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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"],"fields":{"title":{"boost":1000.0},"text":{"boost":1.0},"tags":{"boost":1000000.0}}},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"Home","text":"<p> A modern, fully static, fast, secure fully proxied, highly customizable application dashboard with integrations for over 100 services and translations into multiple languages. Easily configured via YAML files or through docker label discovery. </p> <p> \u00a0 Install on Docker </p> <p> \u00a0 Install on Kubernetes </p> <p> \u00a0 Install on UNRAID </p> <p> \u00a0 Building from source </p>"},{"location":"configs/bookmarks/","title":"Bookmarks","text":"<p>Bookmarks function much the same as Services, in how groups and lists work. They're just much simpler, smaller, and contain no extra features other than being a link out.</p> <p>The design of homepage expects <code>abbr</code> to be 2 letters, but is not otherwise forced.</p> <p>You can also use an icon for bookmarks similar to the options for service icons. If both icon and abbreviation are supplied, the icon takes precedence.</p> <pre><code>- Developer:\n- Github:\n- abbr: GH\nhref:\n- Social:\n- Reddit:\n- icon: reddit.png\nhref:\n- Entertainment:\n- YouTube:\n- abbr: YT\nhref:\n</code></pre> <p></p>"},{"location":"configs/custom-css-js/","title":"Custom CSS & JS","text":"<p>As of version v0.6.30 homepage supports adding your own custom css &amp; javascript. Please do so at your own risk.</p> <p>To add custom css simply edit the <code>custom.css</code> file under your config directory, similarly for javascript you would edit <code>custom.js</code>. You can then target elements in homepage with various classes / ids to customize things to your liking.</p> <p>You can also set a specific <code>id</code> for a service or bookmark to target with your custom css or javascript, e.g.</p> <pre><code>Service:\nid: myserviceid\nicon: icon.png\n...\n</code></pre>"},{"location":"configs/docker/","title":"Docker","text":"<p>Docker instances are configured inside the <code>docker.yaml</code> file. Both IP:PORT and Socket connections are supported.</p> <p>For IP:PORT, simply make sure your Docker instance has been configured to accept API traffic over the HTTP API.</p> <pre><code>my-remote-docker:\nhost:\nport: 2375\n</code></pre>"},{"location":"configs/docker/#using-docker-tls","title":"Using Docker TLS","text":"<p>Since Docker supports connecting with TLS and client certificate authentication, you can include TLS details when connecting to the HTTP API. Further details of setting up Docker to accept TLS connections, and generation of the keys and certs can be found in the Docker documentation. The file entries are relative to the <code>config</code> directory (location of <code>docker.yaml</code> file).</p> <pre><code>my-remote-docker:\nhost:\nport: 275\ntls:\nkeyFile: tls/key.pem\ncaFile: tls/ca.pem\ncertFile: tls/cert.pem\n</code></pre>"},{"location":"configs/docker/#using-docker-socket-proxy","title":"Using Docker Socket Proxy","text":"<p>Due to security concerns with exposing the docker socket directly, you can use a docker-socket-proxy container to expose the docker socket on a more restricted and secure API.</p> <p>Here is an example docker-compose file that will expose the docker socket, and then connect to it from the homepage container:</p> <pre><code>dockerproxy:\nimage:\ncontainer_name: dockerproxy\nenvironment:\n- CONTAINERS=1 # Allow access to viewing containers\n- SERVICES=1 # Allow access to viewing services (necessary when using Docker Swarm)\n- TASKS=1 # Allow access to viewing tasks (necessary when using Docker Swarm)\n- POST=0 # Disallow any POST operations (effectively read-only)\nports:\n-\nvolumes:\n- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro # Mounted as read-only\nrestart: unless-stopped\nhomepage:\nimage:\ncontainer_name: homepage\nvolumes:\n- /path/to/con