Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find quick answers to commonly asked questions about self-hosting Ghostfolio in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.

How do I start? If you prefer to run Ghostfolio on your own infrastructure, please find the source code and further instructions on GitHub. How do I add a new currency?

Ghostfolio manages currencies automatically based on all the recorded activities. If you need an additional currency, you can manually enter it.

  1. Go to the Admin Control panel
  2. Click on the Add Currency button
  3. Insert e.g. EUR in the prompt
How do I resolve No exchange rate has been found errors?

In Ghostfolio, you are responsible for providing the relevant historical exchange rates. This can be done with a one-time import of the data. If you see errors like Historical exchange rate at 2024-01-01 is not available from "EUR" to "USD" do the following:

  1. Go to the Admin Control panel
  2. Go to the Market Data section
  3. Select Filter by Currencies
  4. Find the entry USDEUR
  5. Click the menu item Gather Historical Data in the dialog
How do I add a new platform?
  1. Go to the Admin Control panel
  2. Go to the Settings section
  3. Click on the Add Platform button
How do I add a new tag?
  1. Go to the Admin Control panel
  2. Go to the Settings section
  3. Click on the Add Tag button
Which devices are supported? Ghostfolio works in every modern web browser on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. Got any other questions? Please join the Ghostfolio Slack community, post to @ghostfolio_ or start a discussion at GitHub.