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import { CurrentRateService } from '@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/current-rate.service';
import { parseDate } from '@ghostfolio/common/helper';
import Big from 'big.js';
import { CurrentRateServiceMock } from './current-rate.service.mock';
import { PortfolioCalculator } from './portfolio-calculator';
jest.mock('@ghostfolio/api/app/portfolio/current-rate.service', () => {
return {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
CurrentRateService: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return CurrentRateServiceMock;
describe('PortfolioCalculator', () => {
let currentRateService: CurrentRateService;
beforeEach(() => {
currentRateService = new CurrentRateService(null, null, null);
describe('get current positions', () => {
it.only('with BALN.SW buy and sell', async () => {
const portfolioCalculator = new PortfolioCalculator({
currency: 'CHF',
orders: [
currency: 'CHF',
date: '2021-11-22',
dataSource: 'YAHOO',
fee: new Big(1.55),
name: 'Bâloise Holding AG',
quantity: new Big(2),
symbol: 'BALN.SW',
type: 'BUY',
unitPrice: new Big(142.9)
currency: 'CHF',
date: '2021-11-30',
dataSource: 'YAHOO',
fee: new Big(1.65),
name: 'Bâloise Holding AG',
quantity: new Big(2),
symbol: 'BALN.SW',
type: 'SELL',
unitPrice: new Big(136.6)
const spy = jest
.spyOn(Date, 'now')
.mockImplementation(() => parseDate('2021-12-18').getTime());
const currentPositions = await portfolioCalculator.getCurrentPositions(
const investments = portfolioCalculator.getInvestments();
const investmentsByMonth = portfolioCalculator.getInvestmentsByMonth();
currentValue: new Big('0'),
errors: [],
grossPerformance: new Big('-12.6'),
grossPerformancePercentage: new Big('-0.0440867739678096571'),
hasErrors: false,
netPerformance: new Big('-15.8'),
netPerformancePercentage: new Big('-0.0552834149755073478'),
positions: [
averagePrice: new Big('0'),
currency: 'CHF',
dataSource: 'YAHOO',
firstBuyDate: '2021-11-22',
grossPerformance: new Big('-12.6'),
grossPerformancePercentage: new Big('-0.0440867739678096571'),
investment: new Big('0'),
netPerformance: new Big('-15.8'),
netPerformancePercentage: new Big('-0.0552834149755073478'),
marketPrice: 148.9,
quantity: new Big('0'),
symbol: 'BALN.SW',
transactionCount: 2
totalInvestment: new Big('0')
{ date: '2021-11-22', investment: new Big('285.8') },
{ date: '2021-11-30', investment: new Big('0') }
{ date: '2021-11-01', investment: new Big('12.6') }