@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as thos
| `-e enableAutoConfig=true` | true = enabled :: Enables AutoConfig script to run after startup |
| `-e enableRecyclarr=true` | true = enabled :: Enables Recyclarr to run every 4 hours |
| `-e enableQueueCleaner=true` | true = enabled :: Enables QueueCleaner Script that automatically removes stuck downloads that cannot be automatically imported on a 15 minute interval |
| `-e enableExtras=true` | true = enabled :: Enables Extras script to run during download import process |
| `-e extrasType=all` | all or trailers :: all downloads all available videos (trailers, clips, featurette, etc...) :: trailers only downloads trailers |
| `-e extrasLanguages=en` | Set the primary desired language, if not found, fallback to next langauge in the list... (this is a "," separated list of ISO 639-1 language codes) |
| `-e extrasOfficialOnly=false` | true = enabled :: Skips extras that are not considered/marked as Official from TMDB site. |
| `-e PUID=1000` | for UserID - see below for explanation |
| `-e PGID=1000` | for GroupID - see below for explanation |
| `-e TZ=Europe/London` | Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London, this is required for Sonarr |