#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.0.001" arrEventType="$radarr_eventtype" arrItemId=$radarr_movie_id tmdbApiKey="3b7751e3179f796565d88fdb2fcdf426" # Debugging arrItemId=11677 trailerLanguages=en trailerExtrasType=all trailerOfficialOnly=true trailerKodiCompatibility=true trailerSingle=false if [ -z "$arrUrl" ] || [ -z "$arrApiKey" ]; then arrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$arrUrlBase" == "null" ]; then arrUrlBase="" else arrUrlBase="/$(echo "$arrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi arrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" arrPort="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.Port)" arrUrl="${arrPort}${arrUrlBase}" fi # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/MovieExtras.txt" ]; then find /config/logs -type f -name "MovieExtras.txt" -size +1024k -delete fi if [ "$arrEventType" == "Test" ]; then log "Tested Successfully" exit 0 fi #exec &>> "/config/logs/MovieExtras.txt" #chmod 666 "/config/logs/MovieExtras.txt" log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: MovieExtras :: "$1 } if find /config -type f -name "cookies.txt" | read; then cookiesFile="$(find /config -type f -iname "cookies.txt" | head -n1)" log "Cookies File Found!" else log "Cookies File Not Found!" cookiesFile="" fi arrItemData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/movie/$arrItemId?apikey=$arrApiKey") itemTitle=$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r .title) itemHasFile=$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r .hasFile) itemPath="$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r ".path")" itemRelativePath="$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r ".movieFile.relativePath")" itemTrailerId="$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r ".youTubeTrailerId")" tmdbId="$(echo "$arrItemData" | jq -r ".tmdbId")" if [ ! -d "$itemPath" ]; then log "$itemTitle :: ERROR: Item Path does not exist ($itemPath), Skipping..." exit fi if [ "$trailerSingle" == "true" ]; then if [ "$trailerKodiCompatibility" == "true" ] ; then trailerFileName="movie-trailer" else trailerFileName="Trailer-trailer" fi if [ ! -z "$itemTrailerId" ]; then if [ ! -f "$itemPath/$trailerFileName.mkv" ]; then if [ ! -z "$cookiesFile" ]; then yt-dlp --cookies "$cookiesFile" -o "$itemPath/$trailerFileName" --write-sub --sub-lang $trailerLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$itemTrailerId" else yt-dlp -o "$itemPath/Trailer-trailer" --write-sub --sub-lang $trailerLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$itemTrailerId" fi fi if [ -f "$itemPath/$trailerFileName.mkv" ]; then chmod 666 "$itemPath/$trailerFileName.mkv" chown abc:abc "$itemPath/$trailerFileName.mkv" fi fi if [ ! -f "$itemPath/$trailerFileName.mkv" ]; then log "$itemTitle :: ERROR :: No Trailer ID Found, Skipping..." else log "$itemTitle :: Trailer already downloaded..." fi exit fi tmdbVideosListData=$(curl -s "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/$tmdbId/videos?api_key=$tmdbApiKey" | jq -r '.results[] | select(.site=="YouTube")') IFS=',' read -r -a filters <<< "$trailerLanguages" for filter in "${filters[@]}" do log "$itemTitle :: Searching for \"$filter\" extras..." if [ "$trailerExtrasType" == "all" ]; then tmdbVideosListDataIds=$(echo "$tmdbVideosListData" | jq -r "select(.iso_639_1==\"$filter\") | .id") tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount=$(echo "$tmdbVideosListData" | jq -r "select(.iso_639_1==\"$filter\") | .id" | wc -l) else tmdbVideosListDataIds=$(echo "$tmdbVideosListData" | jq -r "select(.iso_639_1==\"$filter\" and .type==\"Trailer\") | .id") tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount=$(echo "$tmdbVideosListData" | jq -r "select(.iso_639_1==\"$filter\" and .type==\"Trailer\") | .id" | wc -l) fi if [ -z "$tmdbVideosListDataIds" ]; then log "$itemTitle :: None found..." continue else break fi done if [ $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount -le 0 ]; then log "$itemTitle :: No Extras Found, skipping..." exit fi log "$itemTitle :: $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount Extras Found!" i=0 for id in $(echo "$tmdbVideosListDataIds"); do i=$(( i + 1)) tmdbExtraData="$(echo "$tmdbVideosListData" | jq -r "select(.id==\"$id\")")" tmdbExtraTitle="$(echo "$tmdbExtraData" | jq -r .name)" tmdbExtraTitleClean="$(echo "$tmdbExtraTitle" | sed -e "s/[^[:alpha:][:digit:]$^&_+=()'%;{},.@#]/ /g" -e "s/ */ /g" | sed 's/^[.]*//' | sed 's/[.]*$//g' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ *$//g')" tmdbExtraKey="$(echo "$tmdbExtraData" | jq -r .key)" tmdbExtraType="$(echo "$tmdbExtraData" | jq -r .type)" tmdbExtraOfficial="$(echo "$tmdbExtraData" | jq -r .official)" if [ "$trailerOfficialOnly" != "$tmdbExtraOfficial" ]; then log "$itemTitle :: $i of $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount :: Not official, skipping..." continue fi if [ "$tmdbExtraType" == "Featurette" ]; then extraFolderName="featurettes" elif [ "$tmdbExtraType" == "Trailer" ]; then extraFolderName="trailers" elif [ "$tmdbExtraType" == "Behind the Scenes" ]; then extraFolderName="behind the scenes" else log "$itemTitle :: $i of $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount :: ERROR :: $tmdbExtraType :: Extra Type Not found" if [ -f "/config/logs/MovieExtras-InvalidType.txt" ]; then if cat "/config/logs/MovieExtras-InvalidType.txt" | grep "$tmdbExtraType" | read; then continue else echo "$tmdbExtraType" >> "/config/logs/MovieExtras-InvalidType.txt" fi fi echo "$tmdbExtraType" >> "/config/logs/MovieExtras-InvalidType.txt" continue fi if [ ! -d "$itemPath/$extraFolderName" ]; then mkdir -p "$itemPath/$extraFolderName" chmod 777 "$itemPath/$extraFolderName" chown abc:abc "$itemPath/$extraFolderName" fi finalPath="$itemPath/$extraFolderName" if [ -f "$finalPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean.mkv" ]; then log "$itemTitle :: $i of $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount :: $tmdbExtraType :: $tmdbExtraTitle ($tmdbExtraKey) :: Already Downloaded, skipping..." continue fi log "$itemTitle :: $i of $tmdbVideosListDataIdsCount :: $tmdbExtraType :: $tmdbExtraTitle ($tmdbExtraKey) :: Downloading..." if [ ! -z "$cookiesFile" ]; then yt-dlp --cookies "$cookiesFile" -o "$finalPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean" --write-sub --sub-lang $trailerLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$tmdbExtraKey" &>/dev/null else yt-dlp -o "$itemPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean" --write-sub --sub-lang $trailerLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$tmdbExtraKey" &>/dev/null fi if [ -f "$finalPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean.mkv" ]; then chmod 666 "$finalPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean.mkv" chown abc:abc "$finalPath/$tmdbExtraTitleClean.mkv" fi done exit