import { LookupItem } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/symbol/interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration/configuration.service'; import { DataProviderInterface, GetDividendsParams, GetHistoricalParams, GetQuotesParams, GetSearchParams } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider/interfaces/data-provider.interface'; import { IDataProviderHistoricalResponse, IDataProviderResponse } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces'; import { DEFAULT_CURRENCY } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { DataProviderInfo } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AssetClass, AssetSubClass, DataSource, SymbolProfile } from '@prisma/client'; import { format, fromUnixTime, getUnixTime } from 'date-fns'; import got, { Headers } from 'got'; @Injectable() export class CoinGeckoService implements DataProviderInterface { private readonly apiUrl: string; private readonly headers: Headers = {}; public constructor( private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService ) { const apiKeyDemo = this.configurationService.get('API_KEY_COINGECKO_DEMO'); const apiKeyPro = this.configurationService.get('API_KEY_COINGECKO_PRO'); this.apiUrl = ''; if (apiKeyDemo) { this.headers['x-cg-demo-api-key'] = apiKeyDemo; } if (apiKeyPro) { this.apiUrl = ''; this.headers['x-cg-pro-api-key'] = apiKeyPro; } } public canHandle(symbol: string) { return true; } public async getAssetProfile({ symbol }: { symbol: string; }): Promise> { const response: Partial = { symbol, assetClass: AssetClass.LIQUIDITY, assetSubClass: AssetSubClass.CRYPTOCURRENCY, currency: DEFAULT_CURRENCY, dataSource: this.getName() }; try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT')); const { name } = await got(`${this.apiUrl}/coins/${symbol}`, { headers: this.headers, // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal }).json(); = name; } catch (error) { let message = error; if (error?.code === 'ABORT_ERR') { message = `RequestError: The operation to get the asset profile for ${symbol} was aborted because the request to the data provider took more than ${this.configurationService.get( 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' )}ms`; } Logger.error(message, 'CoinGeckoService'); } return response; } public getDataProviderInfo(): DataProviderInfo { return { isPremium: false, name: 'CoinGecko', url: '' }; } public async getDividends({}: GetDividendsParams) { return {}; } public async getHistorical({ from, requestTimeout = this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT'), symbol, to }: GetHistoricalParams): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse }; }> { try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, requestTimeout); const { prices } = await got( `${ this.apiUrl }/coins/${symbol}/market_chart/range?vs_currency=${DEFAULT_CURRENCY.toLowerCase()}&from=${getUnixTime( from )}&to=${getUnixTime(to)}`, { headers: this.headers, // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); const result: { [symbol: string]: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse }; } = { [symbol]: {} }; for (const [timestamp, marketPrice] of prices) { result[symbol][format(fromUnixTime(timestamp / 1000), DATE_FORMAT)] = { marketPrice }; } return result; } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Could not get historical market data for ${symbol} (${this.getName()}) from ${format( from, DATE_FORMAT )} to ${format(to, DATE_FORMAT)}: [${}] ${error.message}` ); } } public getMaxNumberOfSymbolsPerRequest() { return 50; } public getName(): DataSource { return DataSource.COINGECKO; } public async getQuotes({ requestTimeout = this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT'), symbols }: GetQuotesParams): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse }> { const response: { [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse } = {}; if (symbols.length <= 0) { return response; } try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, requestTimeout); const quotes = await got( `${this.apiUrl}/simple/price?ids=${symbols.join( ',' )}&vs_currencies=${DEFAULT_CURRENCY.toLowerCase()}`, { headers: this.headers, // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); for (const symbol in quotes) { response[symbol] = { currency: DEFAULT_CURRENCY, dataProviderInfo: this.getDataProviderInfo(), dataSource: DataSource.COINGECKO, marketPrice: quotes[symbol][DEFAULT_CURRENCY.toLowerCase()], marketState: 'open' }; } } catch (error) { let message = error; if (error?.code === 'ABORT_ERR') { message = `RequestError: The operation to get the quotes was aborted because the request to the data provider took more than ${this.configurationService.get( 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' )}ms`; } Logger.error(message, 'CoinGeckoService'); } return response; } public getTestSymbol() { return 'bitcoin'; } public async search({ query }: GetSearchParams): Promise<{ items: LookupItem[] }> { let items: LookupItem[] = []; try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT')); const { coins } = await got(`${this.apiUrl}/search?query=${query}`, { headers: this.headers, // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal }).json(); items ={ id: symbol, name }) => { return { name, symbol, assetClass: AssetClass.LIQUIDITY, assetSubClass: AssetSubClass.CRYPTOCURRENCY, currency: DEFAULT_CURRENCY, dataProviderInfo: this.getDataProviderInfo(), dataSource: this.getName() }; }); } catch (error) { let message = error; if (error?.code === 'ABORT_ERR') { message = `RequestError: The operation to search for ${query} was aborted because the request to the data provider took more than ${this.configurationService.get( 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' )}ms`; } Logger.error(message, 'CoinGeckoService'); } return { items }; } }