You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
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2 years ago
import i18n from "i18next";
import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
import Backend from "i18next-http-backend";
import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";
import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes";
fallbackLng: "en",
ns: ["common"],
// debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
2 years ago
defaultNS: "common",
nonExplicitSupportedLngs: true,
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false,
backend: {
loadPath: "/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json",
});"bytes", (value, lng, options) =>
prettyBytes(parseFloat(value), { locale: lng, ...options })
);"rate", (value, lng, options) => {
if (value === 0) return "0 Bps";
const bits = options.bits ? value : value / 8;
const k = 1024;
const dm = options.decimals ? options.decimals : 0;
const sizes = ["Bps", "Kbps", "Mbps", "Gbps", "Tbps", "Pbps", "Ebps", "Zbps", "Ybps"];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bits) / Math.log(k));
const formatted = new Intl.NumberFormat(lng, { maximumFractionDigits: dm, minimumFractionDigits: dm }).format(
parseFloat(bits / k ** i)
return `${formatted} ${sizes[i]}`;
2 years ago"percent", (value, lng, options) =>
new Intl.NumberFormat(lng, { style: "percent", ...options }).format(parseFloat(value) / 100.0)
export default i18n;