import { AccountService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/account/account.service'; import { DataGatheringService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/data-gathering/data-gathering.service'; import { ExchangeRateDataService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/exchange-rate-data/exchange-rate-data.service'; import { PrismaService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/prisma/prisma.service'; import { SymbolProfileService } from '@ghostfolio/api/services/symbol-profile/symbol-profile.service'; import { GATHER_ASSET_PROFILE_PROCESS, GATHER_ASSET_PROFILE_PROCESS_OPTIONS } from '@ghostfolio/common/config'; import { getAssetProfileIdentifier } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper'; import { Filter } from '@ghostfolio/common/interfaces'; import { OrderWithAccount } from '@ghostfolio/common/types'; import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AssetClass, AssetSubClass, DataSource, Order, Prisma, Tag, Type as TypeOfOrder } from '@prisma/client'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { endOfToday, isAfter } from 'date-fns'; import { groupBy } from 'lodash'; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; import { Activities } from './interfaces/activities.interface'; @Injectable() export class OrderService { public constructor( private readonly accountService: AccountService, private readonly dataGatheringService: DataGatheringService, private readonly exchangeRateDataService: ExchangeRateDataService, private readonly prismaService: PrismaService, private readonly symbolProfileService: SymbolProfileService ) {} public async createOrder( data: Prisma.OrderCreateInput & { accountId?: string; assetClass?: AssetClass; assetSubClass?: AssetSubClass; currency?: string; dataSource?: DataSource; symbol?: string; tags?: Tag[]; updateAccountBalance?: boolean; userId: string; } ): Promise { let Account; if (data.accountId) { Account = { connect: { id_userId: { userId: data.userId, id: data.accountId } } }; } const accountId = data.accountId; let currency = data.currency; const tags = data.tags ?? []; const updateAccountBalance = data.updateAccountBalance ?? false; const userId = data.userId; if ( data.type === 'FEE' || data.type === 'INTEREST' || data.type === 'ITEM' || data.type === 'LIABILITY' ) { const assetClass = data.assetClass; const assetSubClass = data.assetSubClass; currency = data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.currency; const dataSource: DataSource = 'MANUAL'; const id = uuidv4(); const name = data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.symbol; = id; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.assetClass = assetClass; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.assetSubClass = assetSubClass; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.currency = currency; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.dataSource = dataSource; = name; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.symbol = id; data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.where.dataSource_symbol = { dataSource, symbol: id }; } if (data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.dataSource !== 'MANUAL') { this.dataGatheringService.addJobToQueue({ data: { dataSource: data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.dataSource, symbol: data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.symbol }, name: GATHER_ASSET_PROFILE_PROCESS, opts: { ...GATHER_ASSET_PROFILE_PROCESS_OPTIONS, jobId: getAssetProfileIdentifier({ dataSource: data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.dataSource, symbol: data.SymbolProfile.connectOrCreate.create.symbol }) } }); } delete data.accountId; delete data.assetClass; delete data.assetSubClass; if (!data.comment) { delete data.comment; } delete data.currency; delete data.dataSource; delete data.symbol; delete data.tags; delete data.updateAccountBalance; delete data.userId; const orderData: Prisma.OrderCreateInput = data; const isDraft = data.type === 'FEE' || data.type === 'INTEREST' || data.type === 'ITEM' || data.type === 'LIABILITY' ? false : isAfter( as Date, endOfToday()); const order = await this.prismaService.order.create({ data: { ...orderData, Account, isDraft, tags: { connect:{ id }) => { return { id }; }) } } }); if (updateAccountBalance === true) { let amount = new Big(data.unitPrice) .mul(data.quantity) .plus(data.fee) .toNumber(); if (data.type === 'BUY') { amount = new Big(amount).mul(-1).toNumber(); } await this.accountService.updateAccountBalance({ accountId, amount, currency, userId, date: as Date }); } return order; } public async deleteOrder( where: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput ): Promise { const order = await this.prismaService.order.delete({ where }); if ( order.type === 'FEE' || order.type === 'INTEREST' || order.type === 'ITEM' || order.type === 'LIABILITY' ) { await this.symbolProfileService.deleteById(order.symbolProfileId); } return order; } public async deleteOrders(where: Prisma.OrderWhereInput): Promise { const { count } = await this.prismaService.order.deleteMany({ where }); return count; } public async getOrders({ filters, includeDrafts = false, skip, sortColumn, sortDirection, take = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, types, userCurrency, userId, withExcludedAccounts = false }: { filters?: Filter[]; includeDrafts?: boolean; skip?: number; sortColumn?: string; sortDirection?: Prisma.SortOrder; take?: number; types?: TypeOfOrder[]; userCurrency: string; userId: string; withExcludedAccounts?: boolean; }): Promise { let orderBy: Prisma.Enumerable = [ { date: 'asc' } ]; const where: Prisma.OrderWhereInput = { userId }; const { ACCOUNT: filtersByAccount, ASSET_CLASS: filtersByAssetClass, TAG: filtersByTag } = groupBy(filters, (filter) => { return filter.type; }); if (filtersByAccount?.length > 0) { where.accountId = { in:{ id }) => { return id; }) }; } if (includeDrafts === false) { where.isDraft = false; } if (filtersByAssetClass?.length > 0) { where.SymbolProfile = { OR: [ { AND: [ { OR:{ id }) => { return { assetClass: AssetClass[id] }; }) }, { OR: [ { SymbolProfileOverrides: { is: null } }, { SymbolProfileOverrides: { assetClass: null } } ] } ] }, { SymbolProfileOverrides: { OR:{ id }) => { return { assetClass: AssetClass[id] }; }) } } ] }; } if (filtersByTag?.length > 0) { where.tags = { some: { OR:{ id }) => { return { id }; }) } }; } if (sortColumn) { orderBy = [{ [sortColumn]: sortDirection }]; } if (types) { where.OR = => { return { type: { equals: type } }; }); } const [orders, count] = await Promise.all([ this.orders({ orderBy, skip, take, where, include: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention Account: { include: { Platform: true } }, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention SymbolProfile: true, tags: true } }), this.prismaService.order.count({ where }) ]); const activities = orders .filter((order) => { return ( withExcludedAccounts || !order.Account || order.Account?.isExcluded === false ); }) .map((order) => { const value = new Big(order.quantity).mul(order.unitPrice).toNumber(); return { ...order, value, feeInBaseCurrency: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( order.fee, order.SymbolProfile.currency, userCurrency ), valueInBaseCurrency: this.exchangeRateDataService.toCurrency( value, order.SymbolProfile.currency, userCurrency ) }; }); return { activities, count }; } public async order( orderWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput ): Promise { return this.prismaService.order.findUnique({ where: orderWhereUniqueInput }); } public async updateOrder({ data, where }: { data: Prisma.OrderUpdateInput & { assetClass?: AssetClass; assetSubClass?: AssetSubClass; currency?: string; dataSource?: DataSource; symbol?: string; tags?: Tag[]; }; where: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput; }): Promise { if ( === null) { delete data.Account; } if (!data.comment) { data.comment = null; } const tags = data.tags ?? []; let isDraft = false; if ( data.type === 'FEE' || data.type === 'INTEREST' || data.type === 'ITEM' || data.type === 'LIABILITY' ) { delete data.SymbolProfile.connect; } else { delete data.SymbolProfile.update; isDraft = isAfter( as Date, endOfToday()); if (!isDraft) { // Gather symbol data of order in the background, if not draft this.dataGatheringService.gatherSymbols([ { dataSource: data.SymbolProfile.connect.dataSource_symbol.dataSource, date:, symbol: data.SymbolProfile.connect.dataSource_symbol.symbol } ]); } } delete data.assetClass; delete data.assetSubClass; delete data.currency; delete data.dataSource; delete data.symbol; delete data.tags; // Remove existing tags await this.prismaService.order.update({ data: { tags: { set: [] } }, where }); return this.prismaService.order.update({ data: {, isDraft, tags: { connect:{ id }) => { return { id }; }) } }, where }); } private async orders(params: { include?: Prisma.OrderInclude; skip?: number; take?: number; cursor?: Prisma.OrderWhereUniqueInput; where?: Prisma.OrderWhereInput; orderBy?: Prisma.Enumerable; }): Promise { const { include, skip, take, cursor, where, orderBy } = params; return this.prismaService.order.findMany({ cursor, include, orderBy, skip, take, where }); } }