@ -11,17 +11,22 @@ import { Portfolio } from '@ghostfolio/api/models/portfolio';
import { DataProviderService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider.service' ;
import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/exchange-rate-data.service' ;
import { ImpersonationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/impersonation.service' ;
import { IOrder } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces' ;
import { Type } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces' ;
import { IOrder , Type } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces' ;
import { RulesService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/rules.service' ;
import { DATE_FORMAT , parseDate } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper' ;
import {
PortfolioItem ,
PortfolioOverview ,
PortfolioPerformance ,
PortfolioPosition ,
Position ,
} from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces' ;
import { DateRange , RequestWithUser } from '@ghostfolio/common/types' ;
import {
DateRange ,
OrderWithAccount ,
} from '@ghostfolio/common/types' ;
import { Inject , Injectable } from '@nestjs/common' ;
import { REQUEST } from '@nestjs/core' ;
import { DataSource } from '@prisma/client' ;
@ -52,6 +57,10 @@ import {
HistoricalDataItem ,
} from './interfaces/portfolio-position-detail.interface' ;
import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile.service' ;
import { UNKNOWN_KEY } from '@ghostfolio/common/config' ;
import { EnhancedSymbolProfile } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/symbol-profile.interface' ;
import { TransactionPoint } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/core/interfaces/transaction-point.interface' ;
@Injectable ( )
export class PortfolioService {
@ -65,7 +74,8 @@ export class PortfolioService {
private readonly redisCacheService : RedisCacheService ,
@Inject ( REQUEST ) private readonly request : RequestWithUser ,
private readonly rulesService : RulesService ,
private readonly userService : UserService
private readonly userService : UserService ,
private readonly symbolProfileService : SymbolProfileService
) { }
public async createPortfolio ( aUserId : string ) : Promise < Portfolio > {
@ -158,7 +168,7 @@ export class PortfolioService {
this . request . user . Settings . currency
) ;
const transactionPoints = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
const { transactionPoints } = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
portfolioCalculator . setTransactionPoints ( transactionPoints ) ;
if ( transactionPoints . length === 0 ) {
return [ ] ;
@ -221,19 +231,98 @@ export class PortfolioService {
} ;
public async getDetails (
aImpersonationId : string ,
aDateRange : DateRange = 'max'
) : Promise < { [ symbol : string ] : PortfolioPosition } > {
const userId = await this . getUserId ( aImpersonationId ) ;
const userCurrency = this . request . user . Settings . currency ;
const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator (
this . currentRateService ,
) ;
const { transactionPoints , orders } = await this . getTransactionPoints (
) ;
if ( transactionPoints ? . length <= 0 ) {
return { } ;
portfolioCalculator . setTransactionPoints ( transactionPoints ) ;
const portfolioStart = parseDate ( transactionPoints [ 0 ] . date ) ;
const startDate = this . getStartDate ( aDateRange , portfolioStart ) ;
const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator . getCurrentPositions (
) ;
if ( currentPositions . hasErrors ) {
throw new Error ( 'Missing information' ) ;
const result : { [ symbol : string ] : PortfolioPosition } = { } ;
const totalValue = currentPositions . currentValue ;
const symbols = currentPositions . positions . map (
( position ) = > position . symbol
) ;
const [ dataProviderResponses , symbolProfiles ] = await Promise . all ( [
this . dataProviderService . get ( symbols ) ,
this . symbolProfileService . getSymbolProfiles ( symbols )
] ) ;
const symbolProfileMap : { [ symbol : string ] : EnhancedSymbolProfile } = { } ;
for ( const symbolProfile of symbolProfiles ) {
symbolProfileMap [ symbolProfile . symbol ] = symbolProfile ;
const portfolioItemsNow : { [ symbol : string ] : TimelinePosition } = { } ;
for ( const position of currentPositions . positions ) {
portfolioItemsNow [ position . symbol ] = position ;
const accounts = this . getAccounts ( orders , portfolioItemsNow , userCurrency ) ;
for ( const item of currentPositions . positions ) {
const value = item . quantity . mul ( item . marketPrice ) ;
const symbolProfile = symbolProfileMap [ item . symbol ] ;
const dataProviderResponse = dataProviderResponses [ item . symbol ] ;
result [ item . symbol ] = {
accounts ,
allocationCurrent : value.div ( totalValue ) . toNumber ( ) ,
allocationInvestment : item.investment
. div ( currentPositions . totalInvestment )
. toNumber ( ) ,
countries : symbolProfile.countries ,
currency : item.currency ,
exchange : dataProviderResponse.exchange ,
grossPerformance : item.grossPerformance.toNumber ( ) ,
grossPerformancePercent : item.grossPerformancePercentage.toNumber ( ) ,
investment : item.investment.toNumber ( ) ,
marketPrice : item.marketPrice ,
marketState : dataProviderResponse.marketState ,
name : item.name ,
quantity : item.quantity.toNumber ( ) ,
sectors : symbolProfile.sectors ,
symbol : item . symbol ,
transactionCount : item.transactionCount ,
type : dataProviderResponse . type ,
value : value.toNumber ( )
} ;
return result ;
public async getPosition (
aImpersonationId : string ,
aSymbol : string
) : Promise < PortfolioPositionDetail > {
const impersonationUserId =
await this . impersonationService . validateImpersonationId (
aImpersonationId ,
this . request . user . id
) ;
const portfolio = await this . createPortfolio (
impersonationUserId || this . request . user . id
) ;
const userId = await this . getUserId ( aImpersonationId ) ;
const portfolio = await this . createPortfolio ( userId ) ;
const position = portfolio . getPositions ( new Date ( ) ) [ aSymbol ] ;
@ -396,20 +485,14 @@ export class PortfolioService {
aImpersonationId : string ,
aDateRange : DateRange = 'max'
) : Promise < { hasErrors : boolean ; positions : Position [ ] } > {
const impersonationUserId =
await this . impersonationService . validateImpersonationId (
aImpersonationId ,
this . request . user . id
) ;
const userId = impersonationUserId || this . request . user . id ;
const userId = await this . getUserId ( aImpersonationId ) ;
const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator (
this . currentRateService ,
this . request . user . Settings . currency
) ;
const transactionPoints = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
const { transactionPoints } = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
if ( transactionPoints ? . length <= 0 ) {
return {
@ -461,7 +544,7 @@ export class PortfolioService {
this . request . user . Settings . currency
) ;
const transactionPoints = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
const { transactionPoints } = await this . getTransactionPoints ( userId ) ;
if ( transactionPoints ? . length <= 0 ) {
return {
@ -521,11 +604,14 @@ export class PortfolioService {
return portfolioStart ;
private async getTransactionPoints ( userId : string ) {
private async getTransactionPoints ( userId : string ) : Promise < {
transactionPoints : TransactionPoint [ ] ;
orders : OrderWithAccount [ ] ;
} > {
const orders = await this . getOrders ( userId ) ;
if ( orders . length <= 0 ) {
return [] ;
return { transactionPoints : [] , orders : [ ] } ;
const portfolioOrders : PortfolioOrder [ ] = orders . map ( ( order ) = > ( {
@ -543,7 +629,10 @@ export class PortfolioService {
this . request . user . Settings . currency
) ;
portfolioCalculator . computeTransactionPoints ( portfolioOrders ) ;
return portfolioCalculator . getTransactionPoints ( ) ;
return {
transactionPoints : portfolioCalculator.getTransactionPoints ( ) ,
} ;
private convertDateRangeToDate ( aDateRange : DateRange , aMinDate : Date ) {
@ -593,6 +682,44 @@ export class PortfolioService {
private getAccounts (
orders : OrderWithAccount [ ] ,
portfolioItemsNow : { [ p : string ] : TimelinePosition } ,
) {
const accounts : PortfolioPosition [ 'accounts' ] = { } ;
for ( const order of orders ) {
let currentValueOfSymbol = this . exchangeRateDataService . toCurrency (
order . quantity * portfolioItemsNow [ order . symbol ] . marketPrice ,
order . currency ,
) ;
let originalValueOfSymbol = this . exchangeRateDataService . toCurrency (
order . quantity * order . unitPrice ,
order . currency ,
) ;
if ( order . type === 'SELL' ) {
currentValueOfSymbol *= - 1 ;
originalValueOfSymbol *= - 1 ;
if ( accounts [ order . Account ? . name || UNKNOWN_KEY ] ? . current ) {
accounts [ order . Account ? . name || UNKNOWN_KEY ] . current +=
currentValueOfSymbol ;
accounts [ order . Account ? . name || UNKNOWN_KEY ] . original +=
originalValueOfSymbol ;
} else {
accounts [ order . Account ? . name || UNKNOWN_KEY ] = {
current : currentValueOfSymbol ,
original : originalValueOfSymbol
} ;
return accounts ;
private getOrders ( aUserId : string ) {
return this . orderService . orders ( {
include : {
@ -605,4 +732,14 @@ export class PortfolioService {
where : { userId : aUserId }
} ) ;
private async getUserId ( aImpersonationId : string ) {
const impersonationUserId =
await this . impersonationService . validateImpersonationId (
aImpersonationId ,
this . request . user . id
) ;
return impersonationUserId || this . request . user . id ;