$video" log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: INFO: deleted: $filename" fi if [ ! -f "$filenoext.mkv" ]; then break fi if [ ! -d "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder" ]; then mkdir -p "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder" chmod 777 "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder" chown abc:abc "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder" fi log "$processCount of $lidarrArtistIdsCount :: MBZDB CACHE :: $lidarrArtistName :: $musibrainzVideoTitle ($musibrainzVideoDisambiguation) :: Moving completed download to: /music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" mv "$filenoext.mkv" "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" if [ -f "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" ]; then chmod 666 "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" chown abc:abc "/music-videos/$lidarrArtistFolder/${musibrainzVideoTitleClean}${musibrainzVideoDisambiguationClean}.mkv" fi done done done } TidalClientSetup () { log ":: TIDAL :: Verifying tidal-dl configuration" touch /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.log if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json ]; then rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json fi if [ ! -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json ]; then log "TIDAL :: No default config found, importing default config \"tidal.json\"" if [ -f /config/extended/scripts/tidal-dl.json ]; then cp /config/extended/scripts/tidal-dl.json /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.json chmod 777 -R /config/xdg/ fi fi tidal-dl -o $downloadPath/incomplete if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then if [[ $(find "/config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json" -mtime +5 -print) ]]; then log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: Token expired, removing..." rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json fi fi if [ ! -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: Downgrade tidal-dl for workaround..." pip3 install tidal-dl==2022.3.4.2 log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: Loading client for required authentication, please authenticate, then exit the client..." tidal-dl fi if [ ! -d /config/extended/cache/tidal ]; then mkdir -p /config/extended/cache/tidal chmod 777 /config/extended/cache/tidal chown abc:abc /config/extended/cache/tidal fi if [ -d /config/extended/cache/tidal ]; then log ":: TIDAL :: Purging album list cache..." find /config/extended/cache/tidal -type f -name "*.json" -delete fi if [ ! -d "$downloadPath/incomplete" ]; then mkdir -p $downloadPath/incomplete chmod 777 $downloadPath/incomplete chown abc:abc $downloadPath/incomplete else rm -rf $downloadPath/incomplete/* fi log ":: TIDAL :: Upgrade tidal-dl to the latest..." pip3 install tidal-dl --upgrade } TidalClientTest () { log "TIDAL :: tidal-dl client setup verification..." TidaldlStatusCheck tidal-dl -o $downloadPath/incomplete -l "166356219" downloadCount=$(find $downloadPath/incomplete/ -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(flac\|opus\|m4a\|mp3\)" | wc -l) if [ $downloadCount -le 0 ]; then if [ -f /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json ]; then rm /config/xdg/.tidal-dl.token.json fi log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: Download failed" log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: You will need to re-authenticate on next script run..." log "TIDAL :: ERROR :: Exiting..." rm -rf $downloadPath/incomplete/* exit else rm -rf $downloadPath/incomplete/* log "TIDAL :: Successfully Verified" fi } TidaldlStatusCheck () { until false do running=no if ps aux | grep "tidal-dl" | grep -v "grep" | read; then running=yes log "STATUS :: TIDAL-DL :: BUSY :: Pausing/waiting for all active tidal-dl tasks to end..." sleep 2 continue fi break done } Configuration TidalClientSetup CacheMusicbrainzRecords exit