#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LANG=C.UTF-8 TITLESHORT="APP" ScriptVersion="1.09" SECONDS=0 set -e set -o pipefail touch "/config/scripts/logs/readarr-pp.txt" chmod 666 "/config/scripts/logs/readarr-pp.txt" exec &> >(tee -a "/config/scripts/logs/readarr-pp.txt") echo "Processing: $1" Clean () { if [ $(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(\m4b|flac\|mp3\|m4a\|alac\|ogg\|opus\)" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then find "$1" -type f -not -regex ".*/.*\.\(\m4b\flac\|mp3\|m4a\|alac\|ogg\|opus\)" -delete find "$1" -mindepth 2 -type f -exec mv "{}" "$1"/ \; find "$1" -mindepth 1 -type d -delete else echo "ERROR: NO AUDIO FILES FOUND" && exit 1 fi } Clean "$1" echo "Creating Chapters File and File list for FFMPEG processing..." if [ $(find "$1" -type f -iname "*.mp3" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' start=0 chapterNumber=0 concatFileNames="" ffmpegMetadata="" chapterFile="$1/chapters.txt" mp3ChapterFile="$1/audiobook.chapters.txt" fileList="$1/list.txt" completedAudioBook="$1/audiobook.mp3" if [ -f "$chapterFile" ]; then rm "$chapterFile" fi if [ -f "$fileList" ]; then rm "$fileList" fi if [ -f "$completedAudioBook" ]; then rm "$completedAudioBook" fi files="$(ls -1v "$1"/*.mp3)" for i in $(echo "$files"); do chapterNumber=$(( $chapterNumber + 1)) chapterTitle="" mp3val -f "$i" chapterTitle=$(ffprobe -i "$i" -show_format -v quiet | sed -n 's/TAG:title=//p') if [ -z "$ffmpegMetadata" ]; then ffmpegMetadata=$(ffmpeg -i "$i" -f ffmetadata -v quiet -) echo "$ffmpegMetadata" >> "$chapterFile" echo "" >> "$chapterFile" fi #echo "start :: $start" echo "[CHAPTER]" >> "$chapterFile" echo "TIMEBASE=1/1000" >> "$chapterFile" echo "START=$start" >> "$chapterFile" if [ ! -z "$chapterTitle" ]; then echo "$mp3chapTimeStamp $chapterTitle" >> "$mp3ChapterFile" else echo "$mp3chapTimeStamp Chapter #$chapterNumber" >> "$mp3ChapterFile" fi seconds=$(ffprobe -i "$i" -show_format -v quiet | sed -n 's/duration=//p' | cut -d "." -f1) seconds=$(( $seconds * 1000 )) end=$(( $start + $seconds - 1 )) #echo "seconds :: $seconds" #echo "end :: $end" echo "END=$end" >> "$chapterFile" if [ ! -z "$chapterTitle" ]; then echo "title=$chapterTitle" >> "$chapterFile" else echo "title=Part \#$chapterNumber" >> "$chapterFile" fi echo "" >> "$chapterFile" start=$(( $end + 1 )) echo "file '$i'" >> "$fileList" done IFS="$OLDIFS" ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i "$fileList" -f ffmetadata -i "$chapterFile" -c copy -map_metadata 1 -map_chapters 1 -id3v2_version 3 -c copy "$completedAudioBook" mp3val -f "$completedAudioBook" find "$1" -type f -not -iname "audiobook.mp3" -delete find "$1" -type f -iname "*.txt" -delete fi duration=$SECONDS echo "Post Processing Completed in $(($duration / 60 )) minutes and $(($duration % 60 )) seconds!" exit