import { LookupItem } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/symbol/interfaces/lookup-item.interface'; import { ConfigurationService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/configuration/configuration.service'; import { DataProviderInterface, GetDividendsParams, GetHistoricalParams, GetQuotesParams, GetSearchParams } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-provider/interfaces/data-provider.interface'; import { IDataProviderHistoricalResponse, IDataProviderResponse } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/interfaces/interfaces'; import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile/symbol-profile.service'; import { DEFAULT_CURRENCY, REPLACE_NAME_PARTS } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { DATE_FORMAT, isCurrency } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { DataProviderInfo } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AssetClass, AssetSubClass, DataSource, SymbolProfile } from '@prisma/client'; import { addDays, format, isSameDay, isToday } from 'date-fns'; import got from 'got'; import { isNumber } from 'lodash'; @Injectable() export class EodHistoricalDataService implements DataProviderInterface { private apiKey: string; private readonly URL = ''; public constructor( private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService ) { this.apiKey = this.configurationService.get('API_KEY_EOD_HISTORICAL_DATA'); } public canHandle(symbol: string) { return true; } public async getAssetProfile({ symbol }: { symbol: string; }): Promise> { const [searchResult] = await this.getSearchResult(symbol); return { symbol, assetClass: searchResult?.assetClass, assetSubClass: searchResult?.assetSubClass, currency: this.convertCurrency(searchResult?.currency), dataSource: this.getName(), isin: searchResult?.isin, name: searchResult?.name }; } public getDataProviderInfo(): DataProviderInfo { return { isPremium: true }; } public async getDividends({ from, requestTimeout = this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT'), symbol, to }: GetDividendsParams): Promise<{ [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse; }> { symbol = this.convertToEodSymbol(symbol); if (isSameDay(from, to)) { to = addDays(to, 1); } try { const abortController = new AbortController(); const response: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse; } = {}; setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, requestTimeout); const historicalResult = await got( `${this.URL}/div/${symbol}?api_token=${ this.apiKey }&fmt=json&from=${format(from, DATE_FORMAT)}&to=${format( to, DATE_FORMAT )}`, { // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); for (const { date, value } of historicalResult) { response[date] = { marketPrice: value }; } return response; } catch (error) { Logger.error( `Could not get dividends for ${symbol} (${this.getName()}) from ${format( from, DATE_FORMAT )} to ${format(to, DATE_FORMAT)}: [${}] ${error.message}`, 'EodHistoricalDataService' ); return {}; } } public async getHistorical({ from, granularity = 'day', requestTimeout = this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT'), symbol, to }: GetHistoricalParams): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: { [date: string]: IDataProviderHistoricalResponse }; }> { symbol = this.convertToEodSymbol(symbol); try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, requestTimeout); const response = await got( `${this.URL}/eod/${symbol}?api_token=${ this.apiKey }&fmt=json&from=${format(from, DATE_FORMAT)}&to=${format( to, DATE_FORMAT )}&period=${granularity}`, { // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); return response.reduce( (result, { close, date }, index, array) => { if (isNumber(close)) { result[this.convertFromEodSymbol(symbol)][date] = { marketPrice: close }; } else { Logger.error( `Could not get historical market data for ${symbol} (${this.getName()}) at ${date}`, 'EodHistoricalDataService' ); } return result; }, { [this.convertFromEodSymbol(symbol)]: {} } ); } catch (error) { throw new Error( `Could not get historical market data for ${symbol} (${this.getName()}) from ${format( from, DATE_FORMAT )} to ${format(to, DATE_FORMAT)}: [${}] ${error.message}` ); } } public getMaxNumberOfSymbolsPerRequest() { // It is not recommended using more than 15-20 tickers per request // return 20; } public getName(): DataSource { return DataSource.EOD_HISTORICAL_DATA; } public async getQuotes({ requestTimeout = this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT'), symbols }: GetQuotesParams): Promise<{ [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse }> { let response: { [symbol: string]: IDataProviderResponse } = {}; if (symbols.length <= 0) { return response; } const eodHistoricalDataSymbols = => { return this.convertToEodSymbol(symbol); }); try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, requestTimeout); const realTimeResponse = await got( `${this.URL}/real-time/${eodHistoricalDataSymbols[0]}?api_token=${ this.apiKey }&fmt=json&s=${eodHistoricalDataSymbols.join(',')}`, { // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); const quotes = eodHistoricalDataSymbols.length === 1 ? [realTimeResponse] : realTimeResponse; const symbolProfiles = await this.symbolProfileService.getSymbolProfiles( => { return { symbol, dataSource: this.getName() }; }) ); for (const { close, code, timestamp } of quotes) { let currency: string; if (code.endsWith('.FOREX')) { currency = this.convertFromEodSymbol(code)?.replace( DEFAULT_CURRENCY, '' ); } if (!currency) { currency = symbolProfiles.find(({ symbol }) => { return symbol === code; })?.currency; } if (!currency) { const { items } = await{ query: code }); if (items.length === 1) { currency = items[0].currency; } } if (isNumber(close)) { response[this.convertFromEodSymbol(code)] = { currency, dataSource: this.getName(), marketPrice: close, marketState: isToday(new Date(timestamp * 1000)) ? 'open' : 'closed' }; } else { Logger.error( `Could not get quote for ${this.convertFromEodSymbol(code)} (${this.getName()})`, 'EodHistoricalDataService' ); } } return response; } catch (error) { let message = error; if (error?.code === 'ABORT_ERR') { message = `RequestError: The operation to get the quotes was aborted because the request to the data provider took more than ${this.configurationService.get( 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' )}ms`; } Logger.error(message, 'EodHistoricalDataService'); } return {}; } public getTestSymbol() { return 'AAPL.US'; } public async search({ query }: GetSearchParams): Promise<{ items: LookupItem[] }> { const searchResult = await this.getSearchResult(query); return { items: searchResult .filter(({ currency, symbol }) => { // Remove 'NA' currency and exchange rates return currency?.length === 3 && !symbol.endsWith('.FOREX'); }) .map( ({ assetClass, assetSubClass, currency, dataSource, name, symbol }) => { return { assetClass, assetSubClass, dataSource, name, symbol, currency: this.convertCurrency(currency), dataProviderInfo: this.getDataProviderInfo() }; } ) }; } private convertCurrency(aCurrency: string) { let currency = aCurrency; if (currency === 'GBX') { currency = 'GBp'; } return currency; } private convertFromEodSymbol(aEodSymbol: string) { let symbol = aEodSymbol; if (symbol.endsWith('.FOREX')) { symbol = symbol.replace('GBX', 'GBp'); symbol = symbol.replace('.FOREX', ''); } return symbol; } /** * Converts a symbol to a EOD symbol * * Currency: USDCHF -> USDCHF.FOREX */ private convertToEodSymbol(aSymbol: string) { if ( aSymbol.startsWith(DEFAULT_CURRENCY) && aSymbol.length > DEFAULT_CURRENCY.length ) { if ( isCurrency( aSymbol.substring(0, aSymbol.length - DEFAULT_CURRENCY.length) ) ) { let symbol = aSymbol; symbol = symbol.replace('GBp', 'GBX'); return `${symbol}.FOREX`; } } return aSymbol; } private formatName({ name }: { name: string }) { if (name) { for (const part of REPLACE_NAME_PARTS) { name = name.replace(part, ''); } name = name.trim(); } return name; } private async getSearchResult(aQuery: string): Promise< (LookupItem & { assetClass: AssetClass; assetSubClass: AssetSubClass; isin: string; })[] > { let searchResult = []; try { const abortController = new AbortController(); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, this.configurationService.get('REQUEST_TIMEOUT')); const response = await got( `${this.URL}/search/${aQuery}?api_token=${this.apiKey}`, { // @ts-ignore signal: abortController.signal } ).json(); searchResult = ({ Code, Currency, Exchange, ISIN: isin, Name: name, Type }) => { const { assetClass, assetSubClass } = this.parseAssetClass({ Exchange, Type }); return { assetClass, assetSubClass, isin, currency: this.convertCurrency(Currency), dataSource: this.getName(), name: this.formatName({ name }), symbol: `${Code}.${Exchange}` }; } ); } catch (error) { let message = error; if (error?.code === 'ABORT_ERR') { message = `RequestError: The operation to search for ${aQuery} was aborted because the request to the data provider took more than ${this.configurationService.get( 'REQUEST_TIMEOUT' )}ms`; } Logger.error(message, 'EodHistoricalDataService'); } return searchResult; } private parseAssetClass({ Exchange, Type }: { Exchange: string; Type: string; }): { assetClass: AssetClass; assetSubClass: AssetSubClass; } { let assetClass: AssetClass; let assetSubClass: AssetSubClass; switch (Type?.toLowerCase()) { case 'common stock': assetClass = AssetClass.EQUITY; assetSubClass = AssetSubClass.STOCK; break; case 'currency': assetClass = AssetClass.LIQUIDITY; if (Exchange?.toLowerCase() === 'cc') { assetSubClass = AssetSubClass.CRYPTOCURRENCY; } break; case 'etf': assetClass = AssetClass.EQUITY; assetSubClass = AssetSubClass.ETF; break; } return { assetClass, assetSubClass }; } }