You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
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import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "next-i18next";
2 months ago
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
import useWidgetAPI from "../../../utils/proxy/use-widget-api";
import Error from "../../../components/services/widget/error";
import Agenda from "../agenda";
2 months ago
export default function Project({ widget }) {
const { t } = useTranslation();
// Fetch projects data unconditionally
const { data: projectsData, error: projectsError } = useWidgetAPI(widget, "getAllProjects");
// Fetch tasks for the specific project unconditionally
const { data: tasksData, error: tasksError } = useWidgetAPI(widget, "getAllActiveTasks", {
refreshInterval: widget.refreshInterval || 300000, // 5 minutes, use default if not provided
// State to hold tasks
const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
// Check for errors
if (projectsError) {
// Check if projectsData is available
if (!projectsData) {
// Find the project with the given name
2 months ago
const project = projectsData.find((index) => === widget.project_name);
// Check if project exists
if (!project) {
// Extract project ID and color
const projectId =;
const projectColor = widget.color || project.color || "blue"; // Default color if not provided
// Check for tasks error
if (tasksError) {
// Process tasks data and set tasks
if (tasksData && tasksData.length > 0) {
const tasksToAdd = tasksData
.filter((task) => task.project_id === projectId) // Filter tasks by project ID
.slice(0, widget.maxTasks || tasksData.length)
.map((task) => ({
title: task.content || t("Untitled Task by Label"),
date: task.due ? DateTime.fromISO(, { zone: widget.timeZone }).toJSDate() : null,
color: projectColor, // Assign project color to task
description: task.tags ? task.tags.join(", ") : "",
url: task.url,
// Update the tasks state
}, [projectsData, projectsError, tasksData, tasksError, widget, t]);
// Check for tasks error and display error component if not hidden
if (tasksError && !widget.hideErrors) {
return <Error error={{ message: `${widget.type}: ${tasksError.message}` }} />;
// Check for projects error and display error component
if (projectsError) {
return <Error error={{ message: `${widget.type}: ${projectsError.message}` }} />;
// If projectsData is not yet available, return null or loading indicator
if (!projectsData) {
return null; // or return a loading indicator
// Find the project with the given name
2 months ago
const project = projectsData.find((index) => === widget.project_name);
// If project does not exist, display error component
if (!project) {
return <Error error={{ message: `${widget.type}: Project not found` }} />;
// Render the Agenda component with tasks
return <Agenda tasks={tasks} />;