**Ghostfolio** is an open source wealth management software built with web technology. The application empowers busy people to keep track of stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies and make solid, data-driven investment decisions. The software is designed for personal use in continuous operation.
[<img src="./apps/client/src/assets/images/video-preview.jpg" width="600" alt="Preview image of the Ghostfolio video trailer">](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY6ObSQVJZk)
Our official **[Ghostfolio Premium](https://ghostfol.io/en/pricing)** cloud offering is the easiest way to get started. Due to the time it saves, this will be the best option for most people. The revenue is used for covering the hosting costs.
The backend is based on [NestJS](https://nestjs.com) using [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org) as a database together with [Prisma](https://www.prisma.io) and [Redis](https://redis.io) for caching.
The frontend is built with [Angular](https://angular.io) and uses [Angular Material](https://material.angular.io) with utility classes from [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com).
We provide official container images hosted on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ghostfolio/ghostfolio) for `linux/amd64`, `linux/arm/v7` and `linux/arm64`.
[<img src="./apps/client/src/assets/images/button-buy-me-a-coffee.png" width="150" alt="Buy me a coffee button"/>](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ghostfolio)
| `ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT` | | A random string used as salt for access tokens |
| `BASE_CURRENCY` | `USD` | The base currency of the Ghostfolio application.<br/>`AUD` \| `CAD` \| `CNY` \| `EUR` \| `GBP` \| `JPY` \| `RUB` \| `USD`<br/>Caution: Only set if you intend to track cryptocurrencies in a non-`USD` currency. This cannot be changed later! |
| `DATABASE_URL` | | The database connection URL, e.g. `postgresql://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=prefer` |
| `HOST` | `` | The host where the Ghostfolio application will run on |
| `JWT_SECRET_KEY` | | A random string used for _JSON Web Tokens_ (JWT) |
| `PORT` | `3333` | The port where the Ghostfolio application will run on |
| `POSTGRES_DB` | | The name of the _PostgreSQL_ database |
| `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` | | The password of the _PostgreSQL_ database |
| `POSTGRES_USER` | | The user of the _PostgreSQL_ database |
| `REDIS_HOST` | | The host where _Redis_ is running |
| `REDIS_PASSWORD` | | The password of _Redis_ |
| `REDIS_PORT` | | The port where _Redis_ is running |
1. Run `docker-compose --env-file ./.env -f docker/docker-compose.dev.yml up -d` to start [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org) and [Redis](https://redis.io)
You can get the _Bearer Token_ via `GET http://localhost:3333/api/v1/auth/anonymous/<INSERT_SECURITY_TOKEN_OF_ACCOUNT>` or `curl -s http://localhost:3333/api/v1/auth/anonymous/<INSERT_SECURITY_TOKEN_OF_ACCOUNT>`.
Ghostfolio is **100% free** and **open source**. We encourage and support an active and healthy community that accepts contributions from the public - including you.
Not sure what to work on? We have got some ideas. Please join the Ghostfolio [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/ghostfolio/shared_invite/zt-vsaan64h-F_I0fEo5M0P88lP9ibCxFg) or tweet to [@ghostfolio\_](https://twitter.com/ghostfolio_). We would love to hear from you.
If you like to support this project, get [**Ghostfolio Premium**](https://ghostfol.io/en/pricing) or [**Buy me a coffee**](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ghostfolio).