* Reduce Plex scanning by notifying Plex the exact folder to scan
* Queue Cleaner Script
* Automatically removes downloads that have a "warning" or "failed" status that will not auto-import into Radarr, which enables Radarr to automatically re-search for the Title
## Supported Architectures
The architectures supported by this image are:
| Architecture | Available | Tag |
| :----: | :----: | ---- |
| multi | ✅ | latest |
| x86-64 | ✅ | amd64 |
| arm64v8 | ✅ | arm64v8 |
## Version Tags
| Tag | Description |
| :----: | --- |
| latest | Sonarr Develop + Extended Scripts|
## Parameters
Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate `<external>:<internal>` respectively. For example, `-p 8080:80` would expose port `80` from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port `8080` outside the container.
| Parameter | Function |
| :----: | --- |
| `-p 8989` | The port for the Sonarr webinterface |
| `-v /config` | Database and sonarr configs |
| `-v /storage` | Location of TV and Downloads Library |
| `-e enableAutoConfig=true` | true = enabled :: Enables AutoConfig script to run after startup |
| `-e enableRecyclarr=true` | true = enabled :: Enables Recyclarr to run every 4 hours |
| `-e enableQueueCleaner=true` | true = enabled :: Enables QueueCleaner Script that automatically removes stuck downloads that cannot be automatically imported on a 15 minute interval |
| `-e PUID=1000` | for UserID - see below for explanation |
| `-e PGID=1000` | for GroupID - see below for explanation |
| `-e TZ=Europe/London` | Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London, this is required for Sonarr |
| `-e UMASK_SET=022` | control permissions of files and directories created by Sonarr |
## Application Setup
Access the webui at `<your-ip>:8989`, for more information check out [Sonarr](https://sonarr.tv/).
# Credits
- [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/)
- [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp)
- [linuxserver/sonarr](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-sonarr) Base docker image
- [Sonarr](https://sonarr.tv/)
- [The Movie Database](https://www.themoviedb.org/)
- Icons made by <ahref="http://www.freepik.com/"title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <ahref="https://www.flaticon.com/"title="Flaticon"> www.flaticon.com</a>