#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.0.1" if [ -z "$arrUrl" ] || [ -z "$arrApiKey" ]; then arrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$arrUrlBase" == "null" ]; then arrUrlBase="" else arrUrlBase="/$(echo "$arrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi arrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" arrPort="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.Port)" arrUrl="${arrPort}${arrUrlBase}" fi # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/AutoExtras.txt" ]; then find /config/logs -type f -name "AutoExtras.txt" -size +1024k -delete fi if [ ! -f "/config/logs/AutoExtras.txt" ]; then touch "/config/logs/AutoExtras.txt" chmod 777 "/config/logs/AutoExtras.txt" fi exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/AutoExtras.txt") log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: AutoExtras :: $scriptVersion :: "$1 } if find /config -type f -iname "cookies.txt" | read; then cookiesFile="$(find /config -type f -iname "cookies.txt" | head -n1)" log "Cookies File Found!" else log "Cookies File Not Found!" cookiesFile="" fi radarrMovieList=$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"${arrApiKey} --request GET "$arrUrl/api/v3/movie") radarrMovieTotal=$(echo "${radarrMovieList}" | jq -r '.[] | select(.hasFile==true) | .id' | wc -l) radarrMovieIds=$(echo "${radarrMovieList}" | jq -r '.[] | select(.hasFile==true) | .id') loopCount=0 for id in $(echo $radarrMovieIds); do loopCount=$(( $loopCount + 1 )) log "$loopCount of $radarrMovieTotal :: $id :: Processing with MovieExtras.bash" bash /config/extended/scripts/MovieExtras.bash "$id" "$cookiesFile" done exit