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<h1 class="d-none d-sm-block h3 mb-4 text-center" i18n>
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Find quick answers to commonly asked questions about Ghostfolio in our
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Discover what Ghostfolio is,
explore its features, and learn about our privacy practices. Get all the
information you need in one place.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>What is Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title>
Ghostfolio is a lightweight, open source wealth management application
for individuals to keep track of their net worth. The software
empowers you to make solid, data-driven investment decisions.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>What assets can I track with Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title
With Ghostfolio, you can keep track of various assets like stocks,
ETFs, bonds, cryptocurrencies and commodities.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>What else is included in Ghostfolio?</mat-card-title
Please find a feature overview to manage your wealth
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkFeatures">here</a>.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>How do I start?</mat-card-title></mat-card-header
You can sign up via the “<a [routerLink]="routerLinkRegister"
>Get Started</a
>” button at the top of the page. You have multiple options to join
Ghostfolio: Create an account with a security token, using
<a href="../en/blog/2022/07/ghostfolio-meets-internet-identity"
>Internet Identity</a
or <i>Google Sign</i>. We will guide you to set up your portfolio.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>Will you spam me with emails once I sign up?</mat-card-title
No, we do not even collect your email address, so you will not receive
any spam emails from us.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>Can I use Ghostfolio anonymously?</mat-card-title
Yes, the authentication systems (via security token or
<a href="../en/blog/2022/07/ghostfolio-meets-internet-identity"
>Internet Identity</a
>) enable you to sign in securely and anonymously to Ghostfolio. There
is no need for an e-mail address, phone number, or a username.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>How can Ghostfolio be free?</mat-card-title
>This project is driven by the efforts of contributors from around the
world. The
<a href="">source code</a> is
fully available as open source software (OSS). Thanks to our generous
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">Ghostfolio Premium</a> users and
<a href="">sponsors</a> we have
the ability to run a free, limited plan for novice
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Is it really free?</mat-card-title></mat-card-header
>Yes, it is! Our
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">pricing page</a> details
everything you get for free.</mat-card-content
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>Do you monetize or sell my financial data?</mat-card-title
>No, we value your privacy. We do not sell or share your financial
data with any third parties.</mat-card-content
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>What is your business model?</mat-card-title
>By offering
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">Ghostfolio Premium</a>, a
subscription plan with a managed hosting service and enhanced
features, we fund our business while providing added value to our
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>What is Ghostfolio Premium?</mat-card-title
><a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">Ghostfolio Premium</a> is a fully
managed Ghostfolio cloud offering for ambitious investors. Revenue is
used to cover the costs of the hosting infrastructure and to fund
ongoing development. It is the Open Source code base with some extras
like the <a [routerLink]="routerLinkMarkets">markets overview</a> and
a professional data provider.</mat-card-content
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>Can I start with a trial version?</mat-card-title
>Yes, you can try
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">Ghostfolio Premium</a> by signing
up for Ghostfolio and applying for a trial (see “My Ghostfolio”). It
is easy, free and there is no commitment. You can stop using it at any
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>How can I get a student discount for Ghostfolio
>Request your student discount
<a href=" Discount">here</a> with
your university e-mail address.</mat-card-content
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Which devices are supported?</mat-card-title>
>Ghostfolio works in every modern web browser on smartphones, tablets
and desktop computers. For <i>Android</i> users, there is a dedicated
Ghostfolio app available in the
>Google Play Store</a
*ngIf="user?.subscription?.type === 'Premium'"
>I cannot find my broker in the list of platforms. What can I
Please send an e-mail with the web address of your broker to
<a href=""></a> and we are happy to
add it.
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
>Ghostfolio sounds cool, how can I get involved?</mat-card-title
>Any support for Ghostfolio is welcome. Be it with a
<a [routerLink]="routerLinkPricing">Ghostfolio Premium</a>
subscription to finance the hosting infrastructure, a positive rating
in the
>Google Play Store</a
>, a star on
<a href="">GitHub</a>,
feedback, bug reports, feature requests and of course contributions!
You can reach us via Ghostfolio
title="Join the Ghostfolio Slack community"
title="Post to Ghostfolio on X (formerly Twitter)"
><ng-container *ngIf="user?.subscription?.type === 'Premium'"
<a href="" title="Send an e-mail"
title="Find Ghostfolio on GitHub"
<mat-card appearance="outlined" class="mb-3">
<mat-card-title>Got any other questions?</mat-card-title>
>Please join the Ghostfolio
title="Join the Ghostfolio Slack community"
>Slack </a
>community, post to
title="Post to Ghostfolio on X (formerly Twitter)"
><ng-container *ngIf="user?.subscription?.type === 'Premium'"
>, send an e-mail to
<a href="" title="Send an e-mail"
or start a discussion at
title="Find Ghostfolio on GitHub"